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More HD Videos from San Diego Concert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, July 03, 2013


Anonymous said...

thanks again for putting these up. I enjoy every last one of them.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks to all of you who shared the videos!!:)

I'm loving every minute of it!!:)


Anonymous said...

I love it when Adam does some of those sexy dance moves(CUCKOO) and laughs to himself as if he can't believe he just did that. Once again he seemed to have so much fun on that stage even though he seems to be performing the same songs over and over again at these latest concerts. He seems to like those animal print tee shirts, leather vests and wore a very interesting pair of boots. I also enjoy watching all these vids. They are probably the closest I will ever get to an Adam performance. This morning I just happened to turn on the radio at home and there was WWFM. It always puts a smile on my face to hear that song and it started off the day on a positive note in spite of the heat and humidity.

Anonymous said...

Great show, Adam at his best, and the band sounded great. Glad to hear everyone had such a good time. So excited for those who were able to meet him, that is a dream come true.


Anonymous said...

Last night, I listened to Adam's Glam Nation Live Tour cd. It was still incredible! Cam's and Monte's subtle keyboard and guitar playing during some of the songs was simply amazing. The key here is subtle -- we want to hear Adam's voice, not necessarily all the musicians and back vocals up front like in recent shows. I also listened to some of the songs he sang in Kiev with QUEEN. Again, a cohesive sound by the band, with Brian and Roger adding subtle background vocals to Adam's voice. That's how it's supposed to be done. I know that Adam loves his band and that he will remain loyal to them. But,IMHO, Brian London, as good as he may have been for previous artists, will not propulse Adam further in his career. I may be wrong about this, but I strongly want Adam to become even greater during live shows. A great show to me is totally planned way ahead but manages to look improvised. That's professionalism. Ok, done ranting.

Anonymous said...

Great as the vids are and so grateful for them. Not sure ever be well enough see him live again hopes tho. Because it it's not one thing it's another. But as great as vids are everyone says they just do not come close to being there, so I just would not just judge by the vids. Thanks so much for them. Gonna watch these now and retire off here awhile not doing my health any good. As much as I care for Adam! At least from posting, Sue

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam's singing and the music was delightful. Just perfect.

daydreamin said...

@Sue, I don't blame you one bit. I popped my head in to see the great accumulation of vids that admin always has ready for us.
I have missed this site and the positive, upbeat regulars but have been getting back to some real life that I had been putting off. I had to leave here due to all the negativity with some directed at me too, but I just wanted to let you know I will keep you in my prayers. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Take care Sue we gonna miss your post until then.....


Anonymous said...

JAK here...what a blessing it is to sit in the comfort of my home and watch Adam dancing and singing in these performances. I can't go to see him, but wonderful people bring him to me. Thank you everyone who captures him and shares him .

@sue, do rest up and make a complete recovery

@daydreamin, I've been missing' you since you've been gone............wait a minute, that's a song title as I recall!
But nevertheless true!

tea said...

Aticle on Yahoo! homepage about the Streaker.

Anonymous said...

Came back to say thank you all, the negativity from some jealous people in my opinion if Adam is bull. Yes because I am so positive of h I get plenty, tired of it. But that will never stop me from following him. The negativity especially yesterday made blood pressure go up.just taking a break from posting a while. Came back to say Thanks to all the regular, positive well wishers thanks. Thanks so for vids too! Other wise I would always miss out! Sue

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First of all, JAK, you really crack me up! I did the same thing-haunched over the computer screen trying to follow the live feed and hated myself afterwards as I watched the clear wonderful vids of Adam! WOW! That was a raucous "FEVER". I really loved it. I keep watching it to view those wonderful bodily movements. Whew! I was nicknamed "Margarita Lady" by Lam-my because I used to have little Adam Lambert get together parties with a big pitcher of margaritas for all and we would have a ball dancing and watching Adam. I still love to watch Adam even though the parties have subsided due to other interests by my friends, but we had the parties for a good couple of years. My biggest dream is to again see Adam to perform with Queen-a match truly made in heaven. I guess you might say that I will be a forever Adam Lambert fan.

Anonymous said...

I'm never going to be satisfied with this band. It's hardly average.

Anonymous said...

TO ALL TROLLS-food for thought. Just how many plaques harbor your name on wells in Africa to give fresh water to needy people? My Adam has his name on many wells! You wretched little trolls-go and give back to societies of the world, as has our Adam!

Anonymous said...

Totally skipping the encore. I can't think of a more outdated songs than Purple Haze and AYGGMW.

Anonymous said...

Well the band is over. He only has one more show. Don't worry your little head about it

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Sexy Adam is a bomb! lol! Yea plenty of margarita needed for Fever party...Hey! what a beautiful surprise, Margarita Lady! I love those crisscross laces and the boots. This again brings to mind the genius of Lady Gaga; her Fever composition, lyric and the special hypnotic boom boom fit Adam only! Loved that high note. How can this not be a #1 hit! Thank goodness it was, in my country for so many weeks. But alas, didn't get this fever-pitch version when I saw it live due perhaps to opposing emotions. Thanks JAK for inciting Margarita. lol!


Anonymous said...

Tommy ain't going nowhere. I think Bridger took a hike. Hard to get into the Glamily when Tommy is the gatekeeper.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think with these recent concerts and appearances, if you are someone who watches all the vids on this site or You Tube, then you do see the same songs done over and over again with the same covers also. Some of us enjoy Adam no matter what he sings. Others may have seen him for the first time and want to see more. Then there are those who just don't get him or his music. There will always be those who criticize him as well as those who are loyal fans and absolutely love him. I think he is the best vocal talent in music today, but for whatever the reasons: the band, the songs, his stage performances, his sexual orientation, etc. Adam just hasn't achieved the success in the music business that he should have. Where he goes from here is anybody's guess. I'm interested in a third album and the direction he will take with it. It just might be the one to make it or break it for him in this crazy world of music today.

Anonymous said...

@6:22PM- Interesting comments especially the last four sentences. I agree with what you are saying overall. Those of us who are fans are waiting for the third album, but there isn't much being said about Adam working on songs for it. I guess we will just have to wait to see what happens in the next few months.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to be loyal to Tommy. He has his own agenda and he is loyal only to his own fans.

Anonymous said...

Before the internet. we DIDN'T see the same shows and performances over ang over. Now we do, but it's only by choice. It gets repetitive because we allow it to be. If you don't want to see the same basic show multiple times, don't watch multiple times. Technology alows us to OD on anything and everything, just because we can. It's the nature of the beast. Adam will change things up when he can. I'm sure he's as eager to do new music as anyone. In the meantime, I could listen to that voice all day. This SD show had great patter and really showed his humor.


tea said...

This is a really really nice personal report from Bill Pinella

Idol Chatter: Adam Lambert comes home

Anonymous said...

The positive posters always out number the negative nellies and if they are simply ignored then they will eventually leave.

Great vids from SD!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Trespassing was his make or break album. You don't get that many chances in this business

Anonymous said...

my aunt was at this concert and she thought it looked like a good size crowd was there. The weather seemed a lot nicer than Orlando. lol

Anonymous said...

Hell would be cooler than Orlando in July!

Anonymous said...

6:53 great article thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...

Did you see this, her start from the stands to getting caught.

If I was 30 years younger and a body like that at a Adam Lambert concert, all I can say is go for it honey!

6 Minute San Diego Streaker Helmut Cam YT Video by the woman herself:

Katelyn Greathouse: Adam Lambert streaker RETURNS -via gopro;


Anonymous said...

I'm going to stop reading this comment section. I see too many negative posts and frankly they make me mad. To those who insist on doubting Adam's success you can have this comment section all by yourself. Too many trolls for me. I saw his show in Del Mar and he was terrific and so was his band! The sound on videos are lousy! Adam /band are so much better in person! Go see him or stop giving your unqualified opinions! Gini

Anonymous said...

I just think that Adam and the band are not in sync or something. I'm not a fan of the 60's music and I only like one song from Kravitz and it's not AYGGMW.

Anonymous said...

Ok, maybe I like one song from the 60's, Shakin All Over. I talked to the original band Pirates in a rock festival sometimes in the late 70's. I had no idea who they were. I thought they were roadies of the boy band who's fan I was then, lol. I read that the Pirates influenced Led Zeppelin.

Anonymous said...

for the life of me I can not understand why trolls follow Adam's every move. I am not a sociologist or mental health worker but it is very abnormal. These are adults too. It frightens me.

Anonymous said...

9:42 I try not to think of it, major heebie jeebies here.

glitzylady said...

I just got home from San Diego.

My impressions of Adam, the band, and the San Diego concert: They were all GREAT!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

60's music? You mean the one song, Purple Haze? It's a rock anthem.

Anonymous said...

Hollywood Reporter posted Vines from tonights gig. What song is this?

Hollywood Reporter ‏@Idol_Worship
What do we want from you? Some new music would be nice.

Anonymous said...

Looks like that exclusive AT&T Live Proud event turned out to be not so exclusive and they gave away tons of free tickets so all the usual up front people were up front again. Oh well.

Lyndsey has some pics and short vids. I'm sure there will be tons more with all the fans there.

Anonymous said...

10:41, it's Whataya Want From Me.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering how the "as usual" fans got to know they could get free tickets. Are they in the fan club?

Anonymous said...

@10:47 sounds odd if WWFM.

Anonymous said...

10:55, it's a crappy Vine video from a cell phone. But you can hear Adam sing "don't give up" at the end of it.

glitzylady said...

Okay, here's the deal with the free tickets:

A radio station in LA gave out free tickets. Nothing too complicated about it. (The Trevor Project also gave tickets to their local volunteers. I know someone who was one of those dedicated people who volunteer their time..and went to the concert tonight.) Only those who live in the LA area were able to "win" tickets from the radio station. I tried to get tickets myself while I was in San Diego but my zip code was WAY out of the radio listeners area (as in, I live in Washington State) so I was disqualified. Many Adam Lambert fans live there in SoCal. It also just so happened that many of his fans, including myself, where in the area for the San Diego concert. Each fan that got tickets from the radio station, got 4 tickets. They could give them to whomever they wanted to. I was offered a ticket by 2 different people. I thought long and very hard about extending my trip to SoCal but in the end decided to fly home from San Diego today as planned. I'm still wishing I'd gone.....

My advice: PLEASE don't begrudge the luck of the fans who were able to go. It was general admission, which involves standing in line for hours, by the way.. Sounds like it was amazing!

I'm jealous but VERY happy for those who were able to be there, including some good friends of mine. The venue was limited to slightly over 200, so intimate. And I feel very fortunate to have been at the San Diego Fair last night.........So I really have no right to complain...

Many celebs there as well..

So glad Adam supports and lends his name to such a great great cause:

#ATTLiveProud #TrevorPreject

Anonymous said...

10:52 PM, on twitter I saw some fans had entered a radio contest and got tickets there. Then today there was something they were sharing on twitter where all you had to do was request tickets. Seems really weird to me.

I thought this was an event about the Live Proud contest and the Trevor Project. Clearly fans were in the front for this. Why didn't they invite LGBT youth if they had room for more people instead of fans who just saw him the night before? Weird.

Anonymous said...

200 people is very intimate I would say.

Anonymous said...

I made it to the Del Mar Concert! It was last minute decision that worked out for me and am I glad I went and took my 13 and 9 year old granddaughters! We saw huge lines of people, all ages, sizes, races, straight, LGBT whatever you could imagine! It made me feel soooo. Good to see so manympeople all wanting to see Adam! The cheers were so loud, the band sounded great and Adam was fantastic! WhAt a handsome man....Thud. He sure doesn't need back up dancers and singers,.....I can't take my eyes off him at all. His dance moves are sooo sexy . My 9 year old granddaughter's comment...."Adam sure looks like he is enjoying himself and having fun up on the stage"! Yes, honey he sure does. In short, they both loved the concert and so did I.


glitzylady said...

I too thought it would be more GBLT youth oriented but It "is what it is...". The radio station offered tickets, people got them.. I assume there was a mix of straight and LGBT fans tonight. How about we don't judge. I'm glad Adam had a full house there tonight. Preferable to an empty house.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I saw more than one person at Adamtopia who got those radio tickets saying they lied about their demographics or trying to figure out what old ID they had with a CA address. That's just not right. And you missed a general invite that went out today. I think part of the problem is we were led to believe this was an exclusive event for the Live Proud contest which seemed directed at LGBT youth. If that wasn't going to be the case I would have liked a chance at the extra tickets that were released today.

Anonymous said...

If it was an intimate concert for the Live Proud winners that is not an empty house. Saying it is good a lot of fans got in so it wasn't an empty house is a sorry excuse to cover for what you know is wrong.

Anonymous said...

If it was an intimate concert for the Live Proud winners that is not an empty house. Saying it is good a lot of fans got in so it wasn't an empty house is a sorry excuse to cover for what you know is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Ok, it is WWFM. Last time I watched WWFM was the Philly JB 2010 and Monte was still in the band. And the London g-a-y performances..

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:22 PM
As I said in my post at 11:08 PM, I was offered tickets anyway so could have gone if I had decided to delay my trip home until tomorrow. VERY hard decision but too last minute and would have been expensive to change my flight, get another night in a hotel, etc... My practical side took over (darn it!!!). Plus I'd already been gone from home since Friday (having HUGE amounts of fun in LA/West Hollywood/Hollywood/San Diego with some fabulous friends!!!). My hubby and cats missed me. :))

People do what they do...

glitzylady said...

There were a total of 10 Live Proud winners. The venue held 200 plus live bodies. The Live Proud winners were flown in from all over the country, all expenses paid, so that they could meet Adam. They had meet and greets: a special time with Adam. AT&T Live Proud and the radio station made the decisions to invite others. Not our decision and we have no right to complain IMO. I suspect there was a good mix of GLBT and straight there. How about we celebrate true diversity and equality. Just because some who attended the concert are perhaps straight Adam Lambert fans does NOT mean they have no right to be there. We support Adam, we support Equality, we support the right of all people not to be bullied. Perhaps we should start right here......

Just something to think about: I didn't enter the initial contest because I assumed it was geared towards the LBGT community. Not all of the winners were LGBT. The judging panel valued their "moments" as well. But all had some very strong connection to the "cause", a "Live Proud Moment". I'm an Adam Lambert fan, but I also worked in Washington State on the campaign for Marriage Equality. That was a little Live Proud moment for me. Hopefully we ALL have something to be proud of like that.......

Just remember: Adams fans are people too...................And Adam has some very very special fans. I've met many of them and are good people, many of whom ARE involved in various organizations dedicated to furthering equality, etc... We have NO right to assume they don't deserve to be there.

Anonymous said...

Of course Glitzylady ignores addressing the people who lied about their demographic or address to get in.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:12 PM
Oh come on. I didn't realize it was my "job" to address it. Because it isn't. Everyone I know who went to the concert, obtained their tickets legitimately. They either live in the radio listening area or were given tickets from those who do or were given tickets by a GLBT related organization. I don't know anything about the others. I also know at least two of the 10 winners of the Live Proud contest. VERY deserving. So happy for all of them. And VERY PROUD of the winners....

Stop picking petty fights here. Thanks.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@glitzylady, DRG and all who were in Del Mar, PLEASE post more of your experiences of the preconcert Glambert party and of the concert!!!

After the WONDERFUL TIME with other fans and the concert and all these great vids with Adam's - and the band's - wonderful performances it must be a REAL DOWNER for you all to see all these crappy posts... so MANY are just BULL and constant moaning...


lorraine said...

I already posted my story about meeting Adam Tuesday night in San Diego a few posts back- absolutely magical- and I'm going through a bit of unexpected melancholy as I reflect back on it tonight. Can't explain it, and I'll be sailing upward again soon.The man is simply charismatic beyond description. The sweetest man.....

Anonymous said...

Instead of complaining, why you couldn't get tickets for last night. You could have checked out and shared the links that were posted MULTIPLE times on this site about last night. Those who cared and participated won the contest and got free tickets from KIIS FM and raised 50,000 dollars for Trevor Project. Those who complain constantly and pick on Adam and his fans on his website, didn't. So quite complaining and if you are a true fan start paying attention and participate.

dee said...

I thought Adam was great and the music was super. Adam and this band just belong together. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, of course, but I really enjoyed the concert. Adam and everyone on that stage has to earn a living and I don't see why any of them wouldn't be trying to help their own careers and attain their dreams. I wish all of them the best and hope to see them together in the future with new music.

Anonymous said...

1:40, The pre-party at The Brass Rail was so much fun! It was full of Glamberts who gathered, socialized a while and then started DANCING on the dance floor to Adam's music. The dance floor was full, the bar was busy, and the video was spinning. I would assume that some of it will be posted somewhere. People were singing, shouting, jumping and having a ball. The best part was I got to meet more people from the fan sites, including here. I met glitzylady for the first time! It was a great night. The concert was amazing. We were in the 12th row, just perfect distance from the stage. Adam looked amazing and was very chatty and funny, very relaxed. His voice was top-notch. The streaker girl was funny and he talked about it after she whizzed by. Eber and Leila were there, although I didn see them. DARN! Sutan was there, too. It was a great experience. He talked about where he grew up close by and his experiences as a kid going to the Del Mar fair. Loved every moment!!


Anonymous said...

7:39 you are just plain wrong. I helped the Trevor Project with liking and retweeting and I am complaining about how some got in that event.