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New Tweet

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, July 02, 2013


Anonymous said...

Oh, come on somebody say something about the tweet. I am a bit ignorant about the term, it must be Adam talk, which we don't always understand, and afraid to ask. LOL

Anonymous said...

ok color me dense I don't get the tweets at all.

Anonymous said...

It's in the urban dictionary....just google the word .... I hadnt heard it before not sure at this stage in life I could use it for meanings 1 or 3....but I might have a 2 left in me..... As to which Adam meant ....u know the old saying " I wouldn't touch that with. 10 foot pole....rose petal

Anne Marie said...

I am with you rose petal, I also read the urban dictionary. Or even a 20 foot pole LOL. It's definitely , Adam and friends talk.
So Adam can speak 2 languages fluently.

Anonymous said...


horny, drunk, f*cked up, crunk, process of either being or getting stoned/high, the most wonderful feeling in the world...

Nice one, Adam! LOL

Anne Marie said...

@ 9:43 TMI, LOL :)

Anonymous said...

I prefer my Adam with more class. Come on your in your 30's now, you don't need to tweet about this.

Anonymous said...

Humor guys!!! take it easy, lots of tweets r funny, silly just for fun! New age, new lingo!!!
Chill, not 2 deep , qoute Adam:)

Anonymous said...

Remember, after Adam and Sauli had broken up, he told the interviewer that he and Sauli were still good friends and that he had just GIVEN Sauli a coffee and bagel that morning. COFFEE AND BAGEL? This has a totally different meaning than food nourishment! My students keep me informed of the meaning of the lingo used in this day and age. Sometimes, I blush.

Anonymous said...

I'll take our Adam any old way I can get him...he flat makes me happy...11:37 is right they're just goofing around....Adam has plenty of class and knows when it's appropriate to show it...I know things are different now and it may be hard for some folks to adjust to...but Adam is Adam...and I for one would change a thing...I like to think of it as being like a recipe ...if u take the ornery out of Adam u might as well leave the sugar out of the could eat it but it just wouldn't be as good...rose petal

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it has lots of meanings.
Adam is joking with a friend no big deal.

Anonymous said...

You can't believe half of the stuff that comes out of Adam's mouth. He likes to get a rise out of you.

Anonymous said...

coffee and a bagel still means coffee and a bagel.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm ignorant on the urban slang or whatever it's called. I still don't get the "coffee and bagel" thing.
What does it mean?

Anonymous said...

coffee and a muffin is breakfast sex.

Anonymous said...

long as the fingers didn't slip and he typed D instead of NT. that would have not been pretty.

Anonymous said...

this is a non-event

Anonymous said...

Even Eber tweeted at the time , asking Adam what it meant. I believe Sauli was recovering from having some virus or something. It meant Bagel and coffee, Adam probably bought one for himself too.

Anonymous said...

Even Eber tweeted at the time , asking Adam what it meant. I believe Sauli was recovering from having some virus or something. It meant Bagel and coffee, Adam probably bought one for himself too.

Anonymous said...

Biscuit and gravy is probably cheaper.

Anonymous said...

You people do know anybody can submit a definition to Urban Dictionary, right? Take it with a grain of salt.

Anonymous said...

Googled the meaning of turnt and crunk. Whatever, Adam ...