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Picture of The Day: Adam Lambert's Gorgeous Duck Lips

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, July 27, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, July 27, 2013


Anonymous said...

What ever he's doing, he's drop dead gorgeous doing it.

Magiclady said...

Man, you've got that right!

Anonymous said...

Saved it on my ipad. Gorgeous picture.

Anonymous said...

Check out this pic. of the other Adam with full Taliban like facial hair:

Don't ever complain about our Adam's Melvin.

Anonymous said...

Check out this gif pic. of Adam:

I can look at it forever!

Anonymous said...

You guys remember Kidd Kradick DJ who interviewed Adam twice. He passed away this morning:

So sas! He loved Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like a wax figure in this picture.

Anonymous said...

I've been dreaming when Adam will have a wax figure in Madame Trusseau's museum!

Anonymous said...

I'd never heard the expression "duck lips" before the Diva's show.....but it's certainly descriptive and accurate. I will never look at another duck without thinking "Adam".....JAK

Anonymous said...

@10:57 PM, I'm sorry to hear the sad news about kidd! Thanks, for letting us know!

Anonymous said...

Adam can make duck lips with his lips but his lips aren't naturally duck-lipped. Michelle Pfeiffer has natural duck lips.

Anonymous said...

Adam Levine looks like a bushranger with that beard but I still don't like Melvin.

Anonymous said...

One of Kidd's best Adam's interview was when Kidd invited Neil to join Adam's interview. That interview was hilarious and priceless. Still one of my favorites to this day.

Anonymous said...

Kidd was at a charity event prior to his death apparently.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:29 am.......You are right! Michelle does have duck lips, a distinctive feature.....perfect description......I am quite fond of ducks..........JAK

Anonymous said...

Very sad to hear the news about Kidd's passing. I really enjoyed his interviews with Adam, he was a very funny man and I'm sure he'll be missed.

On a lighter note, it's great to see Adam looking so well and I just love the first pic he is so handsome, I can't wait to see him on Glee, he'll be a great addition to the show.

Anonymous said...

This photo sure does look like a wax figure and yes I'd just love to see Adam immortalised inside Madam Trusseau's Museum. I paid a visit to the one in LA last year, Adam would really stand out as the best of them all by far. He has become an icon after all and would out shine any of the other figures I saw there.

Anonymous said...

Ne Ne was a good teacher. She would be proud.

Anonymous said...

All gays do duck lips, so NeNe taught him nothing!

Anonymous said...

1:30. What's with the attitude. Stop being mean. Are Mary Kate and Ashley gay??????

Anonymous said...

Sorry that was for 1:03