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Poster for 7/2/13 Adam Lambert Concert in San Diego County Fair, CA

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Poster by @mlg621


Anonymous said...

ooohhhh I like.

Anonymous said...

Everyone going to show tonight, have a blast !!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam can't look any more delicious or can Enjoy the concert Glamberts! I'll be there in spirit. I know the show will be great - Adam has been on fire!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm in Del Mar waiting for the concert. Longest day ever!!!! I did not realize how many over-the-top Glamberts are here. what a wonderful group - first time meeting most of them. They are the most awesome people!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you 8:11 AM! I can't wait to see Adam again! Orlando was so terrific. I hope he saved some energy for us! We'll be screaming our lungs out for him. lol

Anonymous said...

Have a great time everyone going to the show! Blow a big kiss to him for me..LOL


glitzylady said...

Here in San Diego for the concert. It's been fabulous meeting @funbunn40 , @DRG, and so many others. Can hardly wait for the concert tonight!!!!

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady, how on earth did you guys know how to meet each other? Did you wear name tags?

glitzylady said...

We exchanged some info ahead of time....

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the concert tonight all you lucky ladies!!!! Waiting anxiously for the videos and pictures from SD.


Anonymous said...

Like! Like! Like! Fresh Handsome Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

All you lucky people,enjoy the concert tonight and tell us all the details after. Are any of you going to video.Thank you ahead of time if you are!

Anonymous said...

Turnt is past-tense of turn. T is used instead of ed at the end of some verbs. Like learnt, burnt, etc.

Anonymous said...

Turnt is past-tense of turn. T is used instead of ed at the end of some verbs. Like learnt, burnt, etc.

Anonymous said...

Nice thing about this show is not being general admin. Dont have to wait all day and night for your seat.

Anonymous said...

Turn or turnt!!!
just enjoy Adam's music:)

Don't be 2 deep:)

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady, HAVE FUN and please, please come back to tell us ALL asap!!!
Greetings to All Lovely AL 24/7 Adam fans there and here!
Will be there in spirit!!!

Anonymous said...

Not to get too deep, but turnt is not the past tense of turn. It is and always has been turned. Errors in grammar become part of common language and spelling because most people don't know the correct form and in today's social media age of Twitter and texting, correct grammar and spelling have become a lost art. High school students can't even write a coherent,intelligent 5 parag. essay any more as has been noted by most colleges from their entering freshman classes. Sorry about this preachy comment, but as a retired high school English teacher, I have seen this become all so true. So on another note, I can spend some of my time now enjoying Adam's music and videos instead of correcting all those essays and research papers. Can't wait to see the vids from the San Diego County Fair tonight.

Anonymous said...

gee, I wish I could be late sister lived in SD and I visited several times..what a great place!! Adam will not get as sweaty at this concert...I will be there in spirit..I was sitting here at my computer thinking that the show would be starting soon..and then I realized, of course, that it is 3 hours earlier in SD and I am on the east coast.. and @2:29 PM...I know what you mother was a school teacher and she was always correcting my grammar..things have gotten so bad these days that one is never sure if they are speaking, or spelling correctly...language is definitely a lost art..and that is a shame...

Anonymous said...

Oh my @12:10 PM-wherever did you learn that the past tense of turn is turnt? The past tense of turn is turned and ONLY turned!!!

Anonymous said...

How can we purchase this poster?

Anonymous said...

"Turnt" is obviously a figment of someone's imagination. Sad to say, spelling correctly is a dying art.

Anonymous said...

GREAT poster!!