Should Adam Lambert do a biopic of Freddie Mercury?
Filed Under (news,Others,Votes ) by Admin on Thursday, July 25, 2013
Posted at : Thursday, July 25, 2013
Ever since Sacha Baron Cohen dropped out of his long-standing attachment to the Freddie Mercury biopic, the search is on for a replacement.
DigitalSpy talked about six celebrities who may be able to pull this off. Adam is one of their choices.
Here is what they said about Adam:

Despite performing with Brian May and Roger Taylor, at 63 years old we don't see Free's Paul Rodgers as a serious contender, but having "replaced" the late Freddie for the 'Queen + Adam Lambert' live shows, the American Idol runner-up must be considered. A star on both sides of the Atlantic, May has repeatedly called him an "amazing artist" and "a very nice guy".
Source: DigitalSpy
DigitalSpy talked about six celebrities who may be able to pull this off. Adam is one of their choices.
Here is what they said about Adam:

Despite performing with Brian May and Roger Taylor, at 63 years old we don't see Free's Paul Rodgers as a serious contender, but having "replaced" the late Freddie for the 'Queen + Adam Lambert' live shows, the American Idol runner-up must be considered. A star on both sides of the Atlantic, May has repeatedly called him an "amazing artist" and "a very nice guy".
Source: DigitalSpy
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Those who said no to these questions are scared of taking risks in life. Adam numerous times on his interviews said you have to take risks to get somewhere. He isn't afraid and IMO he will be great doing this movie. If you think haters will be on his back. They are only 7% and they are fans of others and don't want to see Adam to appear on TV or movies. I think Adam will be great taking this part. It will be a win/win situation for Queen and Adam. Take it Adam.
I don't think this is right for Adam. Although he has the best voice in the known world, the producers and directors make the choices for the way the movie is to be presented. Adam wouldn't have much control and we all know our boy likes to have his say and input taken seriously.
First step, I think it should be offered to Adam. Second step, Adam should make the decision. I want for Adam what Adam wants for Adam.
No, being realistic about the situation and realizing that adam is not a serious dramatic actor does not make you someone jealous or a fan of others. No way would he ever be considered for one minute.
I'd like to know why Sacha Baron Cohen dropped out.
great-great adam lambert is on the movie-playing fredie mercury-wow-great idea.
3:50 Why do you think that someone whose opinion differs from yours is a hater? Just as there are two sides to every coin there are differing opinions on every topic. I don't think 3:53 is a hater at all but just stated a different view from yours.
SBC Backed out because he wanted graphic aspects of Freddie's life portrayed and TPTB said whoa there.
Supposedly SBC and queen couldn't agree on the script. Brian has said some things about having meetings about the movie with roger, so I guess they couldn't compromise enough
Cohen wanted FM's sex life shown in the movie. The producers said no and he backed out.
Great opportunity! Adam can do it.
Adam is fourth in a list of six contenders for playing Freddie. The others are:
Johnny Depp
Ben Whishaw
Russell Brand
Hugh Jackman
James Franco
so it's not like we have to choose for him. It's not up to us.
Seeing Adam's name on that list with that caliber of actors makes me smile. Not sure whether it's a good idea for Adam or not,but I do know one thing--- NO ONE could sing Freddie's songs betterer. I trust the universe;Adam would do what is best if he were offered the opportunity
Still smiling.....
No. He can sing the songs like no one else but I don't think he can handle the role. His acting leaves a bit to be desired.
whos ben whishaw could adam do a british accent
JAK here......... I do think it would be risky, I'm not sure Adam is a good enough actor for the off stage scenes. I think he could imitate Freddie's exaggerated moves on stage with no problem and could also handle the change that would be needed in the vocals. would all depend on the script. I would hope it would deal with early days of the band.
Queen purists are a little crazy (sound familiar?) and who knows if they would approve of anyone who is
chosen. It could backfire and hurt Adam....but it could be
the opportunity of a lifetime. A lot would also depend on
the actors chosen to be the 3 band members.
It appears Brian and Roger have script approval, so IF they want it and IF Adam wants it......
I say Mazel Tov!
Don't see Lambert pulling off the look of Freddie Mercury. Adam has a better looking face in my opinion. The performing scenes would be no problem for him, but I don't see him pulling off the look. They need an actor who can pull off the face and the mouth.
Don't see Lambert pulling off the look of Freddie Mercury. Adam has a better looking face in my opinion. The performing scenes would be no problem for him, but I don't see him pulling off the look. They need an actor who can pull off the face and the mouth.
From the box-office, dvd sales, other merchandising...this is going to be huge with Adam portraying Freddie. Adam is a very versatile actor...from Ten Commandments to Diva, PLL, his own song videos and even Time For Miracles. He'll do a really good job and if this culminates in what Adam has been working on all his life...then this is the pot of gold hanging at the end of the rainbow, I've alluded to in my poems. Yes Adam, Aim! Fire this time!
well, I don't think the other contenders could sing well enough so they would definitely be lip-synching.
Only Adam could do Freddie credit - but he would prob. need some acting lessons for the screen. (different than the stage).
Of course I would choose Adam, if he wants to give it a go. Just imagine the close-ups!!
Personally I don't think Adam has had enough experience in acting to pull this off. Also are you aware that Adam had trouble with the tribute to Freddie, he emphasized over and over that he wanted people to realize, that he could never step into Freddies shoes. Doing the tribute to him was fine, but he still wanted to be himself. So if given the opportunity, Adam might turn it down.
Even on Glee he wanted to play himself, which I thought wasn't necessary. If he played another person he might get bigger parts., if he played himself, he boxes himself in, unless they added Adam Lambert as part of the series, with longer parts.
Anyway I don't think he will be offered the part to play Freddie, nothing to do with if he looks like Freddie, makeup is magic in cases like these. Loads of other actors have played people who in real life look nothing like the person they are portraying.
If this is offered to Adam, it means that Brian and Roger have approved it. With their backing, I think Adam could pull it off, knowing he had their full support. Adam likes to take risks. He may decide to go for it.
It's a long shot that he will even be offered the part, but if he WAS offered it, it would be because the PTB for the film think he could handle it. The others on the list are experienced actors. Adam is the only one who isn't. Brian and Roger love Adam, for sure, but they wouldn't push for him unless they thought he could act well enough. Adam himself says he could use acting lessons, and even then, who knows? His stage experience won't necessaily translate to good film acting. If he was offered the part, it would indicate that the producers, etc. had faith that he could pull it off. Then I would say GO FOR IT! Adam is a risk-taker. There will always be haters and naysayers, no matter what he chooses to do. You can't live your life never taking risks.
Like the saying goes:
"Perfection in the enemy of the good."
In other words, if we wait around for everything to be perfect before we try anything, we'd never attempt anything new. Nobody would ever take a risk about anything. I don't think Adam will really be offered this part, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that his name is in the mix. The more I see Adam's name continue to come up in all kinds of media topics, the more I like it. It means that media people are talking about him and he is on their radar.
I voted don't know on the poll.
I agree with JAK, Adam would be great at recreating the onstage Adam, but his acting is not strong enough to do off stage scenes. Vocally no one could do it better, but as much as I adore Adam I don't think his acting skills are up to this role.
Maybe if the film was made as a complete musical??
I don't see Adam wanting this role anyhow. He has said he doesn't want to try to fill Freddie's shoes.
Russel Brand sounds like an interesting possibility to me.
Yes, Dr Brian and Roger did the right thing not to focus too much on Freddie's private life but on his genius as a singer/song-writer/composer; his biography needs to bring out the intimate moments, but not in a lurid form.
no way Jose to the FM role.
From the consumer's viewpoint, I feel it's more convincing and adds authenticity if Adam plays Freddie, a gay person. Adam will naturally be able to feel the character with greater depth and body language. And with his own versions of Queen songs keeping close to their essence, his commanding voice, will warm people to him and accept him, as as-close a version of Freddie as they can get.
Adam sings his heart out when he sings Queen songs. I listen to that London show really often. However, his speaking voice is nothing like Freddie's. Great to see his name floating around online on some sites discussing this movie. A UK site (Metro) have mostly Brits on their website as possible Sacha Baron Cohen replacement and major names like Johnny Depp.
Bad idea. Russell Crowe would have a field day telling everyone in the press how Adam can't act. Karma at its finest. Do we want Adam to be known as the best singer in the world, or its worst actor?
For those of you who think Adam lacks acting skills, what do you think he's going to do on Glee-sing the entire script? Oh gawd please no.
I like the idea of a known actor playing the role, lip-syncing the songs, and Adam doing the actual singing. If Adam feels that he wouldn't be right for the part himself.
And I am glad SBC dropped out. He would have turned the whole project into one big dirt-fest. There was much more to Freddie than his bedroom life.
7:51 -- Agreed. Also, Freddie was really private when it came to his personal life. All this talk about Freddie and Queen and Adam...just had to go listen to some of their respective performances. Both incredible performers!!!
Hmm Mr rooster-bird-of-paradise is taking a long migration flight to stardom...hey I also overheard as a highly potential AI judge. No wonder it's 9/10 on the Snake chart. lol! Adam can 'change' his singing voice very well; like when he did Bohemian Rhapsody, the last part, when he ended it gently, for a moment, I thought it was still Freddie's voice. And when he mentored an AI contestant, his impromptu Elvis demonstration gave a low Elvis tone which was pretty convincing. Voice is Adam's department! lol!
Adam will have to work extra hard from now on in terms of brain, intuition; he happens to have both in abundance. In fact what he's doing nowadays is just scratching the surface and many cannot see what is hidden beneath.
It would be nice if there was an actor underneath.
@ OV Why would Adam sing when they have Freddie's voice singing the songs? If it's going to be lip sync they will use Freddie.
The reason Adam stated over and over that he would not be trying to fill Freddie's shoes is he wanted people to know he wouldn;t be imitating Freddie in the concerts. If he were hired for a biopic he would be expected to get as close as possible to Freddie's sound and footsteps, that's the whole idea.
Why do you think Adam always says he wants to play himself? Because he doubts his acting skills. Simple.
Lol adam doesn't sound like Freddie. They can get one of the Freddie impersonators to sing if they need to. Adam has no part in this whatsoever
For me it's a risk and not a 100% win win situation.
Adam has said he is not slipping on the Freddie Mercury shoes but trying only to honor him and I want him to continue with honoring him, not trying to be Freddie.
How can 3:50 have an opinion of what 3:53 has to say?????
Hugh Jackman among the list is the nearest I can think of.
Mercury is gay but very macho looking early part of his fame while Adam though masculine enough is a pretty boy.
Actually we don't know if Adam could sound like Freddie, we've never heard him try.
I don't think birds and snakes are very compatible they look on each other as lunch.
No! Adam is Adam and who would want the mammoth task to re-create Freddie. (Cohen dropped out because of 'creative differences).
Adam playing Freddie would be crazy. He already has the honor of fronting Queen... but as Adam.
Absured to even toss with the idea.
In terms of appearance, we'll leave that to the makeup artists/stylists. In terms of speaking voice, that could be challenging; but in singing, Adam can do what he did at the Queen concerts; that is sing his versions but channel the essence of Freddie's singing; not necessary to sing exactly like Freddie. In any case, 250000 cheering Freddie+Adam+Queen fans at Kiev and Europe is a rather good indication many Freddie fans, not all, have warmed up to Adam and more or less accept him as the Queen frontman. Adam could sing Freddie songs to do them justice, not substandard in any way and do not have to sound exactly like Freddie. But in the acting, the speaking voice and even mannerisms, they must come close to Freddie's image. That to me is the most difficult part for Adam. Another important factor, if this Freddie film is shown in China, a huge market; they love Adam and his voice not so much Freddie. Think about that too. Adam must be viewed as a worldwide persona because this will be shown around the world.
I thought so too but the Snake chart gave Rooster born year the highest points on compatibility, 9/10 lol! So I imagined a big cocky rooster pecking at a little green snake. lol!
Cohen dropped out because he's sleazy. He probably wanted to Borat Freddie. I applaud Queen for not letting him destroy Freddie's and Queen's legacy!
Tall Tree
I know that Adam is the best frontman for Queen. And he could handle the role. But boy, I do not want him looking skinny like Freddy. And he is way too handsome to play him. But he has the vocals for sure. I want him to be himself, not portray his idol. I am all for him getting acting roles, but playing a real life person is a different story. Plus Adam had a smart but controversial mention about Les Miserables movie and the same director is directing this. I think Adam has the confidence to pull off anything just not sure this is the best move. I think Adam surpasses Freddy on so many levels. Okay, I said it. Pure honesty here.
There's greater things out there for Adam and this isn't one of them.
I don't see Adam doing this role. He is rather "Freddie-esque" in his charisma, his powerful voice..his stage presence, but I just don't see it happening. For many reasons.
Adam is multi-talented and can turn his hand to anything creative. This venture in my opinion would be a huge mistake. I don't think even thinking about this route is worthwhile.
The producers/director would be in the best position to sense or determine if Adam could pull it off. To me it is a now or never moment and if indeed faced with this monumental task Adam is not the type that will shy away from it. So the ball is in their court not his to decide. A lot depends on Dr Brian and Roger and these are very experienced people in the industry and wise too.
The acting required on Glee is nowhere near the acting required for a Freddie/Queen film.
I hope its not Russell Brand, as much as I like him, he can't act.
@9.05pm I never found anything remotely macho about Freddie Mercury, and he certainly couldn't be called attractive (IMO), he did have a great stage presence though.
Freddie was incredible. A legend and super talented. For Adam to be fronting Queen in Freddie's honor is breathtaking stuff. Nobody could do it better than Adam. But taking on a Freddie movie would be wierd. Adam stands courageously alone and I can't see this move in his career. Acting should be on the cards and Glee is just the very beginning. Broadway in time to come will be the ultimate.
I have no doubt Adam could pull off anything but without doubt it will be Adam who will make that decision not 'Producers/Directors'.
Just read Johnny Depp's name has been listed as a contender for the movie.
Not a great idea. No one could play Freddie and do him justice. He was in a league of his own but it may be something Adam wants to do. He can certainly act as evidenced in his Time For Miracles and Better Than I Know Myself video clips - superb acting on Adam's part.
Did you read why SBC walked away? Queen wants a cleaned-up version. You can't blame them for that but the critics will be waiting to savage it.
How many biopics of famous singers have every been considered Oscar material or won any awards?
Do you know how many films end up movie of the week? Do you have any idea How many never get distribution?
Queen should forget about this and let a really good director and actor take on the full story after they have passed. A cleaned up version of Freddie's life will never go down with the critics. At worst it will be laughed out of town. At best it will be ignored.
If Adam's going to give up 3 precious months of working on his own stuff, let him spend it on tour with Queen, getting rave reviews from music fans and critics' doing what he does best and building a new audience for his next cd.
Applying his limited acting skills to a foolhardy project is no way for an awesome singer to spend his time, especially when his last cd is over a year old.
3:50 Take it from me, your critical-thinking capabilities are so minimal that you shouldn't waste them on characterizing people who disagree with your POV.
He's not an actor, no matter how much you love him - point one
There have been documentaries about Freddie made several times.- point two
Freddie and Queens story is nothing new - the music has been covered with a touring company- point three
The only new info that could be brought out would have been the sleazy side of Freddie's orgies, apparently what Cohen was counting on for dramatic revealing content - point four
A newcomer being able to handle a starring role?? - point five
Is there really a huge audience clamouring for more Queen? -point six
That gigantic audience in Kiev was there for Elton and Queen - but mostly because the city was flooded with sports fans for some huge playoffs, ? , soccer maybe,
People from all over the world came for that. - point seven
I think Queen's been covered enough. When a project has been in the works for three or more years and no acceptable script has shown up - maybe it's an omen.
Enough is true. After all the harping on youth and the box office importance of young people, I really don't think teens would be swarming to see a Queen story.
Agree, dont think Adam needs this on his plate.
He covers Freddie's music,as an honor, not to be Freddie.
I don't think Adam could pull of portraying FM but he could easily do Elvis.
How many Elvis biopics have been made? I know I've seen 3.
Johnny Depp as Freddie? OMG
Captain Jack Sparrow in full drag!
I know that Adam is very determined & he is a little like me in this way the more he reads where people say he can't do some thing he is more amp to do it.It just gives him more fire, all of us fans know that about him, Adam does not like the words can't or no.I say if he gets the chance go for it.
Adam has to establish his own career and image and not play Freddie Mercury in a movie biopic. I can't see him playing Elvis either and it's been done several times already. I'd like him to focus on his music career as a recording artist and performing at concerts . Ultimately Broadway may be in his future. At the age of 31 Adam has to compete with the boy bands and the young performers whom the tween and teen market seem to make stars even though there might be very little vocal talent present. His audience has been and will continue to be somewhat older, but with his appearance on Glee, the Queen concert for I heart radio and eventually a third album, he could bring in a diverse group of new fans. I'm thinking that the next year or so will determine the course of Adam's career and bring him the success and recognition he deserves. Whatever happens, I am glad to have been on this journey from the first note he sang on Idol and will continue to be a fan.
4:24 Who is saying no to him? We have no idea how he feels about this. You can't say no to someone who doesn't want to do it.
By your reasoning, if someone told Adam he couldn't play lead guitar for the Stones, he'd run right our a takeover for Keith Richards.
Adam knows what he can and cannot do. If he wants to act, a few episodes of Glee, in his comfort zone with singing, is a good way to get his feet wet and build credibility.
A hugh NO!!!! . . . Adamluv
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