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Some rhymes for ur hearts

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 1, 2013

Posted at : Monday, July 01, 2013


Anonymous said...

don't know what to make of these rhymes, so I'll just enjoy them.

Anonymous said...

So I wonder why adam posted this? Just lyrics he is proud of? Sending a message to a new love? Reminiscing about his relationship with sauli ?

Anonymous said...

Maybe lyrics for a new song on the next album.who knows.

Anonymous said...

I'd say reminiscing about his relationship with Sauli more so than a new love. No doubt Adam has learn't a lot from sharing his life with Sauli so it wouldn't be surprising if some new songs develop from this. I think he now has a deeper understanding of the joys and the pain of both life and love.

Anonymous said...

Adam does defiantly has a way with words. So intelligent, even when he speaks. Some of them I have never heard of them before. Have to write them down, and look them up.

Anonymous said...

lose/loose hmmmm . Either way the guy is really good at puzzling the fans.
I think it is about Sauli

tea said...

Put it to music Adam.
You're so open-hearted and trusting to share. ♥

Anonymous said...

Always learn from the past eh!:)

I hope this message will be part in his new album......

I love it....:)


Anonymous said...

If its about sauli he seems to be saying it was not real love. The part about roll up your sleeves reminds me how he always mentioned the relationship was a lot of work.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he is thinking about marriage because of the marriage equality decision this week. Marriage is being willing to risk everything and lose a lot of money if it doesn't work out.

tea said...

Adam just tweeted new pics.
This is like no other. I'm wild about it!

This is also like no other, but Im still looking it over.

Anonymous said...


Happy Canada Day! I think you and I share our devotion and love for Adam and also the beautiful city of Toronto. Actually, I live in Unionville but close enough.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha Finale! Stick a fork im me I'm done!!

Anonymous said...

9:36 AM

So he did lie for almost two years? He said in several occasions that he was in love, that he loved Sauli "to death" etc. A year ago he said from the stage that "I love you, babe" and said: "...right now in my life I'm in a great place". That was not real love? He was faking? In all those pics also when he looked so happily to Sauli and glowed when he looked at him. What was it? I don't understand. If he had been my man I would have thought he loved me.

Anonymous said...

Well written thoughts. Nice he shared them with us.

Anonymous said...

9:50 Your reading too much into these rhymes. Take them for what it is...just a rhyme about love. It doesn't have to fit Adam situation.

Anonymous said...

9:50 AM

NO, not lying or faking. He clearly thought he was in love but maybe now in hindsight he is rethinking what love means.

Anonymous said...

@9:50 AM
What is the matter with you?

Anonymous said...

9:56 AM
Well I think it reflects his thoughts on love. Otherwise why tweet it to everyone

Anonymous said...

10:07 AM
Nothing, as far as I know, thank you for asking. I just don't get why people start questioning Adam's relationship and words he used when he lived with his ex. He himself knows best how he felt that moment; he thought it was love. Not every word he now says in his lyrics is about his relationship(s).

Anonymous said...

Adam like to be profound and at times a little mysterious. Keep em guessing. Personally I think Adam was in love but something went wrong to ruin it. We may never know.

Anonymous said...

@9:59am. Since Adam mostly talked about his love in the two years plus relationship, it is obvious he didn't lie about it. It's the other guy who kept quiet and didn't say anything. Seems he had an agenda to move to LA and find himself a new career because he got his publicity back in his own country and got new fans from across the globe. He didn't give up anything. He gained in ten folds in this relationship.

Anonymous said...

It has been 6 months since they decided to separate, and Adam has been out testing new waters. I think he may have realized that true love is so special, and just out dating is fun for laughs but not good for sex. He said once sex without love is nothing, you might as well go home and m-s----te for all you get out of it. I think he knows what love is now. I think he still has deep feelings for Sauli, but the careers have not changed, and that seemed to be the biggest problem for them. He LIKED Sauli's latest instagram posted yesterday. His comment "Magical"

Anonymous said...

Poor Sauli. Now every word Adam writes as lyrics is analyzed with a magnifying glass in hand. And people speculate about their relationship, the strength and quality of their love, although know really nothing about it.

But on the other hand: Lucky Sauli. He moves to Finland just in time when Adam starts pouring his ideas publicly. He gets some distance to this craziness.

And lucky Adam. He has started creating. Maybe also preparing and loving.

Anonymous said...

10:19 AM
Why so defensive? People are going to wonder what is behind Adam's lyrics and It's logical to think he might be reflecting on his failed recent relationship. Maybe he is blaming himself for not being willing to risk everything for love.

Anonymous said...

10:21 AM
Lol that's dumb. I think Sauli is the one who gave up everything for love. Adam was the one who wouldn't commit to marriage for one example.

Anonymous said...

10:30 AM
Poor you who doesn't know how to enjoy the internet. maybe you will go away and find a new hobby. Then it would be lucky us!

Anonymous said...

@10:34am. He gave up his torn up clothes and gained an award from Elle magazine for being fashionable because of Adam's influence on him to wear proper clothes on red carpet.

Anonymous said...

@ GMT,

Oh! Dear!:) Of course you don't live too far. The last time I visited your City when I was pregnant and it agreat day for me. Very peaceful and love the open market indeed!!:)

Did u have a chance to meet Adam in downtown Toronto when he was here to promote his latest album???


Anonymous said...

I don't know what Adam's thoughts mean, but I do know he's a thinker. He's reaching out to us in the way he always does. I think, as a singer, he naturally thinks in lyrics. I do know that love is not a fairy tale. We think so at first, but it is definitely work if it is meant to be. I think Adam is the kind of person who acts thoughtfully and thinks about the past. If we didn't think about the past, how could we grow and move forward. To just "move on" to me means there wasn't much going on and I don't think that was the case. Of course, these are only my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

10:21 AM
"The other guy" was popular in his own country and will be still when he returns back. He was a very liked celebrity. He just told in June in an interview that the first year in LA, when he knew no one else but Adam, was very tough.

Try yourself how easy it is to move to the other side of the world and leave your family and friends. Even if the man is Adam, the Rock God. He said also that he has revealed his whole world when he was in BB, he was an open-book then for three months. So, he does not want to talk about his private life and emotions in public. But I have seen many vids and pics and tweet were he says something about his love whom he called gently his "siippa", hubby. You can not say what is the right way of loving and judge people on their public behavior. You don't know anything about their feelings. Thank God, he is such an easy person to get friends with, he managed in LA two years and got many American friends too.

Anonymous said...

It was a great day for me:)


Anonymous said...

Before Sauli met Adam , he was quoted as saying to his friends, that he would never marry. Adam has always said he might marry but not for at least 10 years. Sauli is going to Finland for a month or two for his work stuff. He said that he will be coming back to LA, because he loves it, and hates Finlands winters. Sounds like a lot of you think he will stay in Finland. He would like to divide his time between Finland and US.

Anonymous said...

There's no need to read chicklit when you can read about Adam and his ex/current/future boyfriends.


Love Sauli!

Anonymous said...

I really don´t get this speculation! Adam and Sauli had a loving relationship for two years. They BOTH sacrificed something in order to maintain their love for so long. What they sacrificed is nobody´s business but theirs. Adam loved Sauli, Sauli loved Adam...simple as that. Now they have moved on...and remained close friends. The way they handled things was very mature and respectful toward one another. All is good :)


Anonymous said...

Sauli said he never even thought of marriage when asked in a interview in Finland, never even considered it. So it was not just Adam who was not thinking of marriage.

Anonymous said...

@10:42am. As a matter a fact I moved away from my family in order to pursue my dream all by myself and I succeded in this land of milk and honey, USA. I didn't give up anything and I gained 100 folds and my family benefited from it as well. I am proud to be an American and part of the biggest taxpayer immigrants in US.

Anonymous said...

10:41 AM
You seem to know his wardrobe from the time he lived in Finland. The torn jeans (that Adam seems to wear nowadays) were trendy when he used them at the beginnig (he said he liked them). If you watch his Tutka-vids starting from 2009 you see he had many kinds of outfits, lol. And he was selling men's clothes before going to BB, so he maybe he got some clothes cheaper from there. And yes, he was designing some jeans to KoneHelsinki after BB. So, not always torn out clothes on him, for sure. You are so funny in your Sauli-hate, lol.

Anonymous said...

10:50 am
Well of course you did...LOL!

Anonymous said...

10:43 AM
Sauli said he would never marry because gay marriage isn't legal in Finland. So he was just saying he wouldn't marry a woman

Anonymous said...

10:43 AM
Sauli said he would never marry because gay marriage isn't legal in Finland. So he was just saying he wouldn't marry a woman

Anonymous said...

This is the problem when Adam share something to us eh!:)

I hope this is the last time before the 3rd album comes out!:)

Stop arguing about it and just understand the message without complicating the meaning of it!:)

Adam!!!! Just stop sharing for now!!:) The real and caring fans can wait and not judging you at all!!


Anonymous said...

You are a wise woman. Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

10:48 AM
People are talking about the words Adam tweeted. Take Sauli out of it and what do they mean to you.

Anonymous said...

10:54 am

Thank you for your kind words :)


Anonymous said...

10:50 AM (you are also 10:21 AM?)

People are different. Sauli had no plans to move abroad (I watched his Tutka's before he met Adam). He has a very loving family. He has a twin-sister who is his nearest friend. I don't think it is easy to leave all behind just like that.

Good for you! You are a proper American now. Paying taxes and all. Wow! You must be so happy.

Anonymous said...

Sauli said that in Finland few months back in interview, when asked marriage hey were talking about Adam they did not know they were broke up. He said he never thought if it never considered it.

Anonymous said...

Why does this site always need to turn things into this ugly mess? Stop turning everything into a fight about Sauli.

Everybody wanted a clue as to new music. Maybe these are lyrics for new music. And lyrics can just be general. They don't have be about a specific relationship.

Is there no place for the sane fans anymore?

Anne Marie said...

It seems like Adam has a chance now to possibly stay with his dad for a couple of days, since he lives in SD. His dad will probably go to the concert too.
As far as the poem goes, Adam is just letting us know he is working on his new album. Almost all songs recorded today, are about love.

Anonymous said...

The speedy gonzales guy makes my eyes hurt so I hope Adam has kicked him out and will find someone prettier by his side.

Anonymous said...

I think these words are for equality.

Anonymous said...

Why does Sauli want to come back to US if he is the one who gave up everything when he moved to live with Adam? Adam didn't force him to move, obviously. He isn't with Adam anymore. Why come back to US? Isn't it because there are better work opportunities for him, thanks to Adam and his new gained Adam fans?

Anonymous said...

@11:41 Sauli loves L.A. and feels it's his other home. That's why he wants to live there at least part of the year.

Anonymous said...

11:41 AM

Because it's two years later and he has made a life here now. Obviously you have some idea that Sauli used Adam and I think that's bizarre and not true at all. And I'm no big Sauli fan, just a rational person.

Anonymous said...

Registration of civil partnership
is that we have in Finland.
A civil partnership is a legal relationship that can be registered by two people of the same sex. All other Scandinavian countries have possibility to marriage.

tea said...

I don't understand why you all don't get tired of this same ol', same ol'.

Forward, People! Forward!

Anonymous said...

It would be too funny if they would go back together now when Sauli is soon going to Finland for some work projects :D

Anonymous said...

Time to move on! They are friends nothing more keep this up hope you do not ruin that.

Anonymous said...

Why fall in love with LA if Sauli lost everything to move in with Adam? Wouldn't he hate LA? Isn't it because Adam showered him with everything? Moved him to one of the best places in the world from that cold dark country. Took him to exatic places. Sang for him while fronting the biggest rock band in the world. Told him I love you in front of thousands. Wrote him songs. Showed him how to dress properly. Took him to award shows sitting and taking pictures with icons of the world. Etc etc.

Sorry I am tired of reading negative comments about Adam on his fansite from fans of others constantly putting down Adam and his fans.

Anonymous said...

@12:09 PM You sound ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Read first what wikipedia says of that "cold dark country":

"Finland is one of the world's wealthiest nations. According to some measures, Finland has the best educational system in Europe and has recently been ranked as one of the world's most peaceful and economically competitive countries. It has also been ranked as one of the world's countries with the highest quality of life. According to Newsweek magazine Finland is "the best country in the world".

Anonymous said...

at 12:09 PM

It was Adam's decision to do whatever he did or gave to Sauli, I doubt Sauli asked him to do anything at all...

And Sauli has lots of friends in LA who like him the way he is, so why wouldn't he come back to LA if he wants to and is able to do so?

Anonymous said...

Lol there is no evidence adam showered sauli with anything. He didn't drive a car or sport fancy jewelry or an expensive watch or clothes. And he seems quite happy now living with roommates and partying with his boy ade. Sauli wasn't after Adams money or his fame

Anonymous said...

@12:37 PM I <3 Ade :)

Anne Marie said...

Why say Sauli lost everything to come to the US. He has still been working in US for Finland jobs. He uses Skype so he can see his family, He said he chats to his twin sister every day. Plus he goes back once or twice a year. In the US he has many, many Finnish friends as well as American friends. Hope some day he will be allowed to work over here. He is a gorgeous looking man, and every one says he has a very kind heart. Adam says he is very passionate too. Loving the USA doesn't mean he loves Finland any less. Give him a break he is a decent man, or Adam would not have continued the relationship, and the friendship. The only thing Adam did was encourage him to wear eye make up, which I personally did not like. I see now he doesn't do it any more, and neither does Adam LOL.

Anonymous said...

I just scrolled all the way when it started to talk about Sauli.
And I don't dislike or hate him at all.
Just tired and not interested in anything about this relationship.
I don't waste time speculating I know nothing about.
It's in the past, it's OVER!

Anonymous said...

@12:37 PM Sauli wrote that you can find good clothes from Second-hand-shops in L.A :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my...Sauli is, was and has always been a man of his own who stands on his own feet. Just like Adam. All the so called fans here in this site actually underestimate Adam´s feelings, intelligence and talent being a good judge of character when they belittle what Sauli meant to him. I feel sad, because he used to have the best fans of the world. Well not anymore :( He deserves so much more, so he needs to have a new fanbase that actually care for him.

Anonymous said...

12 50

He gave up everything at the time, two years ago, to follow his heart. He now has made it into a positive situation for himself. Do you think adam would ever give up his home, job and friends to move to Finland where he knows no one other than sauli?

Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad Adam stirred people up with these tweeted lyrics and I think that he is probably laughing at all the different interpretations. As he has said isn't that deep.

@Canadian I didn't see Adam when he came last year but I have seen him perform live and I will never forget it. Also, I'm now retired and if Adam comes anywhere near I will be there with my husband's blessing.


Anonymous said...

Lol is a troll!

Anonymous said...

1:04 PM

I think too that Adam wanted to give to his fans and "fans" something else to discuss and argue about than just his clubbing and drinking (and hickeys).

To all those who are going to SD, I envy you, but have a blast! Adam may be there already b/c Eber tweeted about delayed Father's Day -celebrations.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was thinking about those cool shoes he liked on instsgram ....then sadly they didn't have his size Or maybe his favorite restaurant closed.... seems like that's as good a guess as any way to know if doesn't tell us and I think that would spoil all the fun...rose petal

Anonymous said...

Also scrolling down fast whenever people talk about a PAST Relationship that Adam had. Want to read thoughts about his new music, his current shows, etc.

Anonymous said...

1:44 PM
I love to read about Adam's CURRENT friends.

You just select the right thread so you don't have to read about the past relationships. Select the ones that have some music videos or nice vines about his teeth and mouth. Not 100% PAST-relationship-discussion-free, but worth to try. There are many interesting threads. It requires some work but maybe you find something to read. So you don't have to whine how you have to scroll.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....Adam sent some rhymes! They are not necessarily autobiographical. I write many poems of deep painful aches of unrequited love, I've never experienced it.
A rhyme, a verse a poem is sometimes just a collection of words that go together well, sometimes the writer doesn't even know what they mean. They are not always the outpourings from your heart. Ease up on the psychology!
It's not necessarily deep!

Anonymous said...

Speculation yet again! Know your Adam and this kind of wish wash will go out the window. Obviously people are bored.

Anonymous said...

12:09 PM Sue, please go away and stop ranting nonsense and bullying people...

Anonymous said...

Lyrics for sure. Thankfully the news Album's close.

Anonymous said...

Appreciate the positive love for Adam but hold on with the insultive comments regarding Sauli.
Little bit of respect needed.

Anonymous said...

Always avoid a thread invaded by Sauli fans!

Anonymous said...

Hey, did you notice the stupid Kris or Tommy's fans who tweeted Adam about the spelling errors. That was the talk of the day on twitter.

Anonymous said...

Tommycrays think the lyrics are about Tommy.

Anonymous said...

try as I might those lyrics don't make all that much sense to me, but I love Adam's tell tale spelling. He is a lovable character.

Anonymous said...

It is easier for Sauli to get a new bf, because he doesn't have a friend like Adam has Tommy who likes to interfere in Adam's "current" relationships. I don't know whether Bridger knows Tommy but if he's still seeing Adam I guess Adam will introduce Tommy to him and Tommy will start hanging out with them. All in the Glamily.

Anonymous said...

4:23 whatever.

Anonymous said...


I searched twitter and I didn't see anything from Kris or Tommy fans to Adam. Are you making things up?

Anonymous said...

Your obsession with tommy is bizarre. He doesn't affect adam, his career or his love life at all. He is just a friend.

Anonymous said...

I think since adam tweeted these lines to millions of people they mean something to him. Not some random words that just sound nice together. And he wants people to speculate about them.

Anonymous said...

3.30 miss B I did not write that at all not me, try to trace it and find out who it is if i wrote something here I signed it. You stop your shit now I did not write 12.09. I been very ill just started to post again. Not well enough to take your nonsense. You people are the bullies and your bad ones, you bullied me yesterday. Again I did not write it, you acuse me again of something I did not do, your gonna have problems. Please who in charge here report this constant bullying to the administrator. Again I did not write it. Why don't you look into something before you acuse someone stop it. Do not tell me to calm down. Sue

Anonymous said...

@4:48 The tweets are below the rhyme tweet.

Risti ‏@ristispeaks
@adamlambert lose not loose, dearie.

Risti ‏@ristispeaks
@adamlambert also it's not its

Risti ‏@ristispeaks
@adamlambert here Adam I beta'd your story for you.

Artistsupporter ‏@Artistsupporter
@ristispeaks So glad you said it. I had to tie my typing fingers behind my back.

Anonymous said...

What looser's no talent, can't sing, cannot write songs, can't fill up big audiences. Don't travel the world and perform all over, award shows the voice, Idol, life ball, Queen could go on and on just a bunch of pathetic tweeter's that really could not shine Adam's shoes he multi talented. Gee they can spell better, hope they get rich he is! Sue

Anonymous said...

I have no clue why the Kris fans are like that to Adam. When I heard that Kris was in a car accident I thought God maybe punished him. I am a Christian.

Anonymous said...

God is not in the business of punishing people. God is love, we could take a few lessons from Him.

Anonymous said...

@5:36 If someone punched you would you turn the other cheek? I'm still more the eye for an eye person.

Anonymous said...

Then you are one of the problems, that is wrong with this world. Try a little love sometime, it may be a new experience for you.

Anonymous said...

@6:04 Good for you.

Anonymous said...

Live, Laugh, Love

Anonymous said...

Sue has become a true evil twin of Lammy, birds of a feather.

Anonymous said...

9:45 wow your paranoia is running rampant.

Anonymous said...

Sue had not become anything Sue is defending herself from you constantly trying to blame me for other's post. Like I said I did not write it. You people are so immature you have to be school kids or you never matured. I wrote something yesterday quite nice about Sauli, you ignored that. There are plenty jog Adam people on here, and will defend Adam against. But, in the future you better check out what you blame me for. I will sign all posts. People get tired of signing when none of you do and you continue to call out the ones who signed. Correction plenty of just Adam fans on here, it is an Adam site. lam-my is a good Adam fan so you can quit trashing her too. I not well enough to argue with immature childish mean people. Doubt I will post for awhile. I will post if you say something untrue and wrong about Adam, any posts will be signed. I will however cont. to monitor the post so I will not get blamed for post that are not mine. So tweets were silly unkind and very immature. Adam spelling may not be perfect but he a huge talent, not KA are any of those people come close to his talent in any form. Basically some are just trolling here and would live to see the regular real Adam fans gone, it's not happening. Not gonna post as much but always here to have his back and my own. You will not cont. to get away with blaming me for other's post. I am in no way a bullies but I being bullied. Thank you 10.02 for taking up for me! One big bully is 9.45 I did not post anything but a nice thing about Sauli on this post or another, your trying to make me the bad guy I done nothing, but defend myself from false accusations. To 9.45. Sue

Anonymous said...

Yep, and it goes on and on until the negativity vibe spreads. Whose business is it what Adam and Sauli's relationship was and is now. Not only do we read comments of disrespect to both Adam and Sauli but even Tommy got thrown in too. What your reading is all a lot of rot. Nuff said!

Anonymous said...

Some sick fandom!! Gotta say...

Anonymous said...

Darn, even sinking so low to throw at Kris now. Adam is class and it appears there's not much of that on this thread.

Anonymous said...

Sue, maybe your nice comments about Sauli are sometimes ignored because you just seldom talk nice about him. And your negative comments also stay better in mind. You should appreciate more Saulberts, we are fans of Adam too. Maybe it is hard to believe your niceness about us after you just recently "highfived" Adam Jacko for wanting some of us dead! When some fans were upset about AJ, you defended AJ for being a "true fan" and not meaning it literally. That sort of recognition from you kind of stays in mind, sorry for that for you because otherwise I really like you.

Anonymous said...

I did not hi go Jacko for wanting you dead if you read it I put another comment under my comment and said I fought very hard for my life lately and know one should wish anyone dead, you did not read that. I recovering from five way bi pass. Now think the veins into neck are stopped. If you would have just read underneath what I write you would have seen I added a comment I said I fought hard for my life, you should never wish anyone dead, no you ignored that to. The things you think I said about lately are not mine yesterday someone wrote something did not sign it and blamed it on me. From now on if its not signed it not me.nothing wrong with Kris A. According to people here not me it's his fans saying nasty tithings about I do not know if that true or not. Unless a comment is signed it's not mine. I have nothing Sauli what so ever never have. It's the way you all express things and many times say nasty things about Adam and that is the problem. Adam j. Is a big fan of Adam's but I in no way hi five him or her like I say for being a good fan but not for saying nasty stuff. But, you cause stuff that's not right by saying to much negativity. Please just stay more positive if Adam who did nothing wrong to him in your live for Sauli and no one will get upset. You all think you are totally without wrong doing everybody else is wrong, the way you put things is the problem be more considerate I think we all will follow. But, please leave me out of your arguments, and calling me down for stuff I did not write, again if its not signed its not mine. Sue

Anonymous said...

I will also state quite clearly to Adam Jacko I know you like Adam very much and I applaud you for that. But, you should never wish anyone to loose their life, or be overly mean about anything. There are ways we can all express our love for Adam and Sauli in a kind way, I did say this the other day after my comment. We need to all express things in a kinder manner! All of us, Sue

Anonymous said...

You people take things way too seriously. You are never going to control what other people say on the internet. If that's upsetting to you stick to a moderated site where they keep everything nice and friendly all the time. There are plenty of them out there. Otherwise just ignore those annoying comments. Continuing to whine and complain and vigorously defend Adam's honor is ridiculous

Anonymous said...

You people take things way too seriously. You are never going to control what other people say on the internet. If that's upsetting to you stick to a moderated site where they keep everything nice and friendly all the time. There are plenty of them out there. Otherwise just ignore those annoying comments. Continuing to whine and complain and vigorously defend Adam's honor is ridiculous

Anonymous said...

JAK here......quite honestly when I read Adam's tweet immediately the song from Finian's Rainbow ( you know about the village of Brigadoon) came first to my mind. The song Look To The Rainbow......."tis a rhyme for your lips, a song for your heart to sing it whenever your world falls apart".

Of course I did spend my entire young life watching MGM musicals! Many, many times......lyrics are burned into my brain. Wanna hear Kiss Me Kate? Showboat? Porgy and Bess? South Pacific? No?.......I didn't think so! lol

Anonymous said...

I agree @7:12. I don't know what is more frustrating, the negative comments or the people responding to them.
But I would like to say something to Sue. Do not let that person upset you. That's what they are trying to do. It's a common theme on this site to blame posters for posting things that they did not, answering their own posts, etc, etc. When you say you didn't write that post, I believe you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 7.31 I think that is quite true. I ask please keep out if your arguments, I do not need to be upset like that. Thanks again for what you said 7.31 I think they just try to set you up and it is a form of bullying everything Adam is against! Sue

Anonymous said...

That was please keep me out of your arguments, if you want to fight about Sauli and Adam, that your problem keep me out of it please, because I always going lean in Adam's direction he is who I am here for only! Sue

Anonymous said...

Are these Finnish women so bored with Sauli they have to come here and harass Sue now? Lord please don't let me get sick around these cold hearted people.

Anonymous said...

I also think its unnecessary to bring unkind tweets over to this site, to upset people purposely. Leave them where they are there are many ignorant people on twitter none of us will win fighting them, we all know some old idol fan are mad Adam is doing better than their idol, and all kinds of others with a chip on their shoulders against anyone who is successful as Adam is. Also just plain nasty people in general there. In the end what they rant about means nothing to Adam at all really. Sorry sue again

Anonymous said...

8:05 they are just a bunch of cocky women. Just ignore.

Anonymous said...

For heaven´s sake...this is so kindergarten!!!! And stupidity doesn´t just appear in one nationality... it appears everywhere and it is more than proven here on this site!! So young, middle aged and elderly ladies here...i it is high time to grow up! Geez!

Anonymous said...

This is such a childish playground sometimes. "Mothers" arguing whose child is wisest and best. I hope Adam never reads this site. Both Adam and his ex-partner Sauli do not deserve this kind of treatment. They are lovely human beings who happened to fall in love and then noticed that they are not meant to grow old together. We know nothing about their true feelings and what they have gone through, both of them. That's it.

There is no need to accuse each other of being a bad fan or ask to leave the place or insult each other with all possible ways. We are not enemies, or are we? We all love Adam and some of us love Sauli, which is just ok. People should read their comments and think twice if it's worth sending. I did and I'm not 100% sure, but sent still.

And this thread with over 100 comments, mostly arguing who is right and who is wrong, just b/c Adam tweeted some phrases for us. Holy cow!

Anonymous said...

8.51 there dragging other people into it I don't want in their stupid stuff. Adam and Sauli are friends just leave it be people.thank you 8.05 for having a heart! Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue...maybe someone tries to drag in, but why are you constantly willing to be dragged?? You is a two way street.

Anonymous said...

Sue, There are many people posting here, I am 3:18am. This is the second post I write on this thread today, so no need to think I am somehow harassing you. I said I like you and I have read all your posts, also yesterday. No misunderstandings at all. Rude comments should never be supported in one way or another. I thank you for your wise post @5:58am! The Lady I like is back! Consideration and kindness are wishes most of us want here from everybody. People are still individuals and No one person or nation is behind negative comments addressed to you. Peace!

Anonymous said...

Dear 10.14sorry not gonna let you drag me into an argument, not willing to be dragged. Happy now! Sue

Anonymous said...

10.37 thanks, I have no idea who is behind some of this but I have a hunch. So easy for someone to say your willing to be dragged into an argument no I am not. But if you purposely accuse me of something I am not responsible for and you most likely are, I am gonna defend myself. That does not mean I want to argue. That's it! For 10.14. Sueo

Anonymous said...

@8:05am and @8:32am, both not kind or considerate comments! If you appreciate Sue, read what she wished from all of us @5:58am! I think Sue agrees???

Anonymous said...

Sue...I´m 10:14 am...sometimes your comments are not self defense and I think you know it. This is my second post today and when I read these comments, it feels like I`m not on Adam 24/7 site..It feels like I´m on Sue´s "I just need to be hostile and defensive"-site. I don´t appreciate offensive posts towards you or anyone else for that matter. But you jump high, when somebody disagrees with you or disagrees with Adam´s doings or sayings. I haven´t said anything to you that you need to be so upset about. This is how I feel and I think I have a right to say it as much as you have a right to say yours. There is nothing wrong with a good debate, but I do think you sometimes argue even if you say you don´t. It´isn´t always everyone else´s fault.

Anonymous said...

@4:55pm, You are so right! I agree that These lyrics Adam sent to his fans, were ment to be speculated !
That is just what happened, different opinions. IMO no actual arguing who is right or wrong either. No need to get affended for this speculation. I loved to read his tweet and think about the meaning of those words especially in my own life and let my mind also speculate a bit! Thankey Adam!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but here goes people...Sooo What??? There are people who post here that are fans of Adam in varying degrees. Some aren't fans at all. Some are interested in his personal life, some aren't. Some come here only to antagonize because they constantly get what they want - a response! Until the admin. changes the way this site is run, people will continue to voice differing opinions and argue about them. As long as Adam is in the public eye, he WILL be judged. Take up for him if you feel you must, but don't think the opposing opinions on this site are going to go away.
I also think some of you just want to pick on some of the posters that have the courage to sign their comments.
But, like someone who posted earlier said, if you don't like it, go to a friendlier, moderated site.

leilani Aloha said...

Ha! Ha! Love 1:43pm Rose Petal's comments:)
so cute, & so right for Mr Adam Lambert!!!

Anonymous said...

I think most of us are decent posters
regularly coming to this site and we write respectfully aswell. Tags or no tags, coming from different countries. Sometimes I´m "dragged" in to some arguing and always regret it, it´s futile. Still I like to read different opinions, they make this site interesting. With anons possibility as freedom of expression, I accept differences, not rudeness.

Anonymous said...

11.48 listen I have a right to comment just like you all do. If you do not like what I say you attack! I have right to my opinion to lady. No I not always defending myself , but on this site I was and I needed to. Much of what you said could not agree less, in very tired now. Argue with someone else. Sue

Anonymous said...

@ JAK - Thanks for trying to change the bitter flow of conversation - and yes , I remember that lovely
ly song and movie. Since Adam was in the play I'm sure he does too. Some how appropriate this week - Look to the Rainbow (flag)! Though that play was about racial intolerance - another time in our countries past.

Anonymous said...

11.48 so full if crap.

Anonymous said...

Sue, better not follow the lead of obnoxious Lammy.

Anonymous said...

11:48 am

Thank you! It´s clear that you´re not attacking, but giving a feedback! If it can´t be dealt with...tough! And yes... I do agree what you said.

Anonymous said...

Oh, boy...

9:00PM is also Sue!


11:47PM is giving thanks and agreeing with her self = 11:48AM


Anonymous said...

11:48 AM
You said very wise words! Especially about that Sue...