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Some Sexy Adam Lambert Pictures from San Diego

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, July 03, 2013


Anonymous said...

Consider it an honor to be the first to comment on these pictures.
Adam looks fantastic.

Anonymous said...

BREATHTAKING ADAM!>>>>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

In my opinion,the whole show looks sexier because the dancers and background singers aren't there. Not that they aren't sexy, but the whole show just exudes more Adam and more rock and that is just SEXY!

HK fan said...

Just love the 4th and 6th pictures, so gorgeous.

tea said...

It's all and only about Adam for me. Fun pics!

I don't give a hang about back up dancers and singers but it's definitely Adam's call. He may need to catch his breath while they fill the time.

Anonymous said...

San Diego - an awesome show. I am still amazed by all the stories I have heard this week as to how Adam has inspired so many Glamberts and pulled them through rough times. Amazing Glambert stories, amazing Glamberts. Thank you San Diego, thank you Glamberts for sharing your love. Thank you Adam - what a great show, what a positive impact you have made in the lives of so many. Plus we had sooooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Magiclady said...

Soooo, @Adamluv and all you others who were there last night, it looks like a wild show. I haven't seen all of the vids yet but Adam lookin HOT as usual. I agree with the others here that he seems to be getting sexier and sexier ( as if that is possible)!!

Anonymous said...

is anybody going to the next concert Jan. 19th ?

Anonymous said...

Scroll people, scroll, this is gonna be a long rant, sorry!

Today is a day of decisions. Today I decided to give up following Adam's career and life. It has taken too much of my time; I've been too invested. I have woken up early in the mornings to hear live streams of gigs or radio promo tours from all over the world. I've watched almost all vids and pics that have been taken about him. I've bought his albums and listened to them almost every day at the beginning. I've been excited about all the interviews he has given to radio stations, TV or papers.

And now, when everyone is flailing over these two US-gigs, I'm not interested anymore. What happened to me? All I know it started after the Miami-pride. I noticed that I've lost interest. I just can't take him seriously anymore. Looks like the sexuality is the main purpose on his performances and the more provocative his moves on stage are, the more people scream with happiness. Now you say, he's been this kind of performer all the time. And he has the VOICE. I know. There are other performers, like Madonna, who use the sexuality as a "weapon" when they perform, but most of them are not vocally as talented as Adam. I have never cared much about pop music. Adam just blinded me somehow and dragged me to his glam world. But I waited that when he grows older, he may change a bit/reform. I know he is a great person and talented singer, he is just not the kind of singer I want to listen from now on (or I would listen if it was just music and voice). I would have been so happy if he would have performed for instance Runnin', even once live and without any sexual gestures/mannerisms, just singing.

I know this comment will make some of you mad (Why is he telling us this?), but I don't care. I'll leave also this place. Have a nice life everyone! It's been fun to read all these comments and different opinions. I hope Adam will be in future even bigger star than he is now. He does not need me to support. He surely knows what he is doing and where he is aiming at and what is good for him.

I guess the last drop that "cut the back of the camel" was this "bulge"-thing over music, again.

Anonymous said...

good-bye drama queen, you will be missed.

Anonymous said...

10:40 I know how ya feel, too much cutting of the camels back gets to me every time.

Anonymous said...

He really belongs In theater. I hope he was able to audition for some roles when he was in NYC

Anonymous said...

Your right he will thrive without you, I respect your opinion but what bothers you about Adam pleases many, many more and sorry he has to please the masses. Adam sexiness is part of him and he could no more get rid of that than his hands arms or legs. It who he is a part of the man. You should go with someone sexless, not many now days to choose from. Not trying to be mean its the way I feel about it. Love Adam for who he is. Sue

Anonymous said...

He doesn't look sexy on stage. He looks silly.

Anonymous said...

silly/sexy, eye of the beholder.

Anonymous said...

And I'd say you know zilch about SEXY!

Anonymous said...

Silly, sexy...a little bit of both on stage. Overall Adam just seems to be having a good time and enjoying what he is doing. I think there were more sexual moves with the two dancers he had previously. He doesn't need them or the backup singers. The best thing about Adam is that he sings live, no lip synching, auto-tuning,etc. or big production numbers that often mask the fact the performer isn't or cannot sing live. Look at the criticism Mariah Carey is getting lately about lip synching. Maybe if her dresses weren't so tight and short, she might be able to get some of those higher notes and sing live. Love watching these vids of Adam and he does look fantastic.

Anonymous said...

11.20 tell that to the sold crowd honey, they are loving him. Orlando people stayed out in the awful sun waiting for 11 hours to see him, I suspect it was not because he looks silly on stage. Because he a fabulous talented singer, who is sexy and a very kind nice guy to his fans. Adam has a natural sexiness most of the singers out there today are very contrived in their sexiness. Adam can wear sexy costumes look sexy wear jeans and tee shirt look sexy, it's just part of him. Sue

Anonymous said...

That was to 11.20 . Yes Adam has a natural silliness about him to its part of his natural charm, a bit of silly goofiness is part of his charm. But his looks are not silly he very attractive man. Sue

Anonymous said...

Actually contrived is how I would describe Adam. The opposite of natural sexiness.

Anyway I'm glad people are getting out to enjoy these last couple of shows. I think he will be looking hard for a tv or theater gig now.

Anonymous said...

Ignore the troll.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a concert end of July. From a direct quote from Bryan May looks like there will be a tv ever with Queen. He has china idol finale too. Sure few more concerts added this year. He is working on new music, as he as directly said.if a few think different so what.

Anonymous said...

He already did China Idol. He isn't going to fly all the way over there and appear again.

Anonymous said...

He already did China Idol. He isn't going to fly all the way over there and appear again.

Anonymous said...

I doubt very seriously, if he did the finale yet. They would not have that planned yet! Yes he would fly for that, probably do more whole there.

Anonymous said...

Lol no he didn't do the finale yet. He isn't going to do the finale. He did the premiere show instead.

Anonymous said...

Lol no he didn't do the finale yet. He isn't going to do the finale. He did the premiere show instead.

Anonymous said...

@10:40am, I feel your sadness and seriousness behind your decision today and respect you for your own opinion. There certainly are many of us who have invested a lot of time for Adam for many years. It may be difficult to be suddenly without a committment of that magnitude. I wish you get a better feeling concentrating on other valuable things in life and I´m glad you have been part of this diverse fandom. I still think differences are what make us interesting and human(and this site more real, we need that). Despite what anybody here says otherwise we all need to learn acceptance for this diversity . Maybe you´ll be able to "lurk" sometimes on this site finding out about Adam´s new music. I wish you all good:)!

Anonymous said...

love-love adam lambert im his fan for life-never get tired of adam music and his dancing.

Anonymous said...

He would probably do more while he there. However I do not know all he has planned quite sure other things will come up. Correction from 12.40. Sue forgot sign, does it make some if you happy to be negative all the time.Adam accomplished more in four or five years than most in a life time do and he will cont. too. Certainly most from idol, has. Except for the obvious few. It's time to take care my health, Adam will be fine the random unsigned negativity will never stop that. Vids will never do his concerts justice as many said must be there to judge. He a fabulous live performer. Read several from Orlando saying they will never recover from how amazing Adam was live. It very hot right now, Adam can't dress all up like he could in cooler temps. Sue

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes he is gonna do the finale! That was announced! Sorry lol.

Anonymous said...

1.07 agreed!

Anonymous said...

Adam is a sexy hot beast on stage. Saw him live in Orlando and he is all that and more

Anonymous said...

wow what I wouldn't give for Adam to land a theater or TV gig.

Anonymous said...

I think the commenter above was leaving the fandom like forever. This is the same fan who writes comments and respond to her own comments.


Adam was fabulous last night. I was there. These fans' videos don't capture everything you see or hear in a concert. To base one's perception of performance on cell phone videos is crazy.

Anonymous said...

If you're done with Adam, fine walk away and keep your thoughts to yourself. There is nothing nice about turning ugly and spewing it on those of us still loving him. You've had years of enjoyment being an Adam fan, why would you not remember that time fondly.

Anonymous said...

God, now some are nitpicking what type of sexiness he has? Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Did'nt Adam just do Joan River 's Fastion police, in may he was on idol finale. Looks like sometimes this year will probably do a tv event with Queen , some where. I don't get why people act like he never on TV.

Anonymous said...

LOL when I decide to quit following something or stop watching something I always go to the fan site to make a big announcement. Troll.

Adam looks great in these pics. Wish I could have been in San Diego to see this show.

Mis Fit said...

So masculine with his facial hair and broad shoulders. Then he prisses around like a fairy in Fever and ruins it all.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! @ 10:40 AM,

We respect your decision to leave....

You just have to take care of your heart:) You are not immune of what Adam do on stage.:) But we are!!:)

We are still hungry for more indeed!!:)


Anonymous said...

2:42 you missed a great show and a show within a show with his mom and dad in the audience. A wonderful night.

Anonymous said...

2:45 what?? fever was my fave yesterday. Be nice.

Anonymous said...

Within the last year he also done pretty little liars, what happening live, Rove La. jimmy Kimble live, the late show Show J Leno, Ellen, Diva's, another fashion police done twice. Idol finale, Wendy Williams, some morning show. Abroad several televised award shows, Life Ball, the voice finale, started up Idol , the talk show for idol and more. All televised. Did the big aids event for Queen televised last year abroad and more all on TV. He will do more, he done TV in last year!

Anonymous said...

Wish the troll WOULD leave, lol.

Anonymous said...

The second pic makes me think he is imitating a frog catching a fly. lol

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I leave occasionally for short time-outs. Sometimes the bitterness of some posters get to me, sometimes I just tell it....too much, let real life be my main interest for awhile. That usually occurs when
I have been hunched over the computer screen abusing my eyes and ears trying to follow a live stream, all the time knowing the next day I'll be able to watch clear vids of the performances. Cuckoo.

Short breaks can be good and ward off excess Adamitus!
And the foolish judging of his personal life.
Adam is not the center of my life, he's just a joyous added attraction!

Anonymous said...

Mis Fit 2:45pm - comments like yous are what make young gay boys and girls hate themselves. And the fact that you would write it here, on a fan site for a gay singer, is really dirty.
Different opinions and discussions are welcome. Hate speach is not.

Take a clue from Adam and spread happiness. You'll be surprised at how good it makes you feel.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

BTW....JAK again.....picture #4 should be a fold out "pin up"
picture in a every the world!
JMO. : )

Anonymous said...

@xo Laura
Thank you for saying that, totally agree.
Posts like that just make my skin crawl...

Anonymous said...

2 53
Lol of course he did tv last year when he was in promo mode. Now he said he is looking for jobs other than music, like working on glee. Acting or hosting. See the difference ?

Anonymous said...

why do some people on here have to argue over every little thing? Some pathological need to be right all the time? I don't get it. I pity your henpecked children.

Anonymous said...

Don't let the door hit you on the &ss! Bye!!!

glitzylady said...

Adam tailors his concert performances to his audience. Pride audiences are of course going to get a bit "looser Adam". A general all ages audience, for instance, San Diego County Fair, the more "behaved" Adam, with a little bit of "silly/sexy/charming/happy/" Adam thrown in.. I like all of his different performance styles in context. But I also get that he isn't everyone' cup of tea. I was second row center aisle last night at the SD Fair, and I honestly have to say it was possibly the Adam Lambert concert I've seen to date, and I've seen 12 live shows in the past 4 (!!!) years. Absolutely perfect. I also know that he is constantly evolving as a performer/ honing his skills/ refining is music and vocals. I plan to stick around for the long haul. It's been an amazing journey so far, a few bumps in the road here and there, but that makes for a very interesting ride for sure. Love him :))

Mis Fit said...

@3:31: There are a lot of gay guys that don't act prissy. And don't pull out the homophobe card. And don't go there about the fairy reference. Why is it ok for gays to calI eachother fags, queers, fairies, cunts, etc, but don't dare a straight person do it. Guess it's the same taboo that whites have re. the N word. It's all b*llsh*t.
Ask anyone who's not a obsessed blinded Adam fan, it's a huge turnoff to the average straight person for a man to act prissy. And if you think it's sexy, then you're fooling yourselves.
Adam is who he is?Well you can't be a priss & masculine too. Look at Johnny. Ever seen him act butch? Adam needs to decide which one he is and stick with it.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a full out advocate against bullying which that rant was. Shame on you for trying to bully his fans and trying to ruin their day. No one will miss you on this site. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Troll is a nice word for Bully. I think troll should be dropped and call these bullies what they are.

Anonymous said...

Mia Fit is- great name for you. That what you are a bulley as mis fit and a perfect idiot. Please go away you are not fit to be on this site. Adam wonderful person and you are a terrible excuse for a human being!

Shaley said...

I'm so sick and tired of people calling each other trolls and bullies just because they don't like the way someone states their opinion. 10:40 dared to express their honest feelings and what do most of you do? You bullied them. Get the picture? That old kettle is turning darker by the minute. People shouldn't have to walk on eggshells every time they post because of all the ultra sensitive mama bears here. I got a newsflash for ya-Not everyone kisses the ground Adam walks on, nor blindly adores everything he does, and that's OK. I get frustrated with his actions sometimes, and I've also been bullied for daring to express them here. I've said it before and I'll say it again-a lot of you are down right hypocrites and bullies yourselves and I don't understand why some keep coming back for more. I for one, have had enough of the childish bickering here. I've noticed quite a few sensible folks have already split. Now it's time for me to act like the proverbial banana;)
Oh, and for the record once again, I don't care for "prissy" Adam either. I much prefer his Orlando persona. I kind of figured he was catering to the crowd, but it was fun while it lasted. The SD one may very well be the "real" Adam. Oh well...although Alpha Adam is my fave I still adore him, regardless. It's just that the Alpha side of him turns me on. Guess that means I'm just a "normal" straight female also;)

Anonymous said...

He done TV this year too, see the difference. Both abroad and here idol here and idol abroad. Award shows televised, life ball televised, abroad does not matter for charity. Was widely televised Joan Rivers here, talk show abroad. Not as much as when he is promoting but still TV. Looking forward to the queen thing Brian mentioned as probably televised event. Singer celebs always looking for new opportunities Adam no different. Also he said he would work on music and is.

Anonymous said...

Mis Fit, that had to be the LAMEST response to my comment concerning your initial hateful post.

I think I have to agree with The Dark Side. You are showing yourself to be a bully. Not to me, ignorance doesn't rate high with me, but to Adam's younger fans here who look up to him as a role model. And probably to the poor folks that have to be around you in real life.

Who are you to tell anybody how to act - "you can't be prissy and masculine, too" - when your own behavior here is nothing anyone should want to follow. As with straight people, gay personalities can have many sides in one person. Adam is fully in touch with all sides of himself.

And, whatever slang any group uses within itself is their choice. I personally would never use the "N" word. I have no idea what the point was of that whole argument.

Now the good news, Mis Fit! You CAN become a better person. It will take some time and insight, but totally worth the work. All things in life will become better when we decide to BE BETTER. You are better than what you wrote, you just don't know it yet.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

5 52

Is that you dear sue or do we have two "special" posters? You are completely missing the point but I will quit because you will never, ever understand

Anonymous said...

P.S. Shaley 5:38pm, it has nothing to do with "kissing the ground Adam walks on". It has to do with hitting below the belt. Reread the posts from Mis Fit from the beginning. I love differing opinions and discussions, but down-right mean comments do not belong on Adam's fan site. Too many kids read these posts. We want the next generation to know they are loved and accepted for exactly who they are; gay, straight, masculine, feminine, black, white, whatever.

The straight girl in me loves the masculine Adam, too. The gay Adam makes me have weird sexual fantasies. It's all good. There is room in my brain for that, and more. What there is not room for is pure meanness. Mis Fit's comment falls into that category in my opinion.

xo laura

Mis Fit said...

@laura. How many "voices of reason" does one site need anyhow? I applaud you on your efforts though, but as a famous southern lady recently stated "I is what I is"...
But thank you just the same.

Anonymous said...

I saw Adam night in San Diego. Twelfth row, wonderful show! He blended the rather subdued sexuality so well into the show. I would be so disappointe if Adam became sexually neutral on stage. He is so masculine, get so playful with is sexuality, in a good way, at least to me. Sexual playfulness can be fun. I can't imagine why anyone would be offended. Other singers flaunt gross sexuality onstage, their fans love it, they scream for more, and buy millions of albums. Adam, by comparison, is milder, yet somehow sweeter. I love his little suggestiveness. It's harmless fun. If someone doesn't like it, I guess they can go elsewhere with their passions. I want to see my Adam sing with killer vocals, OWN the stage visually, and project a fun, confident sexuality that fits the venue. He sure did it prefectly lat night in SD. LOVED IT!!! BTW, it was so great to meet so many Glamberts face to face. The conversation and sharing was amazing!!! A wonderful two days. I'll leave the other negative topics here alone. No interest.
Adam's acts naturally. Some gay men have more feminine traits than others. Prissy? Not to me. I can't imagine that it's so bothersome to some people. I, like glitzy, am here for the long haul, following this amazing man.
If he bothers you, please find someone who isn't offensive to you. There are plenty, I'm sure.


Anonymous said...

Do we need to have a class on why it is offensive to refer to gay men as prissy or alpha males?

Anonymous said...

glitzylady and DRG did you guys get a peek at his Mom and Dad? Was his Dad their with his girlfriend? thanks, nosy me.

Anonymous said...

Mis Fit 6:09pm, you called me "a voice of reason"?!!

How did you reach enlightenment so quickly? :)

And - how fun - all of us get to see another side of You! Props.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

does everyone need to resort to name calling. bizarre people post on this site. appreciate adam or not, but the constant picking at everything does not seem normal and certainly not enjoyable to read. sigh.

Anonymous said...

I did not actually see Eber or Leila, but I heard they were there. Leila sat a little in front of us and I guess she was talking to fans and were very friendly. There are some pictues posted of her on AO. Eber was in the upper area behind us. I also read on AO that he graciously got his pic taken with some fans. Sutan was there also. I wish I had known they were there. I would have at least tried to see them. Lucky fans who got to meet them!!!


Mis Fit said...

Wow-you are full of yourself aren't you?
However, you aren't very perceptive.
Allow me to enlighten YOU. **It's called sarcasm.**
You also seem to enjoy confrontation. Better be careful though. Wouldn't want anyone mistaking you for a hateful bully.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I'm sure we all know a straight guy or two who has some more feminine mannerisms. Same with straight females who are more masculine. Sexuality is complex, not simple.

Seems to me that human sexuality is more of a continuum than an absolute.

There are many shades and nuances in sexuality. It's not cut and dried. Adam is a wonderful combination of alpha male, a playful sexuality and an occasional cross-over into femininity. I find it charming and totally human. I find many sexually charged straight performers far more annoying, not shocking, just annoying. We all have our own limits of tolerance for these types of things. I try to take Adam as a whole person, not just as a guy with feminine mannerisms. He's a lot more than that, for sure.


tea said...

I just noticed the third picture from the bottom. That's Eber with Adam.

Anonymous said...

7:52 don't worry no one will ever mistake her for a bully, from her posts she has a big kind heart. I respect that.

Anonymous said...

Ah, well ... Mis Fit 7:52pm, I had higher hopes for you. Crossed my fingers that your post wasn't sarcastic, for one - because it was poorly done.

And, you didn't get my sense of humor either. Not too surprised.

"Confrontation" does not make a person a bully, silly one. Your own comments have put you in that class and I am more than willing to stand up to you.

Thanks 8:12 pm. There are certain things that are important enough to call someone out on. Glad you've understood my message.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@10:40- I get what your sayin and I for different reasons needed to get out of this fantom just to save my marriage. After 4 yrs I guess it's worked itself out- I say nothing now about Adam(I have you guys)and all is fine. I never got out BTW, sometimes I want him to be shall I say a more main-stream artist not promoting the gay life so much- yes, but that's Adam, that's what's going to set him about for the rest and remember Elvis- shocking to so many people, the pelvic thrust. Adam will be a legend someday, he's just too talented not to be. For me, I can't let this man with the best voice, looks and personality GO.


Anonymous said...

woots just looked at the pictures and I am loving the low rider jeans and touch of belly porn.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of those who just like @BROWNIE wish Adam would someone be accepted in the mainstream by not promoting his being gay (like NPH, Ricky Martin).
But I believe it's his years as a club kid why he got those moves (prissy?) unconsciously and that's who he is which I accept.
Ricky got sexy moves but very manly indeed. Even Matt Bohmer who is drop dead gorgeous is being considered for the role of Christian Gray even he is gay.
Adam would not be offered those roles or on main TV unless it's about being gay. Anyway, I have no doubt he will reach the top but it should have been right after Idol if not for that regrettable incident just before release of FYE.
Wish him all the power and most of all LUCK which he needs.

Anonymous said...

This thread is absolutely littered with sanctimonious, smart-aleck, sarcastic bullies.

Mis Fit said...

Oh, I get it alright. I get that you are full of yourself.
Find someone else to practice your pseudo psychology on. Your posts are beginning to bore me.

Anonymous said...

Any chance this topic could be closed because freedom of speech is not popular here.

Anonymous said...

9:58 I noticed those sexy jeans right off the bat. LOL

Anonymous said...

10:16 PM, not promoting being gay? You really have no idea what Ricky Martin has been up to. He is very vocal on gay rights in Puerto Rico and Australia. As for Neil Patrick Harris, he is considered an outspoken gay rights activist and was #13 on Out Magazine's most powerful and influential list this year. Adam didn't even make the list.

Anonymous said...

10:16 PM, not promoting being gay? You really have no idea what Ricky Martin has been up to. He is very vocal on gay rights in Puerto Rico and Australia. As for Neil Patrick Harris, he is considered an outspoken gay rights activist and was #13 on Out Magazine's most powerful and influential list this year. Adam didn't even make the list.

Anonymous said...

Dear 6.02 what? Guess no one will ever understand your nonsense?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for YOUR INCREDIBLE VOICE and also for lending it to so many worthy causes.

For the life of me I will never be able to undersand why anyone wants to say anything negative about you. For me you will always be a shining star and a reason to continue believing that things will get better... although too slowly, if you ask me!

leilani Aloha said...

Yes! Well said Anon 1:57AM !!!

Love Adam for being Adam!!!
Always real, free spirit, compassionate & down to earth!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 10:40 @Mis Fit @Shaley

You three should get together, get a room and let it all out... From 10:40 post I gathered the poster is a male, perhaps an alpha male... Have fun! lol

Anonymous said...

Thank you Adam Lambert, finally jeans that show your nice ass (among other nice things... er, like the low riding belt!! )

Have hated this fashion where guys have otherwise tight jeans but there's this 'hanging pouch' where a nice, firm ass used to show...or be...Low riding tight jeans all over, that how I like them... :)))

Anonymous said...

Am not watching all video's of Adam's concerts anymore.. so I kind of understand @10.40 am (3rd July)... Especially when this person uttered his/her frustration about the lack of a live version of "Runnin" ..

But I still keep on following Adam, because I notice how he grows and adapts to different situations in his career.

Maybe one day I will be over Adam...Maybe not.. I hope not... but I will never ever forget the way he makes me feel... he makes me feel happier and more courageous... Thank you Adam !

Anonymous said...

Yep, Adam is one hell of a sexy man and that moustache really hits that 'manly' mode right now. But it does seem the music has taken back burner amongst many fans. Everyone's gotten so restless waiting for #3 to arrive that so much bickering and negativity has taken over.

Anonymous said...

Respect your black and white decision. You don't deserve the heat your getting. You'll be missed.

Anonymous said...

Adam is beautifully 'gay' for heavens sake and out and proud indeed. Ricky Martin, nice guy who also stands for gay rights went for many years pumping out the womanizing music video's long before he 'came out'. Now that I've found differcult. Adam's true to himself and that takes pure guts. Why, oh why would you want Adam to play games. He stands strong and true and I respect him to the hilt! I cannot abid homophobic remarks.

Anonymous said...

11:20 AM Yess, I agree with you... He really looks silly and OLD for his age in stage, not sexy.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks sexy must standing there, regardless of what he's doing. Onstage, offstage, anywhere, anytime.

Anonymous said...

Always waiting at the sidelines to spew your venom - wtf do you want from Adam?! Or from this site?! ANSWER FOR ONCE, please!

Anonymous said...

8:44 AM

You must be a little bit paranoid, cause I have written only ONCE before this. 7:28 AM

Anonymous said...

Of course, no answer!
Meant you and the likes of you (e.g. the one you supported in your 7:28 post), don't care how many times you and the likes of you have posted. Once is too much.
Read your words @7:28 - are those the words of a fan or a decent human being?! Are you feeling good about yourself after bashing Adam here in front of Adam fans (I know Adam does not come here and bla bla bla only your opinion etc., on and on, heard it all before!)

Anonymous said...

I watched the videos and only saw Adam being "prissy" as some of you have said while singing Fever. Any of you listen to the words? Adam is appropriately sexy as the song he is singing calls for. I'm a fan of his voice and talent, not that he's gay. But it wouldn't matter if he was green with purple spots...he's an amazing performer and I for one am eternally grateful I was lucky enough to find him on Idol. Anyone who doesn't find him talented, sexy, handsome, funny and kind is deaf and blind.

10:40 I have a feeling that you've spent TOO much time following Adam and it has caused problems in your personal life. However, those problems would go away (poof) in a heartbeat if he only would sing Runnin for you. He may someday, but for now it was a bonus song on his album and he's never sung one of the bonuses on his albums to this date. I would love to hear him sing Can's Let You Go, but if I never do that will not stop me from appreciating his talent.