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Video Pictures: Adam Lambert with friends and fans

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 26, 2013

Posted at : Friday, July 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

Love Adam singing that song so much! nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Well at least Sam and Nile were on there.

Anonymous said...

BABE!!!!!!!! And how I ADORE that song "Map". <3

Anonymous said...

This was well done and I love Map too. Thanks comebacktoyou My guys Sam and Nile on top of it!!

Anonymous said...

MAP needs to be heard! It's such a super song. It would be good for a film score. If only I had won that 500 mil lottery!

Anonymous said...

pardon me ladies, but this song is so "fucking" superior to ANYTHING currently being played on the radio..that, well..what is WRONG with the people who do not see and appreciate this...I truly want to understand...

Anonymous said...

Nice collage of pictures and I've never heard MAP before! How did I miss this gorgeous song! Wow Adam sounds incr edible on this song. I just love it <3


Anonymous said...

CT. Map is a bonus song on the UK deluxe TP album, that and By The Rules, I love 'em.

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to see that lovely shaven face. I know he still looks great, but this isn't my favorite look for him. Since the facial hair is so popular now, my lawn man and grocery mgr both have sprouted recently, maybe, I hope, Adam will be ready for a change. The only fear is a return to partially shaved head. nooooooooooooo

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to put Map on US iTunes at least and By The Rules.

Anonymous said...

Sam Sparrow tweeted this, and it's his way of showing that he could play Freddie. A bit tongue in cheek, humor. No need to advise admin. It is supposed to be the way it is, showing that he could play Freddie as well as Adam. I suspect neither one will be asked.

Anonymous said...

I am @10:24 sorry put this on wrong thread.

glitzylady said...

I ordered the UK version of Trespassing just so I could have Map. I LOVE Map so much and think it could have been a successful single...if radio had played it of course. All of the bonus songs (all 5) were great. Including Runnin' and Nirvana. An amazing album all around.

A little story: was out and about today and had some things done at my hair and nails salon. Chatted with one of the stylists, mentioned Adam. Of course. ;))) Young 20 something girl asked "so what's he doing these days. He's just such a beautiful guy and such a great singer". So I filled her in. So many people really do like him: they just haven't seen or heard him. Hoping that changes.....Soon.

glitzylady said...

I should have said "they haven't seen or heard him LATELY"...

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady......JAK here

I have the same experience when I slip Adam into a conversation...casually...Dr's office, Book club at library, etc.
I hear "Oh, is he still singing?"
"I really liked him on Idol".

Of course then they are in for it as I inform them of his last 4 years activities. Hope I'm not driving them away!!!

He must be on TV on a regular basis and Glee alone won't do it...
I really do wish he'd be chosen as a judge. People need to become aware of his personality. AI is a program lots of people watch as a family, so that would be a good spread of ages.

If only wishes came true. *_*

Anonymous said...

P.S. Buying the Deluxe US and UK
Trespassing album gave me some of my favorite songs....Nirvana is Nirvana!....JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK and glitz, my scenarios are similar to your when I mention Adam to a new person. The usually respond positively, but have no recent knowledge of Adam and what he's been doing since. This is why the Idol job or some other regular TV is essential to his exposure to a broad audience. He's just too good to keep hidden. There must be some weird alien force field around Adam that keeps the Idol PTB from noticing him. HE'S RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU, IDOL! Open your eyes, for cryin' out loud. LOL.


Anonymous said...

I MUST HAVE MAP AND BY THE RULES. I can't believe I didn't get the UK deluxe version of Trespassing. I must be losing it. That's the next thing on my to do list! Must have it!

Anonymous said...

the place I eat at once a week knows I love Adam, yesterday I went there and the owner rushed up to me and said I just heard that guy you like is going to be performing with Queen at iHeart Radio. They say Adam's name a lot on my radio station when advertising for iHeart. Queen with Adam Lambert and surprise quests.

funbunn40 said...

Such a great song! Agree it would be a great film score.