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GLEE Episode 1 Performances

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, September 28, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, September 28, 2013

Starting on episode 4, Adam Lambert's GLEE performances will be similar to these types of videos! So excited!


Anonymous said...

I remember the 1st season of Glee when I did absolutely enjoyed their musical numbers until I stopped watching it.
I just find the storyline nonsensical.
I do hope Adam's storyline is interesting and not insulting to the sensibilities of the mature viewers.
Can't wait for Adam's scenes, acting and singing.

Anonymous said...

omg not in my wildest imagination can I picture Adam doing some of those production numbers,that is one of the reasons it will be so interesting.

Anonymous said...

Drinking my morning coffee I`m enjoying watch these young, beautiful, talented people sing and act. Adam´s teamworkers. Life would be easy if all what we had to think about is my coffee hot enough?
We have still season4 and we have to wait season5, Adam´s season. Life and business is a public relations and a huge network of people, I believe Adam do not mind if we are talking about people around him, Adam always remind us you are not alone, everything supports also his career,
have a nice Sunday, M

Anonymous said...

Wow...these look high budget.

I was anticipating Adam's scenes but I didn't realize I'm about to be shocked/surprised by the high productions on Adam's acting and singing...

I hope Adam's scenes look good!!!!

Does anyone know the date that the 4th episode will air on ABC?

Anonymous said...

This is so awesome!!! I can't sleep now! Adam's going to look so hot in these videos! I'm glad his character looks clean with no make up because I prefer him that way.

I wonder if his character is gay or straight? (Don't kill me but I actually want Adam to play straight and have a gf. It's a fantasy of mine.)

glitzylady said...

I just saw this posted on Twitter:

"Sexy Sneak Peek Of GLEE's Lady Gaga 'Applause' Tribute"

Excerpts pertaining to Adam:

"GLEE mastermind Ryan Murphy has taken to Twitter to post the very first sneak peek of GLEE's upcoming tribute to futuristic trend-setting pop icon Lady Gaga, in an episode set to be centered on Gaga's ongoing chart feud with fellow major modern music maker Katy Perry...."

"...The drama for the forthcoming episode titled "A Katy Or A Gaga" will feature the introduction of recognizable American Idol standout Adam Lambert as Starchild, a new character with an unique name seeming to more than subtly reference the real-life theatre and music group co-founded by Glee lead Darren Criss, Team Starkid...."

..."The song-list for the episode reportedly includes Lambert and Lovato leading the entire cast on Perry's "Roar", while Darren Criss joins with some New Directions vocalists - including Chord Overstreet, clearly, as we can now see - for Gaga's "Applause". Also, Lambert is set to sing a solo rendition of Gaga's BORN THIS WAY rocker "Marry The Night" while Katy Perry's "Wide Awake" also makes an appearance in the song-stack for the ep in a group cover...."

Anonymous said...

Glee does amazing jobs on their musical numbers - that's what they're known for. It is GLEE. I'm sure Adam's productions will be out of this world. Can't wait!

Thanks for the current info, Glitzylady. Very interesting. And look, I finally spelled your name right! Ha, I'm such a dork. Sorry.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Well, I watched the first episode of Glee and was not impressed. No wonder they have brought Adam aboard-they had to raise the bar to keep an audience. Adam will come through in flying colors for them. What took Glee producers so long to see the light? Another thing, that "Chord Overstreet" has an amazing body and probably a great voice to go with it-too hard to tell from the picture of him if he also has a perfect beautiful face as does our Adam. Let's prepare ourselves for some epic hotness when Adam appears on this show. If it would not be for Adam, I would never have given the show a moments's notice. I am very excited to now watch the program because I know that Adam Lambert will kill it!!!

Anonymous said...

Whew...JAK body remembers all the goofy dances it did to these Beatles songs. In the predawn darkness by the light of my iPad screen I've been bed dancing with a frenzy. The Frug, the Swim, the Monkey, the Watusi, the Jerk and the Mashed Potato......that one is pretty much impossible flat on your back! I'm exhausted and energized at the same time.

Memories light the corners of my my on site critic would sneer......sneer can't shoot me down......
I'm Titanium !!!! What fun! I've had my workout so French Toast sounds pretty good for breakfast!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! These kids are really good!! Talk about a trip down memory lane. I was nuts for The Beatles in the day. I 'd love to hear Glee sing "Back In The USSR" - one of my all time fave Beatles' songs.

Anonymous said...

Anon @11:00pm--I feel the same way as you in your comments. I stopped watching also because of the ridiculous and unbelievable storylines. Maybe the teacher in my just objected to some of the ugly incidents and horrible character actions in a high school setting. I realize the show is for entertainment and the only aspect that saved it for me were some of the musical numbers. I hope that Adam's role is not silly or demeaning to him or for the viewer. This is a good opportunity for Adam and I hope Ryan Murphy makes it something special.

Anonymous said...

12:33 you notice she uses a small g. It took me a hundred years to notice that! lol M you have a nice Sunday too!!

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I watched Glee and it is obviously not targeted at me. Being a hardcore Adam fan, I will be watching anyway.

Anonymous said...

Well, I watched Glee for the first time last week and it was not what I thought it would be. Lea was wonderful in Yesterday, however, I do remember Adam referring to the show as sweet, which it was. With Adam on the show it will definitely be raised up several notches. I hope they will let Adam do his thang! In any case, I am counting the days to see Adam set the world on fire!>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

well, anything for adam. I watched the first episode and had a hard time staying tuned in, but happy if it appeals to younger kids!

Anonymous said...

I think it's hilarious that Kurt got married and now he's going to become mean.

Anonymous said...

OMG, next time somebody claims this site isn't full of old people just read over these comments again!! I thought I was old until I read these!

Anonymous said...

9:54 the comments look fine to me. You sound crotchety and full of yourself.

Anonymous said...

LOL, if "sensebilities of mature viewers" doesn't sound old.... As does remembering Beatles songs because you were there and calling the Glee actors "kids."

Sounds like a lot have never seen the show before and have no idea what it is about. And some of the others can't get past it is a dramedy, not reality. It is aimed at the under 34 demo and the ridiculous plot lines are part of why it is funny.

Anonymous said...

11:33, Adam's season is this season, not the next.

11:45, Nov. 7 on FOX, not ABC.

glitzylady said...

I've been watching Glee since the beginning, with a few lapses here and there. My husband watches as well. We enjoy music and musical theater which in reality is what Glee is: a Comedy/Drama with a "let's put on a show every week" focus.

I agree that the plots are goofy sometimes, to the point of being hopelessly silly. (There was one subplot line during the second season as I recall that was so far fetched as to be beyond ridiculous but we just tried to ignore it and enjoy the music.) And then again they can be deeply moving and poignant. Much social commentary as well. And it has been instrumental in openly discussing gay youth in a positive and realistic (yes realistic) way, at a time just a few years ago when we didn't see it on TV.

For those who only watched the first show this season and haven't watched it in the past: give it some time. The show can obviously be very satirical. Not always to be taken seriously. At all. And the show is not aimed only at young kids/teens. The musical numbers are extremely well done... I have many friends who watch and aren't "kids" either. To be fair, it's really difficult to jump into a show 5 seasons in and make any kind of sense of it. So I suggest that those who are new to Glee: watch next week for Beatles Round 2 and the next week which will be a farewell to Cory Monteith. You may get a better feel for the show and the characters.

Glee clearly isn't rocket science but in general it's worth watching if you can suspend reality at times. And I think we all need to do that on occasion :)))) Just my opinion....

And DAMNNNNNN!!!! So excited to see Adam on this show, one that he can show the world what an amazing singer/performer he is............ Counting the days until November..........

Anonymous said...

10:02 did your comment hit a sore spot or what? lol

Anonymous said...

@9:54 AM

I don't know; but so what if that were the case? Using your words, you probably are old; and I don't mean your age; just your thinking.

Adam is happy and fortunate to have all of his millions of fans all around the world. In case you haven't noticed, Adam does not discrimenate! Adam is fortunate to have fans of all ages; not many artist are that lucky. Adam is a wonderful artist where all people feel confortable following. He is so damn talented that who can help themselves.

I would think that a real mature, fan (and I don't mean just age) would be delighted for Adam to have fans of all ages and other beautiful things that humans share.

When I hear statements such as yours, I can't help but think, "this person has an age complex". I can't tell what your age might be, but in my opinion; your remarks are very childish and immature, whether you are l0 years old; or 110 years young.

By by the way, Adam has fans of all races and nationalities; orientations; and even a few morans; is that ok with you?

So just chill out and enjoy our beautiful man's beautiful voice and don't worry about the age of his fandom, just be happy that he has them, after all he is Adam M. Lambert; our worldwide superstar.
The wisdom of Adam seems ageless.
Try to remember, without the elderly you seem to be slamming, you would not be here yourself.
Perhaps a nap might help.

Peace, and out, fellow Glambert's aka Glamhopper; have a wonderful ageless day!

Anonymous said...

What puzzles me is why these people who post so nastily
about older people do so. If you are young you must have parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Are they all horrible useless people? You give and get no joy or love from them? I feel so very sorry for you. When I was young I was surrounded by love from an extended family. I had nothing but love and respect for my grandmother who was widowed at 33 with 6 kids to support.....and she did by working 2 jobs. Her kids worshipped her, so did her grand kids .

Yes, I feel very sorry for you........JAK

Anonymous said...

I agree with @JAK!

BTW @9:39, Kurt did not get married, he got engaged. Don't get ahead of yourself or you'll have him pregnant in your next post.

Kurt has always been so nice. Chris who plays him is happy he gets to spread out his acting skills and play someone who is mean. This tells me that Adam is either going to be the nice one in that duo or so hateful that Kurt turns mean to survive. Whatever happens, I'll be watching Adam happily.

Anonymous said...

@JAK It's a mystery to me why the nasty posts about old people. I have no clue what is wrong with them, but their attitude will not serve them well. It doesn't even make them look or sound good.

Anonymous said...

They forget we are the ones that fought in Viet Nam,fought for egual rights,fought for womens rights so they could have it a little easier if they are to young to rem.we started Rock & Roll & fought for it to be on records & radio so Adam can sing now.Love Adam will watch tomorrow night iheart.respect people please.

Anonymous said...

The point was missed again. People who make comments that make them sound old have problems with reconsidering what they said and just toss out the ageism card. Can't be them, nope, some young'un is just disrespectful. Refer to the people in the show as kids and say it is for kids and you don't get it but then when someone points out that makes you sound old you throw out dead grandmas, Vietnam and voting rights. That has nothing to do with the comments. Whatever.

Anonymous said...

yes it does