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Gorgeous Queenbert Collage

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, September 26, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, September 26, 2013

VIA jugglebert

New Queenbert collage! @realadamlambert #adamlambert #queen


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed every minute of it,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wonderful selection of pictures. Probably one of the highlights of Adam's career.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I know Rufus and I believe Neil, but what is the pianist's name?

Anonymous said...

This Vegas gig, made for a very nice paid holiday for Queen. I am sure they enjoyed the work part, as much as the holiday part, at least I hope they had a few days to see the sights. I know Brian is extremely busy in UK, with various interests and projects. I hope Adam did the same, with friends Tommy and Terrance.

Anonymous said...

JAK-the keyboardist's name is "SPIKE EDNEY", and he is one interesting man. He has been with Queen for years, took over after Freddie died. He is known as "the wizard". The way he plays that keyboard in "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" is mind blowing! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

@ Margarita Lady ... JAK here ... Thanks, I do remember that name but didn't recognize him ... they are certainly great musicians.