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Canadian Fans! You can Request for LAY ME DOWN now!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Anonymous said...

cool!! request away. It is a great song.

Anonymous said...

just requested. i'm in Toronto.

Anonymous said...

No can do. I'm on the other side of the world.

Anonymous said...

Gee havent heard anyone saying anything about Melvin for many a post. I love Melvin. Melvin, Melvin, Melvin, Melvin, Melvin!

Anonymous said...

I will request tomorrow and everyday after.

Anonymous said...

As you brought it up, I don't like Melvin at all. Adam is infinitely more handsome without him.

glitzylady said...

Just saw this tweet from Byron Cooke, Australian DJ who is also a big Adam Lambert fan (as many of us know....):

Byron Cooke ‏@Byroncooke
#NowPlaying on #FifiAndJules @Avicii You Make Me - looking forward to spinning #LayMeDown ..surely the next single! @adamlambert

Hope so!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Of course who will forget Melvin!!!!:) It's a killer and perfect for my rock god!!!:)

Keep on requesting LMD!!!!:)


Anonymous said...

I adore Adam but hate Melvin.

Anonymous said...

Yay, Byron! Hope you can give LMD LOTS of spins. As for Melvin, I llike it well enough, but looking for a change. Maybe on Glee??? Beautiful day here in Chicago!


Anonymous said...

I'm another fan from the Toronto area and I will be requesting away as long as possible.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if they'll ask if you're an Avicii fan or an Adam Lambert fan. ;-)

Anonymous said...

If your voice is old and quavering they know you are an adam fan

Anonymous said...

Sour grapes....I see we have a fan of Aesop's fables here...
Obviously The Fox and the Grapes is your favorite,
Very literary of you.........who would have thought it!....JAK

Anonymous said...

That was of course addressed to 7:26 AM

Anonymous said...

Surely JAK can dredge up some old anecdote about calling into radio stations from her youth to beguile us with? A thread just isn't complete without one of those misty water colored memories.

Anonymous said...

Entertainment climate is different now due to Internet. Artists and actors collaborate to create art. Nobody creates music alone. It's all part of networking. Radios always announce involved artists. Every time I hear "Get Lucky" by Daft Punk, DJs mention Pharrell and Nile. Even if they don't announce it, involved artists are much better off than radios not playing their music. For example MJ's mega hits were produced by Quiency Jones. Radios don't say his name but he is doing really well. Same with Dr. Luck or Martin even Pink. Kelly Clarkson collaborated with other artists on their music. Even Fantasia. I don't see anything wrong with Adam working with Avicii and Nile. It's every artists dream to do what Adam is doing. This shows Adam as a relevant artist in music or entertainment industry.

To end this conversation,


Anonymous said...

8 04
Lol you have got a whole lot of confused ideas percolating in that old brain. But no one ever said it was a problem for Adam to sing on an avicii song. Just email or text your requests in, or get someone else to call. Don't talk to the dj about him being a wonderful young man or the reincarnation of elvis, Those old voices don't help him a bit

Anonymous said...

@ 8:01......ooooooo biting wit, I love it.....more more more!...JAK :)

Be nice or I'll tell you about being scolded by a DJ for requesting a song by Johnny Ray...
he was popular back in the Dark Ages of my youth!

Anonymous said...

See, I knew you could come up with something

glitzylady said...

To be honest, most of the radio requesting takes place online via radio website, texting to the station phone request line, twitter, etc.. Requests are rarely called in anymore.. Voices are seldom heard. I do have to agree that the less ages are known, the better. Just a reality of "demographics". We learned that during Trespassing era. Sadly.

Anonymous said...

@9:40am. You got my age wrong. I'm 34 years young. I requested LMD. Fingers crossed my fav. top 40 radio loves Adam and they will play LMD. They play WWFM often.

This is 8:04am

Anonymous said...

LOL @9:40 and all the rest of your pityful posts! You're a lousy granny hunter!
@8:04/@12:36 - good on ya, gurl!

Anonymous said...

JAK What song was it?