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Joaquin Sedillo (GLEE Camera Director): "GLEE Cast and Crew Fell in LOVE with Adam Lambert"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, September 28, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, September 28, 2013


Anonymous said...

Of's to be expected. Resistance is futile. : )

Anonymous said...

Nice to read this. First, all the wonderful comments about his show with Queen and now we are hearing all the good things about Adam on Glee from the cast and crew. As a loyal fan there are so many things I love about Adam Lambert and now all those who are getting to work with him realize what we have known all along.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine anyone meeting Adam and not liking him. I don't think we've heard of even one person we've heard of who hasn't. He's just so sociable and likable. These comments are making me even more excited about Glee! JAK, yes, resistance is futile.


Anonymous said...

VERY likeable adam lambert-likeable aquarius sign;

Anonymous said...

We all fell in love with Adam Lambert a long time ago. And by heck we miss him thesedays. Looking forward to Glee.

Anonymous said...

I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing Adam in concert! Only he could get me to travel almost 1000 miles to Thackerville, Oklahoma for NYE!

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous Sep 28 at 8:24 pm... yeah, Adam was the only one who got my lazy butt out of my chair and took the plane abroad.. for the first time in 10 years...

Anonymous said...

@JAK.. LOL... so true... My resistance crumbled after seeing Adam handling the press conference back stage after he has lost the American Idol finals..

Anonymous said...

I think it was Lea Michele who said years ago that she would love to work together with Adam... at that time it was an interview with the late Cory Monteith (Finn) Axel.

Anonymous said...

We've heard from Joaquin before. At least one other time he paid Adam a compliment.

Thank you, Joaquin!

carolynj said...

Yes, it makes me so happy to hear how others in the entertainment profession see Adam. High compliments from those he works with. There is so much excitement in Adam World now and it just keeps coming. I'm like a proud mamma.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE all that's happening to Adam right now - he's definitely in a good place and deservingly so. That tweet about everyone loving him on glee just warmed my heart big time. Can not wait til I see that adorable and talented man on tv. I hate time going so fast but I sure wish it was November now! JMC

Anonymous said...

People that meet and work with Adam never say anything negative about him. It is always the most positive and uplifting experience because he is just such a kind man.

Anonymous said...

I am sitting here grinning from ear to ear; with such pride in reading all these compliments to Adam. He so truly deserves it.

I wonder if Adam has any idea of how much he is loved by everyone who has met him; or people like me who has never met him and still feels love for this kind humble talented, beautiful man. He is truly remarkable.

I am sure it would be overwhelming if he realized the vast array of admiration from all over most of the world.

They should make a movie called "Something about Adam."
It would be epic!

funbunn40 said...

How can you not love Adam? Those eyes captivate you and you're a goner! His smile is the smile of no return. Yes, as JAK said, "resistance is futile!"

Anonymous said...

I wonder what truly is the MAGIC of ADAM when he is with people why the same amazing comment how lovable he is every time?
But actually I don't wonder because I know how lovable and adorable Adam is!!!

Anonymous said...

GREATNESS, BEAUTY and HUMILITY all rolled into one = ADAM!
That is insanely irresistible!

Anonymous said...

@ 10:28 If I may borrow your title.....

There's Something About Adam
That stirs us deep inside.
There's Something About Adam
That makes us beam with pride.
There's Something about Adam
That pulls at us like the tide.
There's Something About Adam
That leads on this crazy ride.
There's something about Adam
I think my brain is fried.
There's Something About Adam
Don't want to leave his side.
There's Something About Adam
We should let him be our guide.
There's Something About Adam
His heart seems open wide
Yes , There's Something About Adam
That stirs us deep inside.............................JAK

Anonymous said...

OOOO, I love your poem JAK. Thank UUUU.

Anonymous said... was easy. 10:28 was the inspiration. That line Something About Adam triggered my brain and the words just poured out's like that most of the time. I had about 12 more lines, but I whacked them off. One mustn't overdo.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Loved your poem JAK....Thank You. Such true words.


Anonymous said...

@ pleasure.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Um... duh



tess4ADAM said...

@JAK .... LOVED! LOVED! LOVED! your poem ... it says everything I feel about ADAM as a Loyal Glambert!! THANX!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

JAK, keep on, love love our poem!!! #anon4evr

Anonymous said...

@ tess4ADAM......JAK here ..Weren't we lucky Adam came along at the time in our life when we needed a new "hobby"?
We can't attend concerts in person but we never miss a video of one! I find Adam endlessly entertaining. I've just had to learn to keep my mouth shut as a favor to my husband who has NO interest in Adam whatsoever. My kids let me prattle on and have stopped rolling their eyes.
Though one did tell me.....
"gosh Mom this is like your Richard Gere, then Daniel Day Lewis, then Michael Bolton years, only more so!"

Anonymous said...

@ #anon4evr.....Why didn't I come up with a clever tag?
How boring of me to have use my initials. Yours is great, I hope you plan to use it so we can "talk".

Glad you like the's kind of a curse, my brain likes to rhyme all of the time.....JAK (see what I mean?)