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Lady Gaga: "Adam Lambert is Very Talented!"

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, September 20, 2013

Posted at : Friday, September 20, 2013


Anonymous said...

LOL, wrong song but still a nice tweet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lady G is giving props.

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear kind words about Adam from Gaga. They did Fever together, so she's heard that voice in the studio firsthand.

Anonymous said...

It's about time some one tweeted for Adam . . .Adam is so generous with his tweets about other artists.... Thanks GaGa and you are one of my favorites too!

Anonymous said...

First time I have ever heard her say anything about Adam. I would do the same thing If Adam Lambert was going to sing one of my songs;
because his covers are always better then the original in my opinion, so I would get on board with my acceptance and delight that he is covering my song early on.

@11:28; you are so right about lack of praise from others toward the super talented Adam.

Adam is very secure with his talent. He does not mind praising others, he is such a good guy; no jealously there!

Anonymous said...

People post other stars thanking Adam or saying nice things about Adam all the time. This meme about no one tweets positive things about Adam just isn't true. Can't understand why it makes people happier think Adam is unrecognized.

Anonymous said...

Adam is unrecognized by RADIO SUITS! There are various reasons for that, but want to keep this thread happy as the news of this Gaga tweet is so great and positive. Agree with above poster for the most part.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert and Lady Gaga ...
our age King and Queen of Pop Rock.

At least My age king and queen. Love them both SO much!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Latest rumor - Adam is not singing Applause, he is singing Marry The Night.

Anonymous said...

Very nice that Gaga tweeted that about Adam!He certainly praises her work very often!

Anonymous said...

@3:21 Yes I heard that too about Marry the Night,I like that song even if it was not a huge song for Gaga. Must fit whatever the story line is better I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lady Gaga! Adam is a very fabulous singer as all his fans know!
I hope I get the live streaming tonight as I guess I won't be going to bed anytime soon! So Excited!

Anonymous said...


Agree with you, Adam is secured about who he is and he's got no mean bone in him why I love love him.

Anonymous said...

Nice of lady gaga..this is another artiste that do not hesitate in praising and defending other artistes.....its a pity though that she isn't having a blast with her new singles#applause.
Dont worry adam..soon very soon, other artistes will cover your songs

daydreamin said...
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daydreamin said...
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