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"Marry The Night" (Lady Gaga) and "Roar" (Katy Perry) Music Videos

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, September 19, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, September 19, 2013

Once again, these are the songs that Adam Lambert will cover on the first episode of GLEE.

Watch the official music videos below:

Lady Gaga - Marry The Night (Audio)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love his name "Star Child"

Anonymous said...

Yea beautiful name for Adam...Starchild, so appropriate. From the name, Adam's character suggests one of 'difference' not so much bad as originally purported. Whoa, Adam might appropriate the two songs given; but I guess it's okay, these are two heavyweights. To me Adam is more Gaga than Katy but he loves them both and only he, dares take them on.


Anonymous said...

Stop yelling at us!!!

Anonymous said...

MJ's defense of her 'spoiler' alert of Adam's Glee role as she reported Shoshanna Stone's tweets:

MJ said:

"The only comment I’m going to make here:

1. I’m being accused in certain quarters of making up the spoiler out of whole cloth for hits. Why would I do that? My reputation as a spoiler is much more important than some initial burst of hits.

2. This tip came from a spoiler I’ve used before. And the original source was deep inside of production. I even saw copies of a text conversation. I had every reason to believe it was true. And if you knew the details, you would have believed it too.

3. Adam’s publicist job is to shoot down rumors. That’s why she’s paid the big bucks."

jt said...

MJ was caught out in a lie so I don't believe anything she has to say. She obviously is another Perez Hilton and I believe she doesn't care for Adam much. Loves to put out bad info on him.

Anonymous said...

Woah! Gaga's official video is extraordinary!! O^O So Adam is going to sing her song "Marry The Night" on "Glee". Looking forward to it. I prefer it to "Roar".

Anonymous said...

I can see a theme developing for the early Glee Season 5 episodes and I LOVE it!! Not something I would particularly be thrilled about my tween absorbing just yet (& I don't let her watch Glee yet anyway), but for my older teen, I think this could be an interesting and thought provoking premise!

To me, what matters most is that Adam's stunning vocal prowess is going to be showcased on a very big platform. Ryan Murphy always does right by his actors imho. Looking forward to all the press Adam will get... and that's the thing, the PRESS ALONE from this will put Adam on entertainment television interviews where he can showcase his wonderful verbal and conversational skills, his adorkable different kind of boy next door charm, his innate intellect and good heart... no matter the character he plays on Glee, the potential for on-screen time in the entertainment media will be great and the possible rewards from that immeasurable. Let's chill and let it all unfold.

Anonymous said...

I don't think MJ is a liar, much too strong a world to apply to this incident imho. However, I think she is WAY coverting her butt! She may be more on the side of truth than we can imagine, who knows... but I do know is that she's a BLOGGER for crying out loud... let's us NOT give her too much credence and credit... that's what she wants, and imho, although she does a good job with her blog, and I commend her for that, she is not worthy of such validation. She is great at her job, probably makes a good living, good for her I say, but just as it's not really fair to vilify her, it's not necessary to give her words such credence either. JMO.

jt said...

6.07 well said. Agree 1000%

Anonymous said...

I love Roar but think Marry the Night is a better fit for Adam.

Anonymous said...

I've never watched Glee but I will when Adam is part of it. Do other actors in the show have unusual names too?

Anonymous said...

7:25 their names are under the GLEE spoiler thread.

Anonymous said...

6:07, Exactly.


Anonymous said...

I don't expect adam to be on any shows promoting glee. Demi was promoting fx actor and then also talked about glee.

Anonymous said...

@8:17... Adam may not be booked specifically on the likes of Ellen or Leno etc., I agree, but he will be interviewed here and there, if even only quickly, in association with Glee Season 5's beginning... maybe only for online blogs or quick little bits... but he'll see camera time for it I'd venture to guess!