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Adam Lambert & Queen CW iHeartRadio Festival 'Fat Bottomed Girls' Performance & Rehearsal Footage

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, October 02, 2013


Anonymous said...

wow what a great performance. I would have loved to be there.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this collaboration! ♥
If this makes me a bad glambert, well, I just don't agree.

Anonymous said...

I have to say I like this first all I ever wanted to hear was Adam singing it solo but I also like this....I really thought that the iheart concerts on CW gave Adam a lot of good coverage,,

Anonymous said...

The get on the bike and ride part was so, well, sexy!A great performance and glad Adam and Queen were shown both nights!

Anonymous said...

What an AMAZING broadcast night for Adam and Queen. And I did like Fun joining in. The rehearsal footage was new and a great peek into the process.

BEST dance move of not only last night, but of ALL the performances ... Adam's "get on your bike and RIDE". Oh MY GAWD ... that was a hot move!

The reaction from the crowd to Queen was loud and INTO IT! So Great.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

First 8:44am ... Ha! Posting the same thing at the same time! It was the dance move of the night!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Adam's dance moves always add to the performance in a b i g way.hahaha

Anonymous said...

Did the CW last night show anything but Fat Bottomed Girls? I was hoping they would show him performing Who Wants To Live Forever. I wasn't in the room the last ten minutes of the show. Who closed it?

Anonymous said...

I wasn't home last night and didn't see any of the second part. Did they show Adam performing WWTLF? If not, that was the biggest mistake the program execs could have made. That was just so amazing, probably one of the best vocals from Adam that I have heard. What were they thinking by leaving it out? At least I saved the video of the entire performance with Queen, so I can watch it any time I want. And that will be often.

Anonymous said...

they showed the FBG performance only on day 2.

Anonymous said...

they showed the FBG performance only on day 2.

Anonymous said...

As it was, Adam and Queen was outshining everyone in my opinion.

If they had shown WWTLF, It would have knocked the roof off the building and put a lot of so called superstars to shame. Don't know if Iheart would have been ready for that; they would never be able to not play Adam on the radio or include him in their events. He was on this, because of Queen.

I think they were just so overwhelmed by his performances and the responses; that they had them on two nights to keep fans coming back. Who knows what the future holds now?

Just my opinion!

Anonymous said...

a great song to feature other groups on.

milene said...

adam is the best

Anonymous said...

And the way Nate just kind of stood aside of Adam's "Bike Ride"... as if to acknowledge that nobody could even touch the yum factor of it and it was best just to step aside, lol. Not knocking Nate, I loved him in this collaboration... I am just sayin'. The Bike Ride is a killer, I am dead. And on another note, Brian seemed to show his affection for Adam so genuinely too.

Anonymous said...

Loved it!!! I'd ride that bike with Adam any time. The duet was very fun and Nate is a good guy.


Anonymous said...

Nate of FUN knew during FBG that he was just a star in Adam's Milky Way Galaxy performance. Poor bloke just desperately wanted to live out a dream of performing with Queen. He probably walked off that stage in shock of the electricity that Adam Lambert provokes. He is a rather sheepish guy, no harm done, but I don't think he will ever get a second chance with QUEENBERT! I hope his fans took some good pictures for his FUN scrapbook to help him recall his moment of fame. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Adam is filming awesome episodes of GLEE.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this Adam Lambert fan site?! Those adoring and posting about Nate & fun., please go post to their fan site...

Anonymous said...

This thread is ABOUT Adam and Nate singing FBG, why should we go to another site? I do wish you would learn to read. It might save you a lot of aggravation. Concentrate.

Anonymous said...

4:16pm ... Ha! Good one.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@xo laura 9:14
Thank you for getting my humour... :
Always a pleasure reading your posts!

Not according to the headline... Nothing wrong with my reading. Or concentration.