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Adam Lambert & Queen mention on Howard Stern 10/11/13

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 11, 2013

Posted at : Friday, October 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

I got nothin' when it comes to H Stern.
I'm here to say the Featured Picture of sexy silver hair Adam is AWE! SOME!

Anonymous said...


I agree. OMG I'm fawning over that picture!!!!

Anonymous said...

IMO Adam's voice is even better than Freddie Mercury's. I don't care if I get hate comments for what I believe. Adam is even way better gorgeous looking than Freddie.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the fact that Stern kept on referring to Adam as that "kid". He is a mature adult, 31 years old, not a kid.

Anonymous said...

Stern needs to use his power to get Adam on AGT.

Anonymous said...

Adams voice is different than Freddie's, they both were /are superior song stylists.

Anonymous said...

Stern is an a** , but , he's an intelligent guy.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for Adam doing more with Queen, but his own music comes first. BTW, what would Adam do on AGT? Guest performer??? And I agree that Adam has a better voice than Freddie did.

daydreamin said...

Nice compliments from "that guy" except Adam should not front Queen permanently as much as he really has the best voice for it IMO. He needs to do his own thing though I absolutely LOVE the way he sings all of Queen's music or anyone's music for that matter. I hopefully will have the chance to see he and Queen live someday. That's on my bucket list.

Anonymous said...

yes it does kind of just work. I like the occasional appearances Adam does with Queen. Nice mention by Howard.

Anonymous said...

Howard Stern is old enough to be Adams father, which is probably why he said kid. I don't think he meant any disrespect. He praised Adam for being good enough to be with Queen, which is a compliment. Stern knows nothing about Adam, just what he learned from the Vegas show. From what little I know about Stern, is that he could have said much worse things about Adam. Stern has a large following, so to say anything good about Adam, is all good for Adam.

Anonymous said...

A nice mention by Stern is incredible publicity.

Anonymous said...

thank you 8:12 for agreeing with me that Adam has a better voice than Freddie did...cause, you know what?? HE DOES!!!

Anonymous said...

Loved Freddy and Love Adam

Two different talents

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam's voice is better than Freddie's, nor that Freddie's voice is better than Adam's. Love them both and they're both superstars.

Anonymous said...

Great praise & well-deserved.

Anonymous said...

I think there are people who are one-eyed when it comes to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Howard Stern is not my cup of tea but he has a huge following so favorable comments about Adam equals a lot of good publicity! Adam is getting more and more well known. His role on Glee will be the icing on the cake and will set him up for more guest appearances including talk shows.

Anonymous said...

Stern has a large audience that listen to everything he says. My boys were fans of his. I never liked his show but I'm changing my mind about him as a person. He's a very smart man! haha What Howard shows me is Adam is getting the praise that he so richly deserves. I'm thankful for Brian and Roger for seeing the talent in Adam. It's been so good for Adam's career. Freddie and Adam are two different voices and yes they're both amazing! Thanks Howard.

Anonymous said...

10:57 -- Totally agree with you. The simple fact that Howard Stern has complimented Adam on his show is incredible. Howard is not one to throw compliments lightly. When he does, it means he believes it. For that aspect alone, I respect him. He is not BS'ing everyone all the time. I love him on AGT because he's honest about people's potential and talent (not simply going on sob stories).

Anonymous said...

I have really learned to like and respect Howard since AGT. It's all good publicity!
