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Adam Lambert's Latest Two Looks

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, October 09, 2013

MERGE VIA SusieFierce


Anonymous said...

The pic with the jacket on looks like he had just arrived at the club. All hair in place. Next pic, shows his hair all messed up, maybe he has been dancing with his pal Raja, or Eli. Both pics look good. Don't know why he has the same somber look in each one, which obviously are taken some time apart.

Anonymous said...

he says he has a way with pussycats.

Anonymous said...

Not a somber look at all. Adam is giving us that sexy stare. Love the freckled shoulders.

glitzylady said...

I agree: sexy and smoldering, not somber......

A good look for him :))

jt said...

10:49. What are you trying to tell us?

Anonymous said...

10:53 that is spam

Anonymous said...

Spam or a message. Troll or a fan. Eternal questions..

Anonymous said...

Is the government shut down still happening in the US? Tea party is like the tommycrays in this fandom. They get support, no matter what.

Anonymous said...

11:15, LOL and some people still can't tell the difference between either pair.

Anonymous said...


Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

I don't understand these overly dramatic poses. He can't be partying looking like that, so why does he do it over and over again in front of a camera?

Anonymous said...

The pic on the right must be a fave of Admin because he or she keeps posting it!

Anonymous said...

2:55. now you're complaining about how he poses for photos ? Don't look at them if you find them disturbing.
What are you, the Face Police?