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Adam Lambert's New Favorite Song

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 3, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, October 03, 2013


Anonymous said...

What a hoot! :-D

Anonymous said...

I understand obsession .....there's a certain singer I seem to be obsessed with for the song I like it .... But not as much as that new song...LMD. It plays over and over in my head....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Good song, actually! I don't always agree with Adam's choices, but this one is catchy.

Anonymous said...

I love the mv, I texted my g'son and said "watch this.....this is how a girl feels when you move don't be so darn wonderful if you don't think she's a keeper".....his mom and I end up with tear stained notes from his exes saying "thanks for being so sweet to me, I'm going to miss you!" arghhhhhhhhh!......JAK
: (

Anonymous said...

This one is fun. :)

Anonymous said...

I understand why! Nice song but I prefer Allison´s Gone, M

Anonymous said...

the music sounds joan jettish.

Anonymous said...

I like this ,it's kind of different yet catchy!

Anonymous said...

They used the music from "Heartache Tonight" by the Eagles. Hope they got permission. It's identical for the most part.


Anonymous said...

Nice song choice! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam and I are obsessed with the same song!haha I love this very catchy and the video is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I like it. I wonder if this has a hidden meaning for Adam.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.... I looked up Haim and watched several mv's.
They are 3 sisters whose parents are musicians. There were some home videos, looks like a fun family.

Anonymous said...

I like every song on trespassing much better. Catchy beat but sorry adam I wouldn't buy it. I like Allison and LMD better

Anonymous said...

The hidden meaning not so hidden...predicting a long thread...

Anonymous said...

What's the hidden meaning?

glitzylady said...

Hidden meaning or not (guessing not..but whatever..) ....... I loved this song and vid. Catchy and fun.... Off to iTunes to download...

glitzylady said...

Back from iTunes... I also LOVE the HAIM album "Days Are Gone",,, Great Alternative sounds.. Downloaded the whole thing and listening right now. Adam is a great promoter of music!!!