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Adam Lambert's New Instagram Pictures

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 11, 2013

Posted at : Friday, October 11, 2013

VIA realadamlambert:


VIA realadamlambert:
#glee #starchild


Anonymous said...

I love seeing a man work hard.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam hard at work guys! Take it all in!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Click on heart shape to like Adam's new IG pic.:

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like he had a lot of fun on the Glee set.

Anonymous said...

Hope he leaves that Ouija board crap alone. That's nothing to play with.


Anonymous said...

Oh, brother it's just a Halloween pic. Besides nothing real happens with Ouija boards.

Anonymous said...

Way off Topic. Adrian Peterson's son passes. Tragic

Anonymous said...

why is Miley popping up all over the globe now? I hope Lambert doesn't find her talented. I think she is an attention hog and uses her tongue as a weapon.

Anonymous said...

the son of Adrian Peterson was two years old. Who in their right mind would hurt a precious two year old? It goes to show the world is in moral decay. I hope the guilty gets death for this senseless crime. Watch who you keep company with, because some whack job can do something like this.

Anonymous said...

I like the picture of Adam on the rope. Obviously he's a swinger!