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Adam Lambert's Tattoos

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 21, 2013

Posted at : Monday, October 21, 2013


Anonymous said...

Don't remind me.

Anonymous said...

Don't remind me.

Anonymous said...

I guess it bears repeating.

Anonymous said...

I hope he stops here. I don't really want to see a sleeve up both arms and then more on his chest or back.

Anonymous said...

or especially on his neck!!

Anonymous said...

but, Adam will do, what Adam will do..and we know that and love him anyway...unconditional love Baby, that's what I have for Adam

Anonymous said...

Yuk!! I hate tattoos. There's nothing attractive about them all! & Adam doesn't need them to look sexy. Tattoos ain't sexy.

Anonymous said...

Go for it Adam! Cover both arms, your back and get a lower neck tattoo that will show when your shirts are unbuttoned.

Anonymous said...

I'm not really into tattoos in general, but for some reason I think they are sexy on Adam.

Anonymous said...

I sat across from a woman in a dermatologist's office recently and since we were kept waiting so long and neither of us cared to follow Fox News which was droning on, we chatted. She had on a low V neck tee and a huge wing of a butterfly tattoo was peeking out from her neck and breast area. She kept patting it. Finally she said, "I'm seeing the Dr. about the spots". Not knowing what to say, I said awkwardly, "the butterfly is a very pretty color", she replied "yeah, but it's not supposed to to have spots!"

I didn't know what to say to that......I've wondered since why a tattoo would get spotted.....made me feel kind of squirmy. What would cause that?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot my tag above....JAK

Anonymous said...

9:34, skin cancer? Tattoos can make it harder to notice things like that starting. Glad she was seeing the doctor.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll pass on tattoos, I'm going out of life the way I came in...unblemished...except for the ravages of time!...JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK - Never got your ears pierced or have a surgical scar?

Anonymous said...

Nope, never pierced an ear, nose or anything purposely .
I have, however, 7 interesting scars on various parts of my anatomy due to those ravages of time...def accident prone.