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Collages of Adam Lambert Talking on Phone and Hanging Out

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 4, 2013

Posted at : Friday, October 04, 2013


Anonymous said...

Fun collages! Thanx.

Anonymous said...

every look in the pictures is like "Really dude"?

Anonymous said...

Love his new tattoo so much. I want to get myself some.

Anonymous said...

For your sake I hope you aren't a celebrity, cause you'll be in danger of getting all sorts of negative comments....JAK
Happy tatts!

Anonymous said...

Molinari's still got a big arse? He has lost quite a bit of weight but his butt seems to have remained the same size.

Anonymous said...

You can't diet or exercise off large hips - take my word for it.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Hudson & others seemed to have lost in most areas of their bodies, including the behind; just sayng!

Anonymous said...

Adam is soooo easy to look at.
And look at.
And look at.

Anonymous said...

Diet and exercise can reduce butt fat, however wide hip bones are there to stay.

Anonymous said...

The top collage is a "keeper". <3