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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 4, 2013

Posted at : Friday, October 04, 2013


Anonymous said...

We got bunch of talented fans on this site. Hope they'll share their poems and arts on 10/12. Love to see different art works of fans. Yes, Adam got very talented fans and I'm sure they'll all participate.

Jadam said...

Yes this is a nice positive thing. We have seen some great art Lam-my JAK and co give it a go.

Anonymous said...

I thought there was a limit to the length of a tweet? Obviously I'm not on twitter. Info please........JAK
I might give it a go!

Anonymous said...

JAK here...nevermind...I'd rather stay right here and write about Adam. This one just wrote itself in my head.

Sometimes in life...someone comes along
...and turns your world upside down.
Someone with a smile so broad and sweet can banish a scowl or frown
Someone whose heart seems loving and full
...and your heart responds to the pull.
Sometimes in life...someone comes along
...and puts a gleam in your eye
Sometimes in life...someone comes along
...and all the stars dance in the sky.

Hmmmmm, now who could that be? ^o^

Anonymous said...

JAK nice poem already. I think you are getting the twitter bug. lol I'll be helping with the WW trend on October 12th, it should be fun. I belong to a couple of fandoms and our Glamily of Glamhoppers outshines them all.

Anonymous said...

I follow Adam on twitter. But don't really tweet anything myself...I think I would be too embarrassed to put anything I wrote out there...but think it's a great idea come on Lam-my...JAK go for it...rose petal

Anonymous said...


Words cannot express, dear Adam,
What you mean to me.
You are so full of pleasure,
There simply is no measure!

Whenever the pictures of you, I see,
My heart flutters-what you do to me!
Above all artists, I love you better,
And that's the reason I composed this letter!

Love, Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

@JAK-my head was spinning when I was reading the crazy posts on another thread. At least this thread will be hopefully full of love for Adam. Your poem ROCKS! I am so thankful that some of us might just be the glue that holds sanity and truth together on this site. Proud to be a Glambert and I have even turned my daughter into a lover of all things Adam. Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

JAK here..........

My heart is happy, so happy....OY !
Poems about our lovely boy.
Margarita Lady I like your verse
I'll sing your praises I shan't be terse.
Another poet......what a treat
And all due to our boy so sweet.
He really is quite inspirational
Because, of course, he's sensational.
What's not to like ... those blue eyes dazzle
We're fangirling ourselves into a frazzle.
Come what may willy-nilly
I intend to flail and be a bit silly.
Some people have to indulge in a rhyme
It can lift your spirits all the time.
Okay that's enough, I shall move on
Now you see I'm gone!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam would really be touched by this. Fans from around the world are inspired to create because of Adam. It's a beautiful thing!

Go For It!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! Hope we trend to the heavens. Thanks for the great poems here tonight. Adam brings out our deepest emotions and love.


Anonymous said...

@ about a limerick?....JAK : )

Anonymous said...

@JAK-Wow! You are on a roll tonight! "Don't Stop Me Now", is your motto, for sure! Absolutely delightful! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Don't stop me now is a good motto for me,
My brain is rhyming and writing continually.
Once it gets started it's so hard to stop,
Some poems are so-so......some are a flop.

It's been like this since I was a tot,
My mom read me nursery rhymes a lot!
When I was six I began to rhyme,
It seemed to be a compulsion of mine.

I fell in love with words, both large and small,
Any new word I learned held me in thrall.
It was like a secret I kept deep inside,
Then words came as fast as the incoming tide.

Sometimes I lay awake in my bed all night,
My mind choosing among...right,blight,fight,tight,might....
And thus it goes and goes to this very day,
My brain won't shut up it keeps rhyming away.

Sorry for composin' and rattlin' on and on....
This time as I leave you...I'll really be gone.
Yes, I'll close my trap, you won't hear me yap,
I'll muzzle myself for tonight and cut the poetry crap! *

* ....consider yourself lucky cause I
.......could do this all night!.............JAK \o/.....bye

Anonymous said...

: )))))))

Anonymous said...


To describe JAK, "le mot juste" is required,
A poet laureate, soul hammered and fired!

A pen in her hand,
Flows as hourglass to sand,
And with visions imagined in her mind's sight,
She lifts Glamberts' spirits to glorious heights!
Poems she writes of His voice,
Makes our wings soar, then take flight!

Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Adam, adam what do you do
To keep all these old bags crushing on you?

You spend every day drunk as a skunk
You spend every night fucking some hunk

You don't seem to care your career went to shit,
Your boyfriend left and your label quit

As long as you have money for booze
Lots of cute clothes and some real cool shoes

The grannies keep hoping for music someday
But dear sweet adam just wants to play

Anonymous said...



Hey, Glamberts, take a guess at who penned this one!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey there, Glamberts! The little-dicked troll is on his broomstick tonight. And, destroying our Adam with all of his might! He thinks his "hallow weenie" is comin', if he has any luck! But, we only love Adam, so we don't give a fu*k!!!!

Anonymous said...


Love it!


Anonymous said...


Oh my goodness!
What did I just stumble onto...
A poem mine of recklessness
You all have awakened my imagination
Jadam, Rosepetal...Thanks for the charming citation
Wow, Margarita je ne sais quoi
You're quite a discovery to augment my joys
JAK...poems galore, a downpour!
Did you just overturn a kettle of crabs...ra-ra-roar lol!
Never ceasing, Adam-inspired poetry of heartfelt feelings
Douses the unending slew of some strange counter-attack cravings
Oh, there's another mysterious anon-poet in the race
With gestalt images colliding on gossamer-wings...
She writes with pretty classical enkindling
I enjoyed rummaging this poetry thread
And will save the whole lot as my favourite
To remember and celebrate my 24/7 gentle, loving comrades
This enriching, mind-stimulating tete-a-tete...lwl!


Anonymous said...

Oh god the troll can rhyme too.

Anonymous said...

Woah! Lam-my, Lam-my, the Lamster! Where are you on this site tonight? Hell, we need you to help fight the EVIL FORCE that is hangin' here. COME ON, Lam-my, gallop in on that white maned horse and help us out!!!!! The rhymes are a wanin' for some of us and JAK is in bed asleep! She gave her signoff for the night. We need the night crew to take over, as in some one from Singapore!

Anonymous said...

What's going on here? A poetry face off? LOL LOL LOL LOL! I enjoyed it .Thank you to all the posters!


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the SOS alert
Will always be on your beck and call
This is getting scintillatingly crazy...
Love to all from Singapore lol!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Lam-my, I was having myself a big ole sandwich and beer as I was writing a post to your ghost, and by the time I got finished and hit publish, you had already written a whale of a poem for us. Whew! I was ready to dock your paycheck for being late. What a sense of humour you lend to all of us. That bit to JAK was hilarious. Now I can dream of sugarplum fairies as I hobble to my supine position for some much needed zzzzzs. The show is now all yours to produce.

Anonymous said...

Happy supining! And Thanks! lwl!


glitzylady said...

Been away from home tonight..just got home a little while ago..... I'm loving the poems...well MOST of them.. and LOL-ing..... Talented group indeed :)))

Anonymous said...

Well done, troll, well done.

Anonymous said...

The supine position has inspired me to write a poem about Adam and his actions at a concert, I think it was Holland. Here goes!


Supine on the floor,
His body did lie,
The wild crowd just shook,
With a sigh, with a cry!

Guitar in his face,
His tongue lapps the strings,
Sex rolls off his lips,
Crowd roars as he sings!

Belly thrusts he delivers,
As we frothed while he moaned,
Good golly, Miss Molly,
This G-d should be throned!

The stage lights then dimmed,
On his elbow he rose,
He was poetry in motion,
His body was prose!

He smiled at us all,
To insane delight!
He waved his gloved hand,
CRAP! Threw a kiss, yelled GOODNIGHT!

For all you Glamberts, and if you ever had a chance to see Adam's Velvet Goldmine's floor moves, you know exactly of what I am speaking in this little ditty. Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

TROLL, your poem was really funny! I laugh when you think of us as old bags, and why you think that I just do not know. Yes, I have been around the block a few times, but my boyfriend is only 38 years old and he escorted me to a GNT concert where we had a ball! Adam loved his crowd that night-we were all ages and we all became one with the essence of Adam! Goodnight, TROLL, wherever you are!

Anonymous said...

Margarita Lady
Yes I remember this particular supine position, with his guitarist hovering above him. Actually at that time I was writing on another site and the site owner said she had a blown-up wall-size photo of that pose and wanted to entitle the picture, 'Liberated'. I got back to her and said 'Liberated' had a slight political/social slant which at that time Adam was not so much inclined to and in any case Adam has always been liberated and not just at that time. Of course much later, Adam was bestowed Hope of LA and got involved in It Gets Better campaign and other social issues. So the site owner then asked me to suggest a title for that wall-size Adam supine pose/picture and I replied I would entitle it, 'Broken Open' because his arms were flung open, lying supine on stage as if in total surrender, at the end of that performance.
Very nice poem you've got there! :)


Anonymous said...

Don't be angry with 10.28 pm. Jealousy is like an illness. They can't help but be down cos no-one cares and it makes them frown. 10.28pm. If you need help you only need to ask. I'm sure we can find a therapist to help you with your jealousy problem. Maybe then, you will have fans of your own.

Anonymous said...

10.28pm. I feel so sad for you. You must be really lonely . That's why you follow Adam everywhere. How else would you know who he screws? Normally when someone bullies others, it's usually because they are very unhappy. Are you unhappy?

Anonymous said...

Had To join in just my nature...

Who is it that brightens our day
And brings us joy in everyway.
Who's taught us all to stand our ground
Love who we r and never back down .
Who's talent is vast
And spirt is true
Who's brought music
Back to me and to us
If u cant guess won't say
For Glamberts out there all know his name.

I'm lovin all the rhymes ....JAK... Lammy .... Margarita Lady... All so good.... Let me have some coffee and I might have something to say to our little troll....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Well interpreted, Lam-my, and a title which could not be improved upon;Broken Open, a dramatic flaring of your artistic knowledge. We took the same position and juxtaposed it in to two different views, yet, both most appropriate to describe his supine position, mine sexy and "hawt", and yours, very artsy, more sophisticated. Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Rose Petal, your poem is like a micro autobiography. The TROLL'S words are superfluous, so just enjoy your morning coffee! What a fun thread this has been tonight, many Adam lovers paying homage to their Rock G-d! I know Adam would love all of these tributes! Goodnight for me, I must now go to bed.

Anonymous said...

What's so special about October 12?

Anonymous said...

24/7 Poetry bonanza party
Each contributes a little ditty
To honour Adam in whatever capacity
Sure is a fun thread with no animosity
Good or bad is not the crux
It must be honest and stem from the heart
I spot Jupiter in the night sky beaming in the dark
Mmm it might have brought forth my good luck lwl!


Anonymous said...

@ 4:19...JAK here

What's so special about October 12
What sets it apart from all of the rest?......Surely you jest!

October 12th

1216 King John of England loses his crown jewels in a river. Pity!
1492 Columbus supposedly discovered
America. Though in fact the Vikings were here 500 years before that. They got around! Plus it was already populated centuries before that.
1692 The Salem witch trials ended.
What a relief!
1823 Charles MacIntosh of Scotland sells the first ever raincoat!
1901 Pres. Teddy Roosevelt officially named the executive mansion The White House.

Oct.12 1968....what a great date
Beat the drum sound the horn
...........Hugh Jackman was born!
So many great October 12ths.

However in this case I think the reference is to trending #GlamilyArts.

Anonymous said...

PS..Columbus landed in The Bahamas and thought he was in India!

Anonymous said...

I'm luv luv loving each and every rhyme...
Couldn't we do this all of the time?...JAK

Anonymous said...

Ok just one more and then I'll stop:)

There's a storm comin to the stage
His name is Adam...and he came to play.
With the sway of a hip...or the blink of an eye
He can blow your mind or make u cry.
Legends of rock call his name
Regardless of ...stature or fame .
Come sing with us they ask and plead
At last someone that's in our league.
So sing he does and what a treat
He keeps the crowd on their feet.
So if he comes to a stage near u
Folks I tell u honest and true.
He a sight to behold
His beauty is fierce
He's spirt bold.
So fasten your seatbelts and leave em on lock
For Adam is coming....and he's ready to rock....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Ok, JAK, Your request for a limerick got me thinking again. I haven't posted one here in a long time. This one will have to do for a start:

I'm sitting here reading each rhyme,
And thinking that it's about time,
To get my brain goin'
Get limericks a-flowin'
Though they may be less than sublime.

Our Adam has make us united.
Our love for him keeps us excited.
We may flail and fight,
but it turns out all right,
'Cause his magic just keeps us delighted!


Anonymous said...

Rose Pedal that's was so good and so true! DRG very good too! Sue

Anonymous said...

Whoa, this poetry thread refuses to end
The whole thread should trend
But none of us is on twitter lol!
Looks like it'll come to a halt
Merrily round the bend

Merrriy we roll along
Roll along, roll along
Merrily we roll along
Over the deep blue sea...(this is a campfire song)
Sing sing for me...1 2!


Rosepetal and DRG....Wonderful poems!
JAK matriarch of historic facts...rhymes too. lol!

Anonymous said...

Whoa, this poetry thread refuses to end
The whole thread should trend
But none of us is on twitter lol!
Looks like it'll come to a halt
Merrily round the bend

Merrriy we roll along
Roll along, roll along
Merrily we roll along
Over the deep blue sea...(this is a campfire song)
Sing sing for me...1 2!


Rosepetal and DRG....Wonderful poems!
JAK matriarch of historic facts...rhymes too. lol!

Anonymous said...

Hey it got posted twice lol! Same time, what happened. My magnetic field went bonkers I think. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Every one good poems except for trollie poo yours stinks! And is full of doodie too! Sue

Anonymous said...

Hey Sue!
Yours is very original! Even your name rhymes with your line. Well done! lwl!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Lam-my it was my weak attempt at it. I have a few more in mine for the troll but I am afraid they get censored nothing else does so may try them later! Sue

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue!!!....girl I love it !!!....this had been such fun.....:)
DRG.....well blow me down.... I didn't know u rhymed too.... No wonder I love this site....rose petal

Anonymous said...

@ 10:28 pm
Actually I quite applaud your poem
The meter and rhyme were true
But that content was something to rue.

You've talent without a doubt
Do you think that you possibly could
Instead of for snark use it for good?

Think about it please
If you would end your vendetta
It might prove to be for the bett-ah!

.....sincerely, JAK

Anonymous said...

Atta girl DRG
A thank you from me
I knew you could do it
You just had to get to it
It all comes back, as you see!.......JAK <3

Anonymous said...

I wish we could tweet Eber to join in he's a great poet!

Anonymous said...

I have to vehemently disagree that the Adam adverse material can be applauded. When I first read it, I thought it was not bad, has smooth rhyme and rhythm. On second's falsified and utter dishonesty to the writer and to Adam. We have followed him for 4 years and no one who has worked closely with Adam has said any of those things so ruthlessly stated in the material; not a poem by my assessment; because it is not based on truth. A poem must be true...that's my criterion for classifying it as poem. I'm not saying all poems must express only good or positive things; that is not what I'm saying. If the poem is about something bad, then it must be expressed with a bad connotation and that becomes the truth. Yes one can argue that's how she sees Adam as. So does that mean everybody else is wrong about Adam...including very high-level experts like Dr Brian, Roger, Nile, Michael Orland just to name a few. So my point is a poem has to be true and not veer so far away as to become a distortion. That adverse material on Adam cannot be categorised as poem simply because it does not portray the truth...perhaps I'd call it pseudo-poem!


Anonymous said...

I afraid I going with Lam-my on her criticism of miss or mr. Trolls poem. It rhymed that's it the material was S--t. Sue

Anonymous said...

By the way, I'm not disagreeing with JAK in her approach of trying to coax the writer concerned to..."Instead of for snark, use it for good." On my part, I'm just critiquing the poem.


Anonymous said...

I don't buy the concept that a poem has to be true fact anymore than a painting has to be an exact copy. Poems are as varied as snowflakes, most of the ones I like, are pure fantasy. Including yours Lammy.

And once again I ask who appointed you as our resident critic. You really need to get that notion out of your head.
Just because you don't like what the person said it doesn't mean ther nasty poem is less a poem than any ones else's is and have you noticed everyone else refrained from judging each others poems? I can't write poetry but I would never tell someone their poem is bad.
Why do you?

Anonymous said...

WOW ladies...what a wonderful thread. I was away from my computer for two days and I see this. This a great thread and I hope we can make a collection of these poems and send to Adam. Wonderful!

As for the troll words. I truly feel sorry for this person and if that's how this person feels about Adam then he should go and enjoy his own life instead of writing horrible things about someone he doesn't care about. You only do yourself good troll if you just move on with your own life.

Anonymous said...

A quote I found written by the greatest war poet in the English Language; who literally went through hell and back:

"All a poet can do today is warn. That is why the true poet must be truthful." - Wilfred Owen

I am no poet let alone a poet critic, appointed or not. As I've said a couple of years back, I just cannot let something as devious as your pseudo-poem on Adam pass off as poem. Yes fantasy poems are just that and I can accept that; but yours cannot fall into that genre; your poem is maligning Adam, whatever your intention and that is deceitful! And that's why again you have not penned your name, you're scared!


Anonymous said...

Who says the other commenters are not critiquing; a good critique is also a judgement and I have given all here positive critiques and yes they have returned with beautiful words which I appreciate a lot. Even Sue's one line...I gave a good comment. Your mind is woolly to say the least and can't tell the differences of things clearly, always digging your own grave, so the saying goes; but at least don't deceive. Oh I did not say your poem is bad; I said it was not bad with smooth rhyme and rhythm. Again your woolly brain makes you see only things you want to see. By the way, don't conceive the idea I'm trying to change you in any way because I'm simply not interested in what you do or say. I detest deceit because it causes harm to another person or other persons.


Anonymous said...

Lam-my. You are not talking to the author of the nasty poem
you are talking to me 11:23. I still say others were polite, you weren't . JAK managed to get her point across with humor and in a pleasant manner. Why don't you try that approach? That would be less didactic.
Scared of you, that's a laugh!

Anonymous said...

I did not say you are scared of me! Another of those woolly brain typicals who stuffs words into people's mouth. I said the writer of that pseudo-poem was scared to pen her name, not that she's scared of me! Goodness gracious...I do waste much time explaining things. Different people need different approaches to be dealt with and should not be construed as didactic. A couple of persons have been spewing venom on Adam and on me too and I feel this person/s are not going to listen to the soft approach; she has been doing this venom-spewing for a fairly long time now even with lots of softer approaches from commenters...they don't work!


Anonymous said...

Woolly is the brain that can't differentiate
The real from the pseudo; all same same lol!
In reality, it's a myriad of shades
