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Gorgeous Adam Picture of the Day

Filed Under () by Admin on Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Anonymous said...

Hi gorgeous! Want to go for juice?

Anonymous said...

Does he really think the facial hair is pretty? You think.

Anonymous said...

This is his look at his Pittsburgh concert few months ago. I still watch videos of that concert. He looked happy and gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

lookin gud!!

Anonymous said...


The DarkmSide said...

Personally love the facial hair.m he's not a kid but a s sophiscated man of the world and should look like one IMO.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so handsome; I bet all eyes turn his way when he walks into a room.

Anonymous said...

9:50 AM

Men like to change looks just like women. We can throw wigs, hairpieces on, etc.

So I think many men, including my husband; grow beards, shave them whenever the mood hits them. I think Adam looks so sexy with facial hair. Then I see another picture and he looks drop dead gorgeous without it. So I will take him any way I can get that beautiful face!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a handsome hunk of mankind.

Anonymous said...

I'll take him any way that I can get him, too. This is downright delicious looking. YUM!

Anonymous said...

Adam lights up my life!

Anonymous said...

It should be featured picture. Love his look in this picture.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorrry, but I do not like the facial hair on Adam at all. To me, he looks so much sexier without the facial hair and esp. this mustache. But I will take any of the pictures posted here of him facial hair or not.

Anonymous said...

Love this picture! I do like the clean face better. But I like this also. He looks great.does any man have that much hair women either so thick. Sue

Anonymous said...

Topic picture at Featured Picture.

And this one as Featured Picture (Sexy Version):

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I think Adam enjoys looking a little wicked occasionally.....the facial hair accomplishes that.

I can identify with that.....can't y'all? Many years ago it was fun for me to go out occasionally with a drop dead gorgeous get up and wait for jaws to drop....Ah...Woman Power...I remember it well! Now I get helped up and down curbs, doors opened and chairs pulled out for me.....sigh.....not quite as satisfying but nevertheless quite nice. Time marches on.

Anonymous said...

My thought about Adam's facial hair look - now that he seem's to have tamed down his made-up look, he needs some kind of change. Adam always says he gets bored with his looks so this could be his outlet. Either way, it's fine with me....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Bless ur heart!!! U always bring a smile 2 my face!!!

Love and light,

Anonymous said...

@ Dana....I'm glad to hear that!...<3...JAK
I'm all for more smiles in the world!

Anonymous said...

I don't like this pic at all. Adam looks much more handsome and sexy without facial hair.

Anonymous said...

I love this Pittsburgh Pride pic because it is a reminder of an awesome day...the day I met and got my pic taken with Adam. Yay!

Anonymous said...

I love him ever which way...but I worry about the tired look in his eyes and under his eyes... Staying up all nights is starting to show...not enough outdoors & fresh air... You sleep too little, BB?!