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Sexy Adam picture of the day

Filed Under () by Admin on Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Anonymous said...

Why is his hair so short on sides? It's almost as if it's shaved. Puzzling.

Anonymous said...

Alright Adam I'm down here he!he!

Your sex appeal kills everyone who meets you eh!!!!:)


Anonymous said...

I think his hair with those sides like that is sexy as fuck! And don't even get me started on the open shirt.....:)

Anonymous said...

I seriously admit, I really just want to have sex w this man. Don't care that he's gay. He just slays me in so many ways. This truly sucks that I have to go thru my life without having one night with him.

Anonymous said...

@4:50 PM I'm on the same page.
Yes I am.

Anonymous said...

I can't blame you guys he!he!

You are not alone!!!

Millions of his fans are wanting to have him!!!:)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is so sexy and high on this photo!

Anonymous said...

4:50, DITTO!


Anonymous said...

omg,i am dying of his sexiness.i can't even breathe now.......

Anonymous said...

@7:17 PM

He doesn't look high at all to me; pensive and mellow. But, I am getting high off of his beauty.

Anonymous said...

Adam is goodlooking man; I tell you!

Anonymous said...

I would like to meet him just once; don't know what I would say; but I would think of something, if I could get intelligent words out while looking into those eyes.

Anonymous said...

"Reliable rumor" going around twitter that Starchild is going to be singing Madonna's Get Into The Groove in episode 7 with others.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...any lovers of Greek mythology around? I'm finding Adam's frequent display of chest foliage makes me think of The Elysian Fields. : )

Anonymous said...

Has this been posted yet (below)? This is supposedly from Glee website, blog or something. Also, just saw that Adam is slated for an appearance on episode 7!!! More than one performance! YIPPEE!

"While everyone is blown away by the audition of an overly bold singer who calls himself Starchild, Kurt balks at asking him to join the group, worried he’ll be overshadowed by the dazzling performer."

(Love the "dazzling performer" comment )

daydreamin said...

From twitter:
"Did your source say it involved the whole cover band? Or did they say it was a duet with those two, and so you figured the rest of the band would be involved too? Just curious :)"

The source said it was the madonna cover band with Kurt and Starchild alternating. Source then added that there is one other singer.
That’s it."

daydreamin said...

Sorry, above was not from twitter but tweeted about on twitter. (Say that three times fast LOL)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Daydreamin and anonymous above for Glee spoilers 5 x 07. Glad to know Adam is in more than one episode.

daydreamin said...

From Matt Carter:

"Want to see some of the Adam Lambert – “Glee” rumors come to an end? Well, this is what this article is really all about: Some of the first details on “A Katy Or a Gaga” straight from Fox. There’s no more guessing or assuming; instead, what we have here are simply facts.
The first thing to not is that this episode is going to feature both the New York and McKinley High storylines in prominence, and will also have an array of popular songs from both Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. While you can see Adam’s name listed as Starchild below, his actual character name is none other than Elliot Gilbert. Does anyone else feel a little bit of a Superman – Clark Kent vibe going on here?

Take a look at the synopsis below:
“The members of New Directions tackle their assignment of getting out of their comfort zones and determining whether they’re more like ‘Katy’ (Perry) or (Lady) ‘Gaga.’ Kurt holds auditions for his new band and must decide if he’ll let in the overly bold performer, Starchild (guest star Adam Lambert). Meanwhile, Jake gets closer to Bree (Erinn Westbrook) as he and Marley grow apart.”

More here: Click HERE

Anonymous said...

Daydreamin, read your tweet twitter comment three times. Very funny!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna wait to watch it. No more spoilers. Just mention which episodes he is going to be in.

daydreamin said...

There are over 757,000 views of Adam's Glee episode with over 5,000 views just in the past 10 minutes!!

Watch it here:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

WOW daydreamin...where did all that viewing nos. came from? Promo clip had 560k views this morning.

Anonymous said...

Sexy, this one? Personally I don't think it is a flattering picture and certainly not sexy. Actually it is one of the worst ones I've seen of him. The angle is strange and his beautiful nose looks pointy.

Anonymous said...

The angle of the picture might be awkward, but I have to say Adam is looking better these days than ever before. I like the less makeup and facial hair.

Anonymous said...

@5:18 AM Scroll on by what you don't like.

Anonymous said...

I noticed the Glee promo views flying up last night and wondered what the heck was going on. I was hoping it wasn't a glitch.

Anonymous said...

@5:36AM: I do agree with your comment that Adam looks better these days than ever before. I like the less or no makeup look without the facial hair. There is a certain maturity and self confidence about him from what I can see as an outsider. He is very sexy and and I smiled when I read the comment that someone made about having sex with Adam, "don't care if he is gay". He has mesmerized us and keeps us wanting more of whatever it is that he exudes. Can't wait to see him on GLEE.

Anonymous said...

This pic is OK but I've seen sexier ones of Adam.

Anonymous said...

The short back & sides hairstyle is all the rage now .... like back in the 1950s!!

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like we WILL get more than one episode of Adam on Glee! YAY! It looked a little iffy there for a while. Hope it's true. I always smile at how we never get tired on talking about how sexy Adam is. It's just an overwhelming fact. I just wonder what it must feel like to be that handsome and to have people TELL you that you're gorgeous all the time. When Adam have been complimented on his looks during an interview, I love how he usually says, "You look great, too.." to the interviewer. He often just tries to deflect the compliment. But he KNOWS how hot he looks. He gets to look in the mirror!


Anonymous said...

Adam needs to get a job, all he does is party.

Anonymous said...

I am a fan of Greek mythology .....and I gotta say that would one gorgeous afterlife with Adam there .....rose petal

Anonymous said...

The views went up for the Glee Promo, because Adam tweeted about the new Promo, and said it hilarious. So I am sure most people got his tweet, and watched it, several times, it is funny, and not much to do with Adam.

Anonymous said...

@6:51 AM

Troll alert!

Anonymous said...

@5:18 AM

The great thing about the beauty of Adam, is if one pictrue does not please you. There are so many other beautiful ones that will. I can't say that about my own pictures.

The man is so handsome; in my opinion; he hardly ever takes a bad picture. Damn he is handsome.

Anonymous said...

@6:51am....Troll alert..Troll alert..Troll alert..exterminate..exterminate

Anonymous said...

@6:51 AM
And all you do is complain.

Anonymous said...

@12:03 AM / daydreamin

Wow, this is great. Thanks for the information; just watched it again, let's get it to 1 million.

Anonymous said...

There are a few non-flattering photos of Adam here and there - probably the fault of the person taking the photo - maybe the wrong angle or he just wasn't in the mood for having his photo taken - but most photographs of him are downright drop-dead gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

at 6:50 AM

It is the final season of Glee, isn't it? So Gleewise there's nothing much to be expected for Adam?

I really hope that one day Adam will get a proper role in a mature and mainstream series. He is not a teenager anymore and even though he is gay, his sexual identity shouldn't be the focus of his acting.

Anonymous said...

0T: VH1 has a new show/called "Big Morning Buzz Live"- it will be a daily show. The Host, Carrie Keagan, she love Adam; he was on The old Buzz show which was once a week I think. That was where Adam first meet Chris Coffer (sp)?. It comes from New York, and will also feature entertainers.

I am excited about this, because this gives Adam another wonderful outlet when his Album comes out, or maybe even before that, when he is in New York again. Jim S. is from VHI and he really like Adam too.

Anonymous said...

8:24 Glee was picked up for next year too.

Anonymous said...

at 8:39 AM

When will it come out? Has there been any mentions other than that he is making/recording some new music?

Anonymous said...

Final season of Glee is next year and it ends in 2015.

Anonymous said...

@8:24 AM

No, It was reported and confirmed that Season 5 and Season 6, have been renewed at this point. I guess this will hold until further notice. In my opinion, this is a fantastic opportunity for Adam. Glee is a very popular show. Also, I believe that any role Adam chooses to play will be proper for him, as long as he feels comfortable.

Also, exposure is very important. Never know who is watching; besides all his devoted fans and the new ones his is bound to pick up. The most important thing of all; is our beautiful Adam seems very excited about it. Congratulation, Adam.

As far as the sex of the person he is playing, I have never heard that mentioned. But, Adam should be able to play gay or straight parts if he is asked; and that is what "he" wishes to do. I for one cannot wait for November 7th when Adam makes his debut on Glee!

Anonymous said...

7:13 The views we are talking about is the video with Adam swinging on the chandelier and mentioning his name.

Anonymous said...

7:13 The views we are talking about is the video with Adam swinging on the chandelier and mentioning his name.

Anonymous said...

One sexy gif pic. of Adam:

Anonymous said...


I think that only Adam and his management know that for sure. It was reported in an article about two weeks ago; that Adam said his Album will be out sometimes in 2014and that he has been working on it. Time will tell; Perhaps someone else may remember the article and post info here. I take Adam at his words. Of course; circumstances can change. But, I believe those are his plans. Looking forward to it with excitement.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:24 AM
This is not the final season of GLEE. It has been renewed for 2 seasons, this current one and one more, beginning Fall 2014.

Hoping Adam has many more opportunities for TV, etc., in the future, but in the meantime, GLEE is a great fit for him. He gets to sing/perform. No, he isn't a teenager any more but neither are many of those who perform on the show. Many are in their 20's, and even early 30's. Cory Monteith was the same age as Adam... yet played someone in high school, and then college age, when he passed away. Adam is apparently playing a singer/performer in New York City, of indeterminate age, not a high school student. GLEE is watched by people of all ages....

I'm not disagreeing with you, just saying that this is a great start for him. And I'm hoping for more wonderful opportunities in the future. I would seriously LOVE to see Adam on my TV more often! It's where many of us first "met" him, and fell in love with this amazing man. Thank goodness for that!

Anonymous said...

@7:13 AM

I am sorry, no offense to anyone else on that promo; but most people said they were watching that trailer ovaer and over again to hear Adams voice and watch him swing from the chandelier.

Seems to me, the promo was a lot about Adam. I know I could't stop watching him. I guess we are starving for Adam any way we can get him ha, ha.

Let's be fair now; Adam was a big viewer draw.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam more on my TV too. Hope it opens up more windows of opportunities for him. He is lovely to look at.

Anonymous said...

@9:13 AM & @9:27 AM

Thank you both for your most informative posts. Answered questions I was wondering about.

I agree with both of you about Adam and Glee.

Can't wait for November 7th with Adam on Glee.

Anonymous said...

No apologies, Adam had a lot to do with any excitement on that promo. Regular watchers yes they checked it out. I can tell you Glamberts gave it tons if hits. Even regulars curious of Adam. His singing and swinging adds everything to that little promo. He also adds a lot if interest to the episode. Asking some to be fair here is useless they are just out to tear down. Got to tell you he sure is the main excitement for me to watch glee. It's a good show but Adams it for me.

Anonymous said...

@10:03 AM

I hear you loud and clear; and I agree! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

He'll be an eye candy on TV, that's for sure. Can't wait! Hope there'll be many more Glee episodes with Adam!

daydreamin said...

Did anyone actually see this promo on their Tv? Just wondering if the youtube count went up because they aired it.

Anonymous said...

@2:11 PM

I have never seen it on TV. But, if it was on TV. Wouldn't that make the Youtube count less because some people would just look at TV and get their information and their would be no need to Youtube it. But, it could work both ways, who knows? The good thing is, I think it has drawn in a lot of Adam fans and others. Also, people wanting to see Adam again.

Anonymous said...

There is an additional season of Glee after this one. Ryan Murphy said it will be the last one. He had originally planned the very last episode to be Rachel and Finn but he has to come up with a new ending for the series now.

Being on Glee opens Adam to the demographic radio wants and Adam needs to build. Great opportunity for him. It is a "proper" role.

Anonymous said...

Saw an interview with Adam about Glee. He sounded like he gets cut by Curt and it might be a one shot deal. He also said his role was kinda campy. I hope they left him with some dignity.

HK fan said...

according to a reputable source Adam will also be on ep 7, of Glee, singing a Madonna song....

Anonymous said...

Adam is sexy alright but in this pic he looks drunk/high/both and in need of air... :)))

Anonymous said...

His Glee name is Elliot Gilbert. Maybe that was one of his suggestions to Ryan - that his last name start with G and end in bert as an homage to all of us Glamberts.