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Latest Look: Double Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, October 6, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, October 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

the one on the left, would hit you on the head and steal your designer purse.

Anonymous said...

good job!!

Anonymous said...

Yes , now that he's thinner his face is wickedly handsome.
I like the bony look of his nose. Adds a smidge of danger to his appearance. I like this new Adam a lot. But I also still love the chubby cheeked young man from Idol days......he's evolving! You young gals are lucky, you'll get to see what he looks like at 40.....poor me, I'll be long gone!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK - I'm scared of reading the thread above this thread. Over 100 comments. Is it safe to take a peek?

On the other hand, this thread is very quiet. lol

Anonymous said...

1:03, The above thread scared me, too, but it's ok. Just a little bit of "you know what," but overall ok. Lots of Eli speculation.


Anonymous said...

That's only none years JAK I may be gone to ill be 74 if I make it. Your 77 I think. Many live 86. My dad died last year at 93! Sue

Anonymous said...

I meant only nine years! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam looks hot!!! I like the tank and his toned arms.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks the best I have ever seem him. That's killing the nuts too!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam warned Eli what kind of reaction would come of this picture and tweet. I hope Eli is already versed on Adam's following. Hopefully they are together reading and laughing their .... off.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:03 PM....JAK here....I took a look at the thread above, scanned it and though I was tempted to put my 2 cents in, I resisted. It's the same old, same old conversation we've heard a hundred times. B o r I n g....

Anonymous said...

Hey JAK, I really don't like to entertain the thought of you not being around anymore! I know death is a part of life, but I can tell by reading your posts that you're a very intelligent, creative, kind, fun-loving lady. Sue: thanks for your comments about the fact that it's certainly not impossible she'll still be around! And now for an on-topic comment: Two Adams is double the pleasure!

Anonymous said...

@ Sue.....JAK here. I'm hoping to stretch my years out to 83. My parents both died at that age (5 years apart). That sounds like enough for me. I'm tired and eager to see if there is an afterlife, what it's like. This life has been a constant adventure, hope the next is too.

I have no fear or dread of death.......I ascribe to Woody Allen's statement..." I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens". Sounds good, a quiet nap then POW! I have everything planned, half my ashes go on a historical Indian mound looking out over Tampa Bay (pirate ships used to anchor there to make repairs). The other half my girls have promised to take to Ireland and scatter by the small stone tower on the stream at Blarney Castle! My favorite place in the world.....I'm all set.....Cool!

Anonymous said...

PS......if we have any Irish Glamberts reading this, please don't tell the officials in Cork, it might be frowned upon and I do want to lie among my McBride ancestors. Thanks...JAK

daydreamin said...

@JAK and @Sue I am convinced the afterlife is a better place but I still don't like thinking of your not being here! Adam now chimes in singing "Stay......"

Anonymous said...

Aww...JAK, don't say that...makes me sad

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

I just read this about JAK saying this. It makes me sad. I started to cry. But, you know there is a better place than people arguing and running down kind sweet people like Adam or anyone. I want to live long enough to see my grand kid grow a bit. My health not good so JAK and more may out live me even if I am a bit younger. Anyway I definitely think the world be will be a crummier place to live without JAK not so great now. Have you ever noticed right after Adam has big triumph like I Heart radio show the nasties go nuts. They want try and convince us his career is over just when it's looking up. I do not understand why that helps them feel better to try and bring other people down there not succeeding the reviews and all speak for themselves just the beginning for this 31 year old and that's the reality of it! JAK hope your with us very long time! Sue.

Anonymous said...

JAK....still here (so far) : )

Sue, we'll each do our best to hang to see your grandchildren grow to hope my g'son meets Miss Right and I get a great grandchild. He says I can't go I have to teach his children nursery rhymes, fairy tales, Robin Hood and King Arthur. At the rate he's going I'll be too old to pick up his kids!!

Anonymous said...

My two girls had them in their mid thirties. Now I'm shot. Kind of wish they had them in their twenties. I would have been more fit my back out today! But that's life! Sue

Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin......if I thought Adam would sing STAY just for me, in person, I would attempt to live forever!...JAK

,,,,,,Confession: each night before I go to sleep
I listen to Broken Pieces, Outlaws of Love, Is This Love and then Stay. They are the lullabies that make me cosy and at peace.

Anonymous said...

My husband 8 years older than me. He gonna be 73 oct. 27. Sue

Anonymous said...

I thank y'all for your kind words, I hope I don't go SOON, but, I have to go to make room on the planet....It's def. overpopulated. My grandmother, a remarkable woman, died a week after I announced I was that week she made and smocked a white silk baby dress for my child to be. When she was dying my mom was so upset and holding her hand as if to hold her here, she patted my moms head and said "I have to make room for J.A.'s baby!

I named that baby after goes on!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK, that is a very sad and sweet story. <3333

Love your comments.

Anonymous said...

JAK here family has a unique manner of dealing with death.....we have no funerals, no viewing and no burials. We meet at one home the instant we hear, we cry all over each other then tell stories about the deceased.
...Funny ones...then we eat, then more crying and laughing then exhausted we all find a place to sleep and stay overnight. 3 in a bed or curled on sofas or cuddled on sun cot pillows on the floor. In the a.m. There are piles of us like puppies all over the place. We wear ourselves out, by clinging together we cushion the blow of loss, then with hugs all goes on.

...Since we all want to be cremated we've picked our "spots" ahead of time. I guess it's a tiny bit like an Irish wake. Dust to dust! We figure you are never truly gone till there is no one left who remembers you, that's why I'm a genealogy freak, I want to remember every branch and leaf on our family tree.

Okay, enough OT stuff about death....I'm heading for bed....'nite.

glitzylady said...

So beautiful @JAK
Thank you for sharing your family's tradition. I love it...Very much like a wake indeed. A celebration...