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"LAY ME DOWN" Not The Next Single!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, October 08, 2013


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does anybody surprise? Avicii just needed Adam's fans to increase the sales. Adam and Nile are still naive people as most of geniuses are cause they promoted this album but not just the song!
I feel terrible because I had bad feelings about all of this Avicii But I still hoped that great song can win over another country sh......:(:(:( And I was right,again:(

Anonymous said...

You guys are a barrel of laughs. Have you ever heard LIFE ISN'T FAIR. That means life doesn't always break the way you want it to. You suck it up, put on your big girl/guy pants and smile and say "maybe next time". Do you live in a constant state of disappointment, grousing, complaining

BTW millions of people like country music, obviously Avicii knows that.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. I think this is a shame also. I said this when second single came out and someone said I was so wrong. No, I am not surprised, and I could not have said it better. I think Adam's song was the best on the Album. I wish it was on his own upcoming Album. I can't wait for more great things to start happening for our Adam. Sometimes things just seem so unfair for him.
But, I am not giveing up hope. I will never give up on him; he is too talented, and too good for some. Just love him!

Anonymous said...

It's business as usual and it's understandable!!!:)

Life goes on and I know Adam's music will prevail indeed!!!:)

Adam has a lot to offer and I'm not worried at all!!

Just enjoy the ride and take a deep breath folks!!:)


Anonymous said...

@6:27 PM here/ My post if for
@6:13 PM

Anonymous said...

@6:23 PM

It may be a barrel of laughs for you, but everyone does not have to feel the same way. Let people experience whatever emotions they wish. If people are disappointed, nothing wrong with that. Being adults, we know that life goes on. But, everything is not always a barrel of laughs; don't feel like laughing and I'm not going to; it least not today.

Going to listen to WWTLF and then my spirits will be lifted. Adam would would probably say, "chin up little glamhoppers."

Anonymous said...

I said this was a fan site and wasn't reliable.

Adam and Nile are not naïve.

If Avicii and his management think this is the next best song for AVICII because it is so popular you can't blame them. Life is not The Adam Lambert Show.

Plenty of you told me you wouldn't act all disappointed if it didn't happen when I expressed some concern when the LMD excitement was on. Can you live up to that?

Anonymous said...

@6:37 PM I listened WWTLF many many many times. I can't imagine that this song can lift somebody spirits. Are you sick? We Are The Champions and Another one bites of dust! This is a spirit!

Anonymous said...

Well at least Adam will be making money from the album sales but he won't be getting direct exposure from radios playing LMD. Avicii still will be playing it at his concerts too. Another form of exposure. From booking point of view it is all good for Adam. I look at it in a positive way.

Anonymous said...

@6:49pm. Yes, I live up to it cause True album is still top 100 album on iTunes and Adam is making money.

Anonymous said...

As long as True album sales are high around the world, it is all good in my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Adam is on the IMdb Glee page, not listed as cast( in credits Order) but with rest of cast in alphabetical order. I don't know how to bring link here.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was old news. Does anyone know how the second single is doing.I like the mv for it.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was old news. Does anyone know how the second single is doing.I like the mv for it.

Anonymous said...

There will likely be more singles from Ttue. LMD got great attention and feedback worldwide. It could still be a single. If it is, it would be great if it was during the holidays, when people are buying CDs for gifts. Let's hope it happens.


Anonymous said...

LMD is a great song, but EDM is currently on its way out (a year or two left in the craze, IMHO). Adam has a great career going on and he looks happy. He always finds new exciting projects that in turn excite his fans. Why do people think that he needs to have top 10 songs all the time to succeed. It's not a prerequisite to a successful musical career.

I for one can't wait to see what direction he will go to next. And that's what is so exciting. His career is forever changing and I love that about Adam fucking Lambert!

Anonymous said...

And, btw, Avicii's next show in NYC is in a 3,200 concert capacity venue. Not all shows (even Avicii's) are in stadiums!!

Anonymous said...

He will put out at least four or five singles.most likely it be one if them no other one on the album any better than LMD. I think second single not tearing the world down. So probably won't be long for the brother song third single. Then maybe LMD. I have feeling quite few singles off there. Someone said he already released third single abroad so second single not doing well there. As anyone heard second single here? Sooner later hopefully it will be single it's so good. Nile's and Adam have been through it all they are definitely not naive so silly. He said it would most definitely be a single and probably next one so sooner or later think it will be. Sue

Anonymous said...

@7:45 PM Did Adam have show in NYC in 3,200 capacity venue? Don't forget that this venue Avicii perform in one of the most prestige venues in US

Anonymous said...

@7:45 PM Did Adam have show in NYC in 3,200 capacity venue? Don't forget that this venue Avicii perform in one of the most prestige venues in US

Anonymous said...

lMD was added end of Album had not as much time to get popular as maybe that song but I think it is popular. Many Dj said favorite song. I think after that brother song next best. With exposure think it be a good hit. However please stop that same old it's not the Adam L. Show when did he ever act like it was. Such a humble man he does not deserve that. It's a very not nice statement! I meant LMD correction. Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue, the reference wasn't to Adam acting like that, it was to entitled FANS acting like everything should be The Adam Lambert Show.

Anonymous said...

I'm shock but not Surprise so sad!

Anonymous said...

This could have given adam the push he needs

Anonymous said...

@6:50 PM

Nope, not sick; whenever I see and hear Adam singing with his macnificent voice and that beautiful deliverly it just lifts my spirits; I can listen to it over and over again. I also love to hear him sing all the songs you mentioned.

Perhaps you are the sick one. Different strokes for different folks. Everyone is intitled to their own emotion; I would never question how any song makes another person feel; or how how each person would react to the same song. Thank God we are all different. Adam's voice just lifts me up.

Good night.

Anonymous said...


I beg your pardon, in my world, everything is the Adam Lambert Show. Tickets anyone?

Anonymous said...

@7:40 PM

You post is one of the best I have read tonight and it makes so much sense. I totally agree with you. There are many very sucessful artists that are making a great living with everything your post talks about.

Thanks for bringing reality to this site. Feel much better after reading your sensible post that is based in reality. I just love him too. I have been a fan since Idol; and have never waivered. I support him in every way that I can.

Anonymous said...

Adam will be getting paid as co-writer along with Nile; and also as vocalist on LMD, for every True Album sold. Someone reported this on another site. I hope this is true and he makes loads of money.

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glitzylady said...

Ooops! Not the right link :)))

Anonymous said...

Sorry Glamberts. Only Kathy perry and Taylor Swift get 4 singles released from a CD. So, Sad. :(

Anonymous said...

@4:24, generally speaking you are not wrong... but money rules all and it would not surprise me one bit if another Avicii track got a singles release. Let's not espouse "definitives" here as clearly there never are any where the music industry is concerned!

Anonymous said...

I fully understand, realize, & accept all of the very legitimate grown up business reasons why Hey Brother is next single, I always knew way down deep it would be (just looking at tenor of music right now), but I too have to have a little hissy fit one little second and say I'm pissed. I know it's not rational to be so disappointed, I knew HB would be next single, would have bet the house/car/bank account on it, but I'm ticked to finally have that realized. And quite frankly, I think I will take this moment of dwelling in annoyance and disappointment to just grapple with the fact that Adam will probably only be in a handful of Glee episodes at best. I am NOT COMPLAINING here people, truly I am not... this LMD/Avicci deal is AWESOME, the Glee role is beyond stellar, nothing but win/win and good stuff for Adam... but I do have a strong feeling that Adam will be in no more than a handful of Glee episodes and I think this HB news is a little kick in the ass for me to absorb that very real possibility for Glee role and then put my excited face back on. I totally agree with Oct 8/6:23... but I also know this blog can be a place to blow off a little steam (politely hopefully) because it helps one get back to the place of enthusiastically and cheerfully supporting Lambert! My snotty side says "I'm so freakin glad I only bought LMD on I-tunes" but my big girl panty wearing side understands the business quite well and I am beyond thrilled for the LMD collab being out there in the industry buzz at all! Totally win/win. Honestly, I am most disappointed cuz I totally love the damn song!!!! I think it's an amazing tune separate of any association with Adam Lambert and I am bummed I can't hear it on my radio, any time soon anyway. Whoever said upthread that the EDM wave is dying out, I totally agree and I cold see Avicii trying to breath some more life into his True release by releasing the disco vibed LMD eventually... I don't know who long the YMM cycle will go before HB is officially released as next single, but I don't think a 4th is out of the question at all. I watch the industry, that scenario is NOT only reserved for the likes of Swift, Beiber, Perry... not true.

Blah blah blah, anyway, head's up fans. Baby steps like Adam said in Boston last year, "but we're making baby steps", it's all good.

Anonymous said...

Avicii doesn't need Adam's fans to increase sales. He is getting more fans from the guy who sings "Hey Brother". The same guy who sang on "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" movie soundtracK cd. Check out iTunes sales on the individual songs.

Avicii's management is going to make him follow the sales. He said most of the songs on his cd will be singles. The more successful his cd is when LMD breaks the better.

Anonymous said...

6:08, good point. If there is a lot of attention on True due to HB when it's time for the next single, that would help LMD, if LMD is the next one. I just hope LMD isn't overlooked completely. It's gotten such great feedback from so many people, including DJs. I really think it would get some play

And I also agree with 7:40 (the one that's not me). Many of us Adam fans think that Adam must have a top-charting album and a hit song or two every year or every 1 1/2 yrs. in order to be a success. Sure, some singers are lucky enough to maintain that pattern. They are at the very top of the heap. But Adam is taking other opportunities as they come. They are not all about getting a hit song or album. He can still do fine in show business. Until we know more about his new music and how he is going to produce it, we should be happy that he has other projects on his plate: Glee, more with Queen, more with Nile/Avicii. He DOES have more things to keep in active in the near future. He might not have a new album right away, but it will come in time. I'm a fan who is fascinated by his talent and his life. He's not afraid to try other things. His incredible voice is well-recognized world-wide. I'm enjoying the ride he's on in all the directions it's taking him.


Anonymous said...

Well, that settles it. No LMD single? No purchase of Avicii's album cuz I don't relish EDM. The only reason I'd purchase Avicii album is to thank him for making LMD a single. There are more songs on TSP that I enjoy than on any other CD so I'll wait for Adam Lambert to produce his next album.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:37 pm. Who the hell is laughing? Don't you get sarcasm either? Have I fallen into a well of dopes? There is always someone or something to blame, right? Avicii used Adam? Damn. Do you guys ever stop whining?
Do you live in a constant conspiracy to destroy Adam watchfulness ? Adam is fine, he will be fine, he will prevail, say that over and over till you believe it.

Anonymous said...

aviccii used adam lambert?omg- no truthfulness here- avicii dint keep his promise?-oh well-

Anonymous said...

It's good to promote the album though, because Adam is still on this album. Still good publicity for Adam.

elizie said...

@8:30, if you don't like EDM, why would you thank Avicii for LMD. It sounds pretty much like EDM to me.

glitzylady said...

I have a question for @Anon 8:30 AM and I'm not being facetious. Just a valid question and comment:

Have you listened to the whole album, from start to finish? Even though it is listed under the category "dance music" and is considered EDM, much of it is not so much EDM and just a good collection of various musical styles/vocalists.

I bought it and love it. It's catchy and fun. And have recommended it to friends who might not necessarily like strictly EDM either. Just a thought... you certainly can make up your own mind about it, as that's what each of us does with our own music likes, dislikes, and purchases...but wonder if you've given it a fair chance. If so, cool..... Just don't want you to miss out :)))

Anonymous said...

I'm proud to say I haven't bought the album.

Anonymous said...

I've heard Hey Brother many times on the radio now here in Finland. This really pisses me off!! Lay Me Down is so much better!!!

daydreamin said...

Thanks @Glitzylady!

Let's try this again:
I truly believe that the best on "True" is yet to come! LMD will be released as a single and as @DRG mentioned, probably closer to the holidays. I prefer to look at the cup as half full.

IMDB Adam mention as being on 1 episode on Glee (these get updated frequently I believe so # of episodes could change):
Click H E R E