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Neil Lambert and Eber Lambert Tweet About US Government Shutdown

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, October 01, 2013


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha , good one

Anonymous said...

For this to be posted it should have been a comment from Adam. It should reflect Adam opinion not his family Adam may agree but it should still be his opinion.

Anonymous said...

GAhh ... please no politics here. This is my happy place where I can escape from them.

Anonymous said...

GOP are bunch of idiots. Plus this was something similar to what Romney proposed in his campaign. More and more people are getting poorer in US. Eventually will end up like a third world countries where most of the money is used to build arms instead of taking care of health care, schools, roads etc. Well to do middle class is fading away.

Anonymous said...

Don't know why these comments came up on this site. I had already read them on Eber and Neils twitter, where they belong. Adam tries to stay out of politics .

Anonymous said...

It is shameful what The House of Rep. has caused. I have 4 family members in service in Iraq and Afghanistan and here at home, Natl Park Service employees all not being paid for who know how long. Adults find a way to work together they don't say, "it's my or no way".

I'm sure Ted Cruz and his buddies are dancing with joy. He has the pleasure of knowing he has been instrumental in a travesty that will prove to be of epic proportions. When the time comes to pull out of this mess extra billions will be necessarily spent to get us back to where we started. In a pickle . Then it begins again.
Nice work. Don't pay any of them until they solve this impasse. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Anonymous said...

I have friends who are going to be affected by this.

The GOP is seriously horrible. Why can't they just let the American people live in peace?

Anonymous said...

Where is it written that this website should be only about Adam and his ex bf only? Eber and Neil are blood family of Adam. I don't mind to see their tweets.

Anonymous said...

^^^ Reply to above poster:

I agree. Even though I am interested in both Neil and Eber (in a curious way), I don't have time to look up their twitters so I appreciate that we get their updates here too. Too bad Leila doens't have a twitter or else we would know what's going on with her life too.

But like I said, everything related to Adam should be posted here. it lets the fans know what's going on with Adam and his family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Who said it should be for Adams ex either. It's about Adam life Adam career and Adams political views . That's just my opinion not forcing it on anyone.

Anonymous said...

i would vote for adam

Anonymous said...

Political comments do not belong here-this is a form of bullying on Adam's site. Political opinions are like as*ho**s. Everyone has one. Please, keep this a happy place about Adam Lambert, not the psycho opinions of ANYONE toward politics! It only feeds the TROLLS!!!!

Anonymous said...

NO POLITICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm pissed at the whole political scenario..and I agree, this is NOT a blog in which to discuss politics..we already have enough dissension regarding opinions about Adam and his life and activities

Anonymous said...

I'm 10:34 a m I'm so glad they had enough sense to okay paying the military families, that's a relief! One worry less in our family, but still park service people and a museum employee are out as of today!

Do these people represent the majority of our citizens?
Do they even care? Government by extortion. Just great.

Anonymous said...

What is this about keeping this a happy place? Some things cannot and should not be ignored. What the Gop is doing should be spoken out against. To keep silent is to support their actions. Every chance they get they try to derail Obama. Hurting children % women in the process means nothing to them. They hate this -- Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes …

Anonymous said...

Some people wanted and did keep a happy place when the Jews were persecuted... :(( #speakup

Anonymous said...

they dont get along?gop and ems- ITS SAYS REID SHUT DOWN THE GOT.stubborn mule harry reid-smile;
love ted cruz he donate his salary to charity great good man-hes the type of senator owe to be usa president like his attittude.

Anonymous said...

under obama american is doom- obama dont know how to manage american people or dont know how to run the usa-

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

adam lambert said then hes not political-he knows what is right and ewhat is wrong good for him- i will vote for adma lambert- how about adam lambert for usa president-2016

Anonymous said...

congress-senators make sure the soldiers get paid- both side is ok with that- no question ask-

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Reply to 3:26 I guest you did not read the Forbes sight on how business are doing under Obama. One should talk what they know and testify about what they see.

Anonymous said...

Please stop pushing your angst about politics on this site. I said please. But go ahead if you need to ruin it for everyone else who is interested in Adam, not politics. There are a gazillion other places where you can park your political opinions, but please, not here. Thank you

Anonymous said...

The last and longest gov't shut down was December 15, 1995 - January 5, 1996. During that time Clinton "found" Monica Lewinski. His lies about her before congress caused him to be impeached. We all survived, the country survived and so did the world. Don't sweat it. Go with it and you'll be just fine.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:26 Can you read? Right up there at the top says this thread is about shutting down government. Why didn't you just go to next thread. Let those of us who wish to - discuss the govt.

Dear God the Kenya freak is here again.

Adam for President? Do you hate him that much?

The Republican ideologues have lied about "death panels", "rationed care", "forced contraception", "forced vaccinations" and every other nitwit thing they can think of to frighten and confuse the American public. I believe they have tried over 40 times or more to overturn Obamacare. They haven't been able to do it because a majority of the country wants it!

Now these extremists are threatening to force the US to default on it's legal obligations. That will send stock markets to slide down down down. There go hopes to be retired. Hearty "thanks a lot" to GOP and their "tea party" friends. Wake up, our govt is being held hostage!

Anonymous said...

BHO is an idiot*

Anonymous said...

Clinton had his head under the skirt of Monica L. that's why 9/11 went down.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:30 and 5:31 How about facts instead of insults or don't you know the facts ? You know those things that are proven, not propaganda to scare the hell out of people.

Anonymous said...

Question to Admin:
Could this blog site be renamed so that those who want that all the issues are "about Adam, and Adam only", would not be whining every time someone else's name is mentioned in some thread? Could it be something like: "Adam Lambert and Friends and Family 24/7 News." Then no one could say that this is not Adam-news, if it had some connection to Adam's life, current or past. Seems like people just can't scroll and ignore the topics that do not interest them but they have to come time after time remind other people that Adam-site, this is not Adam-related news etc. That could be avoided if they had no reason to point the blog site name "Adam Lambert 24/7 News. Of course there could be some who would yell that "this is not Adam's friend, this is not Adam-related" but maybe not so much. Just asking.

funbunn40 said...

I usually am careful discussing religion or politics, but I don't see how anyone can take issue with Obama, especially if they heard his speech today. The GOP has had one agenda since he was first elected, to do everything in their power to sabotage any and everything that he supported. In NC the newly elected GOP Gov.the 2nd day in office gave everyone in his cabinet a raise and proposed to raise the sales tax to pay for it. The legislators then redrew the voting districts to favor the GOP, shortened the early voting days, made it more difficult for minorities and college students to vote and tried to sneak in a bill to change the NC constitution to make it impossible for LBGT people to marry their same sex partners. They also did the same, burying a bill denying women access to Planned Parenthood and other personal medical issues, under a transportation bill, hoping it wouldn't be discovered before they passed it. It's frightening when you think about the closed door manipulating to change laws restricting equal rights and giving them the power to dictate their religious and self-serving manipulative views. I would hate to be President. It's the most thankless job in the world and they are at the mercy of their adviosrs and the info they're given. The GOP want to preserve their individual wealth and pay back big business favors. I just wish politics could be put aside and the primary focus would be to solve the problems for the good of our society for all people, not just the wealthy, self entitled, power driven GOP. This thread clearly indicated the subject. Those that weren't interested had the clear choice to skip it and not read any comments. Neil and Eber are of interest to many here, a part of Adam's existence and therefore relevant. Those opposed easily can choose to scroll on by and those interested have the opportunity to continue to enjoy all that surrounds Adam. Hopefully we all can respectfully agree to disagree.

Anonymous said...

YES 10:11 !
Don't care about their politics.
Why is it here?

Anonymous said...

Obama is a lemon president.

Anonymous said...

What would heaven think of all these man-centered liberal agenda which has left God out of the picture?

daydreamin said...

God is in the picture. That's why Obama is our president. A president FOR the people. For one (of many great reasons), he is giving dire help to those with pre-existing conditions that had their insurance cut by greedy insurance companies.

Love what you said @funbunn40!

Click HERE

Anonymous said...

Struth! Can those who want to discuss politics do so elsewhere. Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

This thread is about politics! You go somewhere else.
Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

JAK here... I would like to address @ 11:58 PM's question about "what would heaven think about the liberal agenda"
Keeping in mind that Jesus said again and again.....feed the hungry, help the poor and heal the sick .

Beginning Nov 1 a Republican conservative House law will slash 40 billion from the food stamp program over the next 10 yrs. 22 million of those people are children, then the elderly, disabled and working poor. (This on top of cuts already made by stimulus bill)....our current food & nutrition expense is only 2% of the Fed. much for feeding the hungry.

Now the poor (underpaid or unemployed)....every single Senate Republican voted down the infrastructure jobs program supported by Obama and the liberals. That program would have given jobs to tens of thousands and repaired roads and bridges in dangerous condition.... So much for helping the poor.

The Republican / Tea Party has turned themselves inside out to attempt to kill ObamaCare medical insurance availability to all of the uninsured citizens. They have exaggerated and downright lied about the much for healing the sick.

Remember how Jesus condemned the Pharisees ? That sect that made a great outward show of their religious perfection but refused to see their own inner corruption.....Personally I think Jesus would have been a liberal.

funbunn40 said...

@JAK, I agree, think Jesus would have been a liberal. He certainly disapproved of the"money changers in the temple" and cared for the poor and afflicted. Congress is getting their paychecks and govt. perks, not losing anything, while the worker bees in govt. are sacrificing their livlihoods so the GOP can stop Obamacare. ... Thanks for the link, daydreamin. Explains it very well.