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GLEE Director of Photography & Cinematographer Joaquin Sedillo Compliments Adam Lambert on Set

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, October 01, 2013


Anonymous said...

Joaquin! You're a nice man! I think I'm developing a crush on you.

Anonymous said...

"Tiger" I like. :)

Anonymous said...

wish we could see exactly what he came prepared with.

Anonymous said...

Doncha just love a guy who's always prepared : ))

Anne Marie said...

Must be very frustrating to have people show up un-prepared. It is no surprise that Adam came prepared for the job he was expected to do. wtg Adam.

Anonymous said...

JAK and 1:23, Thanks for the late afternoon daydream topics.


Anonymous said...

@Anne Marie you know, if you come at work un-prepared they get fired usually:)

Jadam said...

JAK Do I sense a subtle innuendo in your comment. Surely not.Is it just my mind, maybe. "Chuckles"

funbunn40 said...

Adam is such a pro, good early training. He must be a joy with whom to work. The Glee cast and crew is bound to love him!

Anonymous said...

Adam is uber professional and would never let the public or his fans down in any form way or manner. He knows how much he has riding on his Glee appearances. It could possibly open up the much younger crowd for him. The way Brian and Roger speak of him is amazing and puts him on a very high level of professionalism. He will get to the top of that vine!

Anonymous said...

@ Jadam.......possibly...........<3.....,JAK : )

Anonymous said...

We wouldn't expect anything less from Adam than to come prepared to do his job. No divalike behavior from him.

Anonymous said...

I don't see any hint of arrogance from Adam or I'm out of here.