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New Adam Photoshoot

Filed Under () by Admin on Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, October 23, 2013


glitzylady said...

This is the Elvis sunglasses photo shoot. The one that many celebs were involved in and will be in a book coming out soon... So glad Adam was asked to model those glasses too.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to buy this book. Great holiday gift. I might buy couple of copies once it's out.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Can't wait for this! Sue

Anonymous said...

I have one slated for me and I will get one for my sister. She loves both Adam and Elvis and many other super cool people are also in the book.Freak I love that picture of Adam !!

Anonymous said...

Where and how do you order this book; or there preorders available? Thanks.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yep, I recognized it, too. I hope it sells a lot. I know many Glamberts will buy it. He's such a dreamboat, to use a word for the Elvis era!


Anonymous said...

I never heard about preorders yet but I will check with Amazon and B&N later.

Anonymous said...

a picture of someone taking Adam's picture. funny

Anonymous said...

I was an Elvis fan in my younger days and now I am an Adam fan in my mature years. Both men were/are amazing performers and very easy on the eyes.

Anonymous said...

Adam's smarter and better balanced than Elvis....he was a bit of a mess, but he also had nice manners and a generous nature....and talent!......JAK

Anonymous said...

Elvis was always surrounded by a large group of men friends everywhere he went. I aways remembered that in magazines and television. Some turned on him after he passed away.

Anonymous said...

Elvis was very insecure socially and always kept his Memphis posse with him. I met some of them and if I don't have something nice to say I won't say anything at

Anonymous said...

I wonder how he would have been perceived today with all the social media that people are digging for anything to know or paint a different perception of a star.

Anonymous said...

I think Shosh was hinting more pics from something else is coming. Hope so.

Hk fan said...

Despite being a fan of Elvis when I was young, and Adam now, don't think I will be buying this book. It just looks like people being photographed wearing sunglasses, which apparently were Elvis'.....they could have at least made them up to look like Elvis...

Anonymous said...

Me neither, I wouldn't mind leafing through it, but owning it, I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

And THIS is the guy many here want that he'd just look like the boy next door... Pffffttt!