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"OMG Insider" Talked About Adam Lambert and Eli Today on Television

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 7, 2013

Posted at : Monday, October 07, 2013


Anonymous said...

Did they talk about Adam?

Anonymous said...

Ignore my first post and this one.
(running off and hiding.)

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so sexy in this photo without even trying. Nobody can outsexy Adam

jt said...

It wasabout Eli doing cover of wrecking ball. He has got over 1/2 million hits in two days on you tube.They showed the tweet that Adam put up and showed their photo. Tomorrow night they are doing the interview with Eli which will be interesting. Wonder if they will ask about Adam and their "freindship?? This is wonderful for Eli.

Anonymous said...

Eli is not my cup of tea.

Anonymous said...

Eli has a beautiful voice, pretty cute too. I got his song on Itunes, check out his version of Try - it's good.

Anonymous said...

6:28 I think he is Adams cup of tea!!!

Anonymous said...

Cities pies. Both of them

Anonymous said...

Cutie pies ! Typo

daydreamin said...

Thanks @jt. I was just about to ask what they said. I think he's cute. I watched his video of his travels to L.A. Interesting. Seems pretty down to earth. I like that.

Anonymous said...

6:28 pm---if that's the case don't hang out with him.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info. I just tuned in to watch it here in west coast.

jt said...

Daydreamin. Yes agree he seems very grounded and genuinely nice guy. When he speaks in his interviews his voice is very soft and calming. I know he meditates twice a day and his family has done this since the sixties. He went to a school where they taught meditation. Very interesting guy. I just realized this news came out late so many European fans are sleeping. I bet this blog will have many responses in the morning!!

Anonymous said...

why can't men be friends without everyone getting their panties/jocks in a twist. there might be nothing going on in the boudoir between them. AL seems like he hangs on all types in every corner of the globe.

Anonymous said...

LAMBERTLUST: Breaking: Confirmed Chris Colfer and Adam Lambert sing together on #glee! Via Ryan Murphy tweet

Anonymous said...

@sandyzzzen: #ManCandyMonday @AdamLambert of course

Anonymous said...

I just checked out Eli Lieb on google and then some of videos on you tube. He does a lot of cover songs so I just listened to a few of them. He has a good voice(nothing like Adam's), seems like a nice guy and they obviously have music and some friends in common. If it's more than a friendship, then good for them.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like we'll be hearing more about Eli!


Anonymous said...

I thought his cover of "Wrecking Ball " was very good. I do think, though, Adam's tweet to all his followers helped many of us go right to the YouTube link Adam posted to view it, helped get some of those hits :)


Anonymous said...

I just checked out Eli ( never heard of him) on you tube. He's pretty cute and I like his style of singing

Anonymous said...

By the way, this pic of Adam is one of my favs ever! That's one very sexy man! Look at those eyes, what about that nose, those shoulders and arms ...the hair....OMG everything....Thud.

Anonymous said...

Who is Eli?

Anonymous said...

He seems like a fairly nice guy. He is good looking and talented in his own right. Just hope that he knows how lucky he is to be with Adam as a friend or more so. Adam looks happier these days. Free, easy, more like himself.

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
daydreamin said...

Here is the correct link...sorry!
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

I would be suprised to hear if they are boyfriends cause Adam hasn't behaved like he is in relationship and doesn't look like he is in love but they could be a good mathc :)

Anonymous said...

But no doubt they are at least good friends!

Anonymous said...

Eli looks like the Grumpy cat...

Anonymous said...

I think they are only friends. Remember, Adam right now is the only visible openly Gay singer in the music scene. I think he is trying to bring talented openly Gay singers into the scene.

Hip hop is an old genre of music but it never got any radio play until 90s when more artists of this genre started to collaborate. Therefore becoming more visible in mainstream.

When Adam says he feels the award shows are like high school. He feels he isn't the cool kid that people in these shows want to hang around with. It means he is alone. I think he is trying to change it by bringing Eli and maybe others like Eli into the scene.

Adam probably wants to be kind of like JayZ of Artists in LGBT community. The more visibility and popularity of these openly Gay artists the better chance and success Adam will have with radios playing his music on radios.

Anonymous said...

Eli affects to be very serious and sensible... I guess he is not "Adam`s type", they are too different. Think they are very good friends.

Anonymous said...

Stop thinking about your obsessed self desires of shipping Adam. Think deeper why Adam is promoting LGBT artists? He won two GLAAD awards and he is trying to be an advocate of his earned awards. Eli's success in music scene is crucial to Adam's success in the long-run.

Anonymous said...

Friends or lovers, whatever. Adam has a HUGE heart!!! He helps and supports other artists. That is real LOVE. He is an incredible man. PS. And HOT as well!!!

Anonymous said...

12:29 not that deep. I think they just like each other. Eli is very grounded and nothing like the people Adam usually hangs with. Probably the best thing that could happen to both of them. You know the expression opposites attract. Time will tell although I found it interesting TV put up that photo of them both. Must have needed permission from Adam to do that and also post his tweet about Eli.

jt said...

Daydreamin: thanks for post, nice video and gives an insight to Eli and what a calming influence he would be to a friend.

Anonymous said...

Why adam endorsed elli?so many friends of his who is gay and very talented like ferras dont hv good opportunity in music industry.maybe there is mutual agreement between adam and elli to bring elli's talent on the table or elli need a conection from people like adam to persue his dream as an recording artist and expend his fan base

Anonymous said...

QUESTION to all you Eli shippers!

When has Adam gotten 1/2 million hits on Youtube in 2 days???
Nevah, sorry to say!

Support Adam STRONGER!!!
HE should be OUR MAIN MAN!

And I say also this:
Eli is getting the hits cause he looks and sounds like the regular all American wgwg, no one says he looks too gay, no one says he looks gay, eww... Truth hurts!

Anonymous said...

I think he's the new bf for Adam, just wait and see, lol

Anonymous said...

It would if it was the truth! 2.46 please stop being so homophobic. No one knows he well enough yet. They will pick up on it so I hope he strong like Adam. Boy next door has nothing to do with it. I wish him the best Eli.

Anonymous said...

Who is this leechy Lieb who sings OTHER people's songs and uses ADAM's name to promote his own career and his pathetic song Young Love (he's older than Adam, for god's sake) the minute they've been photographed together? Just like Clements earlier this year.

You call that cute? Eww!

Anonymous said...

@5:12aM Absofuckinglutely

Anonymous said...

Adam must be photographed with guys as much as possible. Otherwise people start thinking he's straight.

Anonymous said...

all the Lambert male acquaintances have an elfish quality. they should all have a pair of green curly toed shoes.

Anonymous said...

anon 5:48 that is so funny. laughed my ass off on that one. all comments should bring that feeling.

Anonymous said...

it's a prune and a pear. don't mix

Anonymous said...

@5:51 Thanks! *Finnish humour* @5:48

Anonymous said...

Why the bashing? Adam knew exactly what he was doing when he posted that on twitter and I am sure warned Eli of the nasty comments that would come with his endorsement. Unfortunately it comes with the territory. Adam is always plugging other artists but he obviously felt Eli was special.

Anonymous said...

This is great for Eli. Adam could do worse than such an interesting guy but I think it's just him being supportive of a good friend.

Anonymous said...

@6:17 AM Miley's original version has 200 million views. I think it's the random people searching that song from YT that also found Eli's version, not that many Glamberts, because 300 thousand views in a day..come on.

Anonymous said...

@5:41 AM
NASTY Glambert. :-(

Anonymous said...

But Glamberts have always been nasty.

Anonymous said...

OTT speculation re this pic & any pic of Adam with a single, gay male. Don't you people have anything else in your lives apart from obsessing about everything in Adam's life?

Anonymous said...

Is it ok NOT to obsess about Eli, because I am not.

Anonymous said...

@5:41 AM
That's the way I see it.

Anonymous said...

at 6:29 AM

And he could so much better, too. Lieb is as dull as ditchwater, posting tons of mirror selfies on his IG.

For some reason he is very secretive about his age but he must be a few years older than Adam. He's got an old man's face, too.

Anonymous said...

My only obsession much to my children's dismay is Adam Lambert. However I will always look at who he promotes and sometimes I like but most of the time its mehhhhhhh!!! However this pick I agree and looks like thousands of others agree including Tv producers who had Eli on last night and tonight. Soooooo looks like the cretins posting here are in the minority.

Anonymous said...

The holier-than-thous are name callers WAY more often than those who give opposing views.

Anonymous said...

6:51 AM
But he's got a young man's body, haha. And what does age mean? A few years older than Adam, who cares? He is handsome and has beautiful eyes.

And he has very interesting voice. It's nice that Adam supports him. Friends or boyfriends, what does it matter?

And Adam has been in Abbey on Sunday. I wonder with whom he was there. There's only one fan pic so far. Let's see.

Anonymous said...

I'm agree with 5:41. He is not even good looking. I haven't bothered to look more information of him 'cause I don't care a less. I hope that they stay friends and nothing more.


Anonymous said...

2:46 has somewhat of a point. Eli is the kind of gay singer who is totally non-threatening and benign and just kind of average and nice. Not like Adam at all, except for the "nice." Eli may never make it big in the music business, but he's an example of the contrasts in "gay image" that Adam faces every day. Adam will be who he wants to be in his look and behavior. He will not pretend to be someone he is not. I can't think of anyone else like him who is trying to make it in the current, very restrictive pop music scene. He is unique, and his struggles reflect that. It might sound strange to say, but compared to the 60s and 70s, the music today is very conservative. The popular music of those other decades was wild and loose and no-holds-barred, and I don't mean just sexually. There was an abundance of creativity then that allowed major risk-takiing. Except for the current incessant and supposed "sexuality" in music right now (Miley, etc.), today's music itself isn't all that interesting. There's a drone-y quality to it that's like watching paint dry. I know there are a few exceptions. Adam is an exception, IMO. But give the masses a nice, average-looking, okay voiced WGWG, and they will be happy. As we know, many of the great legendary performers were never popular in their youth. It took years for people to wake up. I think things will click for Adam sooner than later, but it will take perserverance on Adam's part. I think he's here to stay, however it turns out.

Sorry about my lengthy post. Scroll by if you like. Lots of anons here today, but I'll sign.


jt said...

DRG. Agree 100%

Anonymous said...

at 7:05 AM

Interesting voice?

Undoubtedly he is a good singer, however I don't like the whiny sound in his voice, as if singing makes him ache physically or suffer emotionally. Nor do I like the fact that he does dozens of covers exploiting other artists' accomplishments.

Anonymous said...

Do you really think they look like a couple in love? Maybe we are all just a little too anxious to see Adam coupled up again. He will be selective when it comes to someone he is serious about. It sure seems he always has been in the past.

Anonymous said...

7:50 AM
I agree with you. I've watched only three of the cover vids (some only partly) and his own Young Love. Even though I can feel that he sings well, there is some nuance or smth in his voice that I don't like, and that's why I did not want to listen more. And I think too that his way of perform is a bit too emotional (for me) and I feel uncomfortable. But to each his own. So many seem to like him.

When I listen to Adam, I never feel uncomfortable. I never use the stop button (if I'm not in a hurry and going to be late from work or something).

That is the difference.

Anonymous said...

jenni. - He's not even good looking???

This may come as a surprise to you but it's really not a good idea to choose a partner by looks alone. Many beautiful people have lived happy lives with homely mates.

If beauty was what counted then movie stars married to each other would be deliriously happy. That is not the case necessarily, some have tried that numerous times.

And what's surprising. - even ugly people who have married each other can be happy.

Anonymous said...


I didn't mean that choosing the partner by looks alone is a good thing. Of course inside beauty is more important. I mean that Adam has chance to get better looking man, like Sauli. (sorry that I mention him, please don't start a fight of him and Adam). But sure Adam can do what ever he wants and if he likes Eli more than a friend that's OK to me as long as Adam is happy then I'm happy. And of course "ugly" partners can be happy too! I hope you understand my point. :)


Anonymous said...

Okay jenni_____****Peace****

Anonymous said...

Lets reason. Adam supports all others in entertainment industry. Liking Sauli's pics may only be acknowledgement of his work. To say you like someone's music/art/films is a nice thing to do. However, when Adam is involved with an individual he states that clearly. The issue I see with all the discussion/rumors is that Adam came off a highly praised, superb gig with Queen and all the negativity may detract from his obvious persona growth. Above all, Adam wants his own music and to get to the next level, needs fans from across the spectrum to support his music. All this can be a distraction and detract from getting where he needs to go. In many ways 2012 was a series of losses, 19 Entertainment, RCA Sony and on a personal level his relationship. It's exciting to have Glee in the future and a NYE gig, but these do not a career make. Perception is 99.9% of the equation and portraying Adam on social sites as someone living for the nite life with a cast of thousands does not create a favourable impression. Personally if as Adam said the breakup was caused by work commitments, Sauli has more than proved that true. Adam is trying to get in the same position. Somehow this gets lost in all the arguments/hateful comments.If Adam is in/wants a relationship, he'll allow it to be known.

Anonymous said...

@8:32pm are you saying in order to have Adam and Sauli back together we should all reunite and promote Adam's music into the stratosphere all over the social media until they are back together again with handholding on red carpet, going to Halloween parties, see celeb. together, etc.!?