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YOUTUBE VERSION: Sutan Amrull's New Video Featuring Adam Lambert and Friends

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 6, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, October 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

How come admin published this video again?

Anonymous said...

@ 8:10

Because this is a youtube version. THe other one was instagram video. many people from other countries couldn't see that video.

Anonymous said...

I bet Sutan is a hoot to go out with.

Anonymous said...

Sutan may be a bit crazy but I'm glad Adam's friends with him.

Anonymous said...

Adam in drugs... Not a beautiful sight.

Anonymous said...

looks like Sutan twerking away. He is quite the creative guy.

Anonymous said...

Let's not judge Adam...he is a smart man, just starting the rise in his career, and it is difficult for me to believe that 5:32 am is correct in assuming there are drugs. He is much to saavy to mess with them.