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Adam Lambert on Ellen & Glee GIFS Pics "A Case of You" HD

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, November 05, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam looked so gorgeous in that shirt he wore on Ellen! Of course, Adam looks great in anything he wears! Love him!....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Who's James Wolpert? Why aren't we listening to Adam's music?

Anonymous said...

Whoa, I've never heard this singer before...poignant voice and superb emphasis on the notes and great emotional connection with the song. And exactly fits Adam portrayed as this wonderful happy person. Very well-done video...the singer and the song and Adam frames it up beautifully.


Anonymous said...

@5:09 PM

I agree, it would be nice to have Adam's songs on these video's about him, he has so many that many people have not heard; good promotion for our man.

Anonymous said...

Video very nice,
no to the song selection, I too want to promote Adam.

Anonymous said...

I had tears in my eyes watching this video. Adam in all his many glories. Just love him. The song actually did fit the video. It was all very well-done. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

You know I have a big shocker for everyone I think I really like that Adam Lambert guy. He was amazing on Ellen. So glad he on Ellen Monday there is just something about the two that compliments each other.

Anonymous said...

8.02 was Sue, sure you know. I hate I forgot. I know it's recognizable anyway.

choons said...

And I could drink a case of you ... perfect song choice!! Drink him in Glamberts - he's just so - Huggable!!! Handsome!! Hilarious!! and Hot!!!
the 4-H club!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so good, the best ever. He seems happy and relaxed, having a great time on Ellen at the guest dj. Can't wait to finally see him on Glee after watching all the clips from the show and Adam's interviews. There is just something so mesmerizing about this man, that I look forward each day to checking this site for any new pics or vids of him. I amaze myself for being so enamored by a person I have never seen perform live or met anywhere, but there is just something so special about Adam Lambert that makes me a fan and following his journey to stardom.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so good, the best ever. He seems happy and relaxed, having a great time on Ellen at the guest dj. Can't wait to finally see him on Glee after watching all the clips from the show and Adam's interviews. There is just something so mesmerizing about this man, that I look forward each day to checking this site for any new pics or vids of him. I amaze myself for being so enamored by a person I have never seen perform live or met anywhere, but there is just something so special about Adam Lambert that makes me a fan and following his journey to stardom.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the double posting, but I guess this shows the effect that Adam has on me!

elizie said...

James Wolpert did this song on The Voice Monday night.

Anonymous said...

Who is James Wolpert?!?!
I know, I know, google it, bla bla bla. :(