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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, November 05, 2013


Anonymous said...

SPOILER -- Discussing Adam on Ellen Degeneres show today.

During her chat with Adam, Ellen said "We were texting the other day"!!!! That's SO great! Adam was wonderful as her guest DJ (there the whole hour). They showed 3 pics of Adam in his Halloween costumes and talked about his Glee role. Ellen said that Adam's voice is so great that he could sing personals from Craig's list and make them sound good. He did!!!

Anonymous said...

SPOILER 2: Ellen actually said that "you have such an incredible voice that you could sing anything".

Anonymous said...

Adam's just tweeted this:

@adamlambert: Here's some more behind the

@GLEEonFOX only two more days!

Anonymous said...

Adam career is really he's dj for Ellen.

Anonymous said...

There you go, people who say if it wasn't on twitter it didn't happen. Proof that Adam can text people without us ever knowing about it.

Anonymous said...

Let's ignore the troll until Admin deletes them.

Anne Marie said...

They already showed a clip on here of Adam singing real ads on Craigs list. Absolutely fantastic. He can sing anything. LOL

Anonymous said...

I am sitting here wating for 10 minutes until Ellen comes on.

Anonymous said...

Our resident troll is still here with its negative remarks. I thought Admin mentioned she will delete her/his IP address.

The Dark Side said...

I thought the Craglist was funny. Adam can think on his feet. Also looks good doing it. I think his appearance was last minute and the DJ gig genius. She obviously had her guests already lined up. She's giving Glee a hit also. Btw anon at 11:51 you sound like you'd make a great Biebler!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Ellen has many big guests doing the dj

Anonymous said...

Thinking of non-US fans and non-regular Ellen watchers --- care to enlighten peeps, what is a Graig's list?

Anonymous said...

5:04 PM, it's Craig's List and it is all over the world. Google it.

So much for ignoring the troll until Admin deletes the insult to Adam. Is Admin home from work yet to block the troll?

daydreamin said...

Craigslist is an online website for buying and selling basically.

Anonymous said...

Why are so many people in this fandom too lazy to use google?

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin, thank you - you're always so kind and helpful!

Why are so many in this fandom and especially on this fansite so unkind and ready to claw everybody who is not familiar with every little thing or every effin person that comes from USA?!
Sorry I asked. Has nothing to do with laziness, thought it was some "inside joke" or "special feature" on Ellen (don't get the show here). But also for your info, I was raised before this "google it, you moron" era and back in those dark ages you were taught always to be kind to folks who ask for help, cause one day you'll be the one in need of a helping hand...
BTW you used more words (and time) not helping, but being unpolite, snarky - and spreading ill will - compared to the short & kind answer@daydreamin's post!
Your comment is a typical one liner that shows why the internet is full of hateful comments - cause ill will spreads ill will, it's like a disease! Think about it and have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

@ 11:00. I agree with you completely.