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Awesome Picture of The Day

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Anonymous said...


Hose me down, now!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Would like to hear that rock wail. He uses a lot of strength to propel those rock wails...not as easy as he makes it appear to be.


Anonymous said...

Oooohhhhh, baby! This is what we're talkin' about. Bring on album #3 and let's hear him wail!
Love that hair.


Anonymous said...

it looks like he just got his foot stepped on . poor thang

Anonymous said...

I think this is from the Universal Orlando concert this past summer

Anonymous said...

Regarding your Prince Charming claim...If Adam had been the actual Prince Charming, perhaps the clock at the ball wouldn't have struck 12 and Cinderella would not have had to rush home. lol!
Why...Mmm let's see, a bit difficult to fabricate this one; lol! Ah I got it...because Prince Adam Charming is the Angel of music and he wouldn't end the ball so early. Moreover, being an Angel he could liaise with Cinderella's Fairy-godmother. lol!


Anonymous said...

yaaas awesome is correct.

Anonymous said...

That tongue again ......... LOL

Anonymous said...

Screaming it again - haha!! ;-D

Anonymous said...

Study singing - Adam does NOT scream! Please, don't say stupid things like that, not even jokingly!

Anonymous said...

11:00, chill out, you know they meant it as a compliment.

Anonymous said...

@11:00 PM
Why so serious? Lighten up. Some people have no sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

@11:19 PM & @11:51

I believe, that @11:00 PM is sensitive about the word "screaming" being used to describe Adam's singing; is because Adam's distractors; and people who did not understand that Adam was actually singing; often used the word "screaming" to describe his beautiful vocals.

This was said quite often during Idol when fans of others said he was not singing; just screaming. So I think that is why this may make some fans uncomfortable; even when said in jest. Bitter memories to some people still.

I guess a person can't help how they feel. Of course we all have a right to our opinions; Just explaining that this might be the reason @11:00 PM had such a strong reaction.

Anonymous said...

@8:55 PM

Yes, Isn't it beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Darn, wish I could hear Adam sing live right now. His voice is perfection. Miss him.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a Prince Rock Charming Prince and all of us will not listen to obey the 12 midnight rule!!!:)

Adam always start the Party late, till he is done he!he!

Wail!!! Adam!!!:)


Anonymous said...

That note must have been painful! Poor baby!....JAK

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is NOT screaming.
Adam does not scream, he wails musically.
Others even say he does falsetto when it is still his head voice.
I agree Glamberts should not use the word scream referring to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Settle petals.

Anonymous said...

I just want to wrestle with him.

Anonymous said...

Aaaaggghhhhh .... I feel your pain, Adam. ;-)