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Can You See Adam in This Picture?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 15, 2013

Posted at : Friday, November 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

I see Lenny K and Christina A. right? where is the Glam One?

Unknown said...

lol no i cant see him

kitty said...

is this Halloween?

glitzylady said...

Yes, he's behind Lenny :)) and to the right of Sutan (Raja)...

The picture is from last night in LA...

Anonymous said...

Right behind Lenny K

Anonymous said...

Is that Adam's arm behind Lenny?....

Anonymous said...

just to the right of Sutan ..he is leaning down into the conversation

glitzylady said...

Brief chat between Adam and Dr. Funkenberry last night: from Dr. F.'s blog: A couple of tidbits:

"Adam Lambert attended the "Who Do You Worship" art and photo event at Church Boutique last night that was being guest hosted by Lenny Kravitz. Our art friend Mathieu Bitton invited us."

""I asked if for us to take a photo with him so I could post on my site for his fans because how dedicated they are to Adam when I post about him."

"I seriously have the best fans. They are so wonderful and amazing. They are just amazing. They are so loyal."-Adam Lambert 11/14/2013

Doc: I hear you are recording a new album?

Adam: Yes. I have been back in the studio and things are sounding great.

D: I am very upset that "Trespassing" did not get the support and recognition it deserved from your label.

A: (Leans In) That is why I am no longer with them!

D: There were so many good songs. The stuff with Nile Rodgers.

Adam shakes his head in disdain.

"I thanked Adam for his time and say I will be in touch with his people. All of this is within 2 minutes. We didn't sit back and talk. It was just during the photos. A brief but cool conversation."

"Hopefully in the future, when needed, there will be a longer one.-DocFB"

See the rest of the conversation here:

***The MOST revealing tidbit from Adam:
Confirming that his label did not support Trespassing......something we all knew but coming from Adam...makes me sad :((( ****

Anonymous said...

I think he is standing with his back to the camera. You can only see a dark shadow and out-line but I think it's Adam.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I agree, of course we all new Adam would feel disappointed regarding RCA and their lack of support but it does ring home more when it comes directly from Adam himself. It's very rare that I enjoy all the songs in an album, TP is so good I still find it hard to pick a favourite, Adam poured his heart into this album so I hope he knows how much his fans love and appreciate him for it. Hopefully Glee will bring new opportunities for Adam, I'm hoping 2014 will bring him the success he truly deserves.

Anonymous said...

He will have a liable soon. But, that why he taking his te did not jump right in. Wants to get one that will support the new album all the way for different aspects of it.
Shady was every bit as good as get lucky. So many good sings that should have been the first and then second single over BTIKM that was good song but there were much better songs.
They did play BTIKM on the radio in Houston first off mostly in evening but if it had been a stronger single it would have been a hit and got more play. They played IIHY and WDYWFM. It did well abroad but needed a lot more push from RCA here.
Being on glee will get a few more sold and some young people will see how good it was.
I have a lot if good feelings about this next era. I wish so much good for Adam he so talented and certainly should be up there with the biggest. I just want the best for him.
Ill support him as long as I possibly can he just such a huge talent I want to finally see him get the good he deserves. Sorry made a few mistakes as usual I am in a hurry. Have a nice day. I really feel next two years will be really good for Adam. Sue

Anonymous said...

I only heard NCOE played one time on Australian radio, fans did their best to make requests I'm sure, but I never heard anymore played from TP a complete waste of great music and Adam's amazing talent.

Anonymous said...

Trespassing is an amazing album,it received great reviews. RCA messed up big time and I feel sad for Adam because he put his heart and soul into that album and RCA barely promoted it. Adam ran around from radio station to radio station and RCA kind of just left it to Adam and his fans to do any work. Excited that he will bring us new music and hope his next label knows how to promote this vocal genius!

Anonymous said...

Adam's on the right hand side of Lenny K!!!:):):) Just a glimpse of his hair & cheek bones!

Anonymous said...

Adam has to take responsibility for the fact that he didn't come up with a hit song. He got a decent amount of promotion. Any new label is likely to be indie and have far less money for professional songwriters and promotion. He is going to have a very, very tough time.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:59...
Hit songs ONLY become hit songs because they are PLAYED TO DEATH on the radio. Without radio support, you have no hit song. Blaming Adam is, well, juvenile IMO.

Anonymous said...

behind Lenny

Anonymous said...

11 27
That's just not true. Thinking adam is some helpless victim is what is juvenile.

Anonymous said...

yes but the label is a key part of getting radio play

Anonymous said...

like Pharrell said in a fair pop world Adam's songs would have been mega hits.

Anonymous said...

He got radio play for his first single but it just didnt take off. He isn't a big star with a string of hits that is going to be played no matter what. He needed a huge song and he did t have it.

Anonymous said...

I am still in a state of shock Adam did not sing TP at the VH1 Diva show last year but PItbull ended the evening with his song confetti and all.

Anonymous said...

I never heard BTIKM on the radio and I requested everyday where I live and did the same with NCOE. They just didn't play them.

Anonymous said...

10:52am and other posters are right. Tresspassing got great reviews because it's a fantastic album and should have had a number of hits. The lack of radio play was a key factor and that is part of the labels job. Adam and Pharrell know what they're talking about.

I wonder if Adam got a chance to talk to Christina at this part? Would love to hear a duet from them, an Adam dream come true!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

"... at this party" ... xo laura

Anonymous said...

glitzy, way to put words into Adam's mouth and stir up trouble. Happy?

Anonymous said...

BTIKM got up to top 15 in adult pop airplay. Most stations will play a song for a few weeks and then if it doesn't seem to be a hit they stop. Same thing happened to Bonnie McKees single. That's just the breaks, It's a tough business.

Anonymous said...

None of us are in the radio promo business so we have no idea what went on or what could have been done differently. All we know is we all wish it had done better.

Really no need to open fandom back up to arguing about it.

Anonymous said...

Here is an EXCLUSIVE and GREAT pic of Adam and Lenny from Dr. Funkenberry's twitter:

Anonymous said...

When an album gets stellar reviews from top reviewers and still doesn't get radio play, there is something going on beyond the singer's control. RCA did not to its job of promoting the album. The songs on TP are not inferior in any way to those that do well on the charts. Promotion was poor. Radio stations would have more likely played those songs if the label's promotion was stornger. Top singers get their songs played even if the songs are not that great. Happens every day. Hopefull Adam will break through with album 3. If he's going with an indie label, so be it. Indie labels can promote, too. It's their job. I'm so weary of fans who keep saying his songs "aren't as good." Well they are as good. People just need to hear them. TP is full of hits that should have been discovered right away.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like it was a brief cocktail party conversation when what is Adam supposed to say in a quick off the cuff way. Doesn't sound like an official interview and it probably wasn't meant to be repeated to us.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:06 PM
Did you actually READ the brief interview he gave? NOT my words at all! They were Adam's in response to Dr. Funkenberry's .

I didn't put words in anyone's mouth. If ONLY I had that much power.

Anonymous said...

Are we really this hard up for Adam stuff to post a picture like this.

Anonymous said...

This would be a good picture of Adam to hang in your bathroom.

Anonymous said...


You tell them! I wholeheartly agree with you 100%.

Anonymous said...

Wish there was a picture of Adam's face while LK and him were meeting; not just the side of, or back of his head.

Anonymous said...

I am not in the music business, but even I know; if I had someone with Adam's talent and potential; I would have marketed the hell out of him and his albums.

Something just did not go down right in my humble opinion.

Well, off to evening classes; have a nice evening all.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this guy told Adam that he was interviewing him as a blog reporter and everything is on the record, up front; or at all. I don't know what he calls himself; but adds up to the same thing. We all know how Adam feels about us, he says it all the time; so that is nothing new.

I hope Adam will always know who is talking to and if his words will be posted for all the world to see. Not just someone out to get hits from Adam's fans without Adam being told.

glitzylady said...

I don't think it's any big secret why Adam left his record label.

elizie said...

I posted this on another thread, but I'll post it here, too.

What are some specific things RCA could've done to promote Trespassing better?
Didn't it make no.1 on Billboard?
That should've told the radio station execs something. He had big name songwriters that I'm sure RCA paid for. Didn't they make two big production music videos for the first two singles?
Wasn't he on talk shows singing his singles? Didn't he make the radio station rounds? I wonder why they wouldn't play his music? I thought it was promoted fairly well.

I'll admit I don't know much about the music business, but what are some other things they could have done?

Anonymous said...

I think that is a very naive fans perspective. Yes some big stars who have been very successful are going to get anything they put out played. Even then a song doesn't always do well. . Adam isn't one of those big stars. He hasn't earned his place in that league. he needed a big hit song that caught on with non fans.

Did you pay attention to the promo others like Kris allen for example received for this last album. Not one tiny fraction as much promo as Adam. He got on tv shows like GMA, Kimmel, Ellen, Leno. he was featured in Rolling Stone . On all the major market radio concerts going on at that time plus his month long radio tour.

He isn't going to get Gaga level promo. And if you think that was bad you have a bad time coming because he will never get anywhere near as much promo the next time.

Anonymous said...

The only thing I could see RCA doing different is throwing a ton more money at getting air play.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, Adam inferred something, you said something plainly. Not the same thing. We actually have no idea if Adam thinks they didn't support him or if he just thought they could have done something more or something different. We don't know what he really thinks about the RCA thing. He tried to leave on good terms is all we know.

Anonymous said...

2:23, great points. It does feel as if he is telling us things Adam may not have realized were going to be published.

Anonymous said...

2:56pm ... Well, you have your opinion.
But, I have a few thoughts on what you've said ...

1) Probably not relevant to compare to Kris Allen in any aspect, Adam is a much bigger star. Kris is very talented and a sweetie pie and I'm sure all of us are hoping only the for him. He's just not on the same level with Adam.

2) Nobody was expecting Adam to get the Gaga treatment. She belongs to the rare 3 or 4 popstars that get mega attention for whatever they put out, but Trespassing deserved much more support than it got. I think if the first couple of releases were, say, Kickin' In, Chockhold, or maybe Shady, Tresspassing ... there might have been an instant "hit" response. But, they needed to be HEARD by the public first! While BTIKM and NCOE are truly great, the others have that "hook" factor.

3) You go on to say "he will never get anywhere near as much promo the next time". And you know this how? Adam's name and "It" factor is growing. I would think just the opposite.

1:06pm ... about Glitzylady. Are you the one always throwing shade her way?
Good Grief ... just trying to pick a fight again? If you really read her posts you'll see the heart and good information she's trying to share. Why look for trouble where there is none?

xo laura

Anonymous said...

re: Kris ... "all of us are hoping only the BEST for him ..."

sorry :)

xo laura

Anonymous said...

2:54 and 2:56, good points.

Anonymous said...

Laura you said everything I was trying to write.
First if all you absolutely cannot compare KA and Adam he is a much bigger star as has been from day one.
However this year he done much to up that star status. End of last year hosted performed on Diva's, also did the voice China. He did a tour abroad start of the year, and received a favorite entertainer award from china, started off china idol, he did AI finale last year, along with a Queen tour abroad. The big jump was I heart with Queen which has brought him and Queen tour offers and I suspect label offers. Now Glee and he getting great reviews for that like he did for I Heart special. He actually had a good jump in star status in about a years time. Being on Glee is also helping sales on trespassing some.
Before Adam got on Ellen and made it clear he his working on new music and talking to Big producers and some labels, same people try to say Adam was not working on music at all even tho he had said he was, but KA mentioned he was you took that for the holy grail.
Now your trying to trash any label he would get with. You know zero of what label he will get Adam a huge talent. If he gets with the right people and producers he will do just fine. That why he has not just jumped for the first label he working for the right fit if producers and labels.
Yes Adam got more push than Kris he was easier to get on shows ect. But he still deserved more. He may not be GAGA or KP yet he every bit as talented as they are and deserves a label that will push him and get him as far as he deserves to be and that's far.
KA a nice guy Adam likes him a lot I hope he does fine but please stop comparing him to Adam there no comparison at all. Adam is a bigger star and a bigger talent. Don't care how you trash me its the truth, please stop pushing him down our throats. I do not go to his twitter account and try to push Ad down their throats never have done that, it's not fair.
Laura I suspect this is the same resident you know what that has been trashing Adam for over a year just did not sign. I thought Admin said negativity would be removed and if kept up blocked, why is it allowed over and over. Sue

Anonymous said...

2.54 and 2.56 hog wash! Especially 2.56 or lol.

Anonymous said...

and RCA 19 was no help in the promotion dept either- no tv slots, etc. things are so much better now with DMG

Anonymous said...

well, most fans would not have selected the singles that RCA did. Roar is not that special, just that it is played nonstop so you can not get away from it. there is just alot of luck in what becomes a hit

Anonymous said...

everyone agreed (press, radio, reviewers) that BTIKM was not that special so why lead off with that as a single? just shows that getting others to write your songs does not make for a hit record either. Shady is along the same lines as Daft Punk 'hit'.

Anonymous said...

Adam made number one on Bill because of his dedicated fan base; nothing more; nothing less, and Adam knows it. If he would have had more participation from the record company; it would have been a longer and bigger suscess. What was he on one talk show around that time? Not the multitude of talk shows that other artist go. I really felt bad for him.

I hope this time around he will have the support from the record company that he so needs and deserves. Maybe because Adam wanted to produce Trespassing; they wanted him to do most of the other publicity for the album also.

Anonymous said...

I think it is an absolute plus for the record he talking to what he said big producers. He did a good job but think it is better to have these producers.

Anonymous said...

This is an open forum; fan, and non-fans alike. You know who you are; and so do we; not hard to tell by your posts.

So carry on, friends and foe alike. Such an intersting, amazing artist; not another one like him. He attracts a little bit of everything. Love him.

elizie said...

@4:28, what exactly did I say was "hogwash"? Were those things done or not. Please tell me where I lied.

Anonymous said...

I just wondering why some high profile pop star manage to release multiple single in fact one of the single not successful.why this not happen to it budget constrint makes his label able to release only 3 single and trespassing single was not promoted very well,they only release cheap video lyric?he got potential to be big like MJ but his label afraid to invest money on him that what make me sad.Trespassing is really good album and all lyrics is much better than current pop song.sometime i feel bitter when some newbie just found trespessing and they all said' why i not discover this album before/ this album is killer' etc...really no justice to it bcoz of stigma that he is from idol and people not pay attention to him..i dont know.

Anonymous said...

So many opinions from people who have never worked in the industry.

Anonymous said...

Three singles from one album is a lot.

Anonymous said...

Three singles from one album is a lot.

elizie said...

All I said was that I didn't know much about the music business and was wondering what else could've been done. It was an honest question. Not enough TV appearances maybe? OR like someone mentioned: more money "thrown" at airplay?

Anonymous said...

@2:54PM, 2:56PM, 3:40PM

Don't know how many posters I am addressing; but in my opinion; you are so, so wrong. You don't sound like a supportive fan at all. Seems as though you are not seeing Adam's point of view at all. Coming with an agenda is not helpful.

Anonymous said...

I am a new (sort of) fan. Loved Adam in Idol then lost track of him until Iheart and was blown away by WWTLF. WOW. I recently bought Trespassing and it is a great album. Every song is good. Runnin is the best song ever - so is Underneath. Don't understand why I never heard these on the radio and neither do my friends.

Anonymous said...

You are so hilarious. No one can mention kris without you having a fit. I am no fan of kris. I never even heard his album. Not once. It's just an example of someone in very similar circumstances releasing an album at the same time from the same label and the kind of promotion he got was nothing compared to adam. Your over reaction is quite nuts.

Anonymous said...

Another one, adam ALWAYS not getting chance to promote his music in big award event such as grammy/ama/mtv.when it comes to kelly clarkson ,she is lucky to have multiple opportunity to perform in it bcoz they afraid of adam pesona/ ama thing will happen again?hopefully 2014 will be breakout for adam.

elizie said...

@5:18, since you know what Adam's point of view is, what do you think he thinks should have been done?
I think the songs were just as good as anything else on radio and can't understand why they were not played. That all my "agenda" is.

Anonymous said...

Adam had plenty of hit songs on Trespassing album but none were picked by his label as singles. The ones he worked with Pharrel with Nile. The ones he wrote wasn't picked by his label. After BTIKM label should have picked Trespassing followed by Cuckoo the Kickin' In or Shady. The album roll out wasn't done professionally from a major label for someone who got Grammy Nomination and put tons on money in label's pocket from GNT sold out solo concerts around the world for over 110 concerts. Label was also in 2011 was going through major changes. Same with 19M. The radio promotion of Trespassing was all around wrong.

Anonymous said...

I agree with @5:10 pm. We aren't experts in the industry and it's juvinelle to say that your opinion is correct. It's your speculation from what you see on surface which is only speck of dust. You don't know the whole picture.

Anonymous said...

5:18, I'm not the above but I don't see anything wrong with what has been said. Some promo was done. None of us are in the industry and have no idea of what else could have been done. We don't know the reasoning behind anything they did like which singles they chose. We don't know if our personal favorite song from the CD would have done any better under the circumstances. And we surely do not know what Adam is thinking since all we got was an off the cuff comment probably not intended for publication. Doesn't make us unsupportive fans to say any of this.

Anonymous said...

@5:20 PM

Sometimes it would not hurt if you called the radio stations in your area, and request.

Anonymous said...


The point you made about Adam being Executive Producer on Trespassing may be the reason his label made him responsible for the promotion/marketing as well? Who knows, maybe that's it. I know nothing about how these things work but one thing I do know Trespassing was a fantastic album with many 'hits' that were radio friendly. Is it possible to re-release songs from Trespassing with a new label? Just asking....guess it's under some contract with RCA so the answer is probably no. Wish it could get new blood behind it though. I'm sure looking forward to the new music Adam is currently working on as well!


Anonymous said...

@5:22 PM #2

If they are not afraid of Miley Cyrus and her partner Thick, at the MTV awards; an Lady Gaga; and M&M an many too numerous to name; and all are forgiven so quickly. I am sure they know what Adam will do; he has said that he has learned what to do, and not do at an awards show. That excuse is to easy. I guess he made a few big wigs mad; and how dare this guy Adam Lambert, who does he think he is. Hence the blackballing. Some people never forgive or forget. They will never keep Adam Lambert down!

Anonymous said...


I agree with you; it would be a shame if Adam does not have some rights to Trespassig. One of the most beautiful piece of vocal art work I have ever heard. I wish it could be released and promoted again also.

Anonymous said...

Adam would have to rerecord the songs he wrote to release them.

Anonymous said...

CT, executive producers do not do marketing. Probably not a good idea to make speculations when you admittedly don't know something. It tends to get picked up here and repeated as fact.

Anonymous said...

wow!!! so many so called "Music Industry experts" here ! LoL!

No fighting pls, I believe Adam does not want that w Glamberts :)
Have a lovely weekend all:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comments, Sue. I do think this has been an interesting discussion overall. Good differences of opinions to spark banter back and forth.

I personally don't mind the Kris Allen stuff. Actually, this thread is the first I've seen that included him. He will always hold a soft spot in my heart. He really liked and respected Adam and was a good friend when Adam needed it. And vice versa.

Final thoughts on Trespassing CD ...

As far as more mainstream exposure after Trespassing, I do think the music industry is not as progressive on LGBT issues as we like to think. That's why having your label behind you for promotion is crucial. I see all this getting better for Adam just because of who he is. You cannot help but like him!

2014 will see Adam breaking down even more barriers ... on HIS WAY TO WORLD DOMINATION!! hee hee ...

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Wow lots of good insites of why trespassing album wasn't a hit. All I know is every single song is fantastic and mind blowing it didn't do better One thing is obvious if it's not played ( which it wasn't it can never be a hit ). Bain company rules the airwaves and they diss adam all the time

Anonymous said...

I am done with Adam Lambert. If he makes it big in mainstream music, I will hear about him, but I will never look at these crazy fan sites again.

Anonymous said...

When Adam started making his second album, there were tons of changes happening with 19 Management and RCA as far as down-sizing and other beautiful/nasty Big Corporations' political changes that always people in other levels are sacrificed for their greeds.

Interscope was/is now a legit. record label company to sign up Idols. Mainly Top 2. So AI or 19 parted with RCA and I'm sure it affected certain deals and probably Adam got hit by the heat of these big corporations' changes.

IMO that's why with his second album there weren't any radio promotion to push radios to play his singles.

That's why now that Adam is free of these two big corporations, we as his fans should support him more than before.

glitzylady said...

Gosh, who knew when I posted that blog this morning (Pacific coast time..) that it would spark such a huge discussion. The whole thing has been discussed to DEATH and back again, in the past year and a half since Trespassing came out..and we still agree to disagree about why it didn't do better. We all have our opinions based on what we've heard, what we've seen, or haven't seen..., what we know, or think we know, about the music industry, the radio industry (and I think we've learned a fair amount to be honest..).... but the bottom line, in MY opinion, is that Adam did not get the support he should have. Period. From his label, the music industry, and/or radio. Sure, he got some...but not enough.

We as a fandom requested, requested, requested to hear Adam's music on the radio, to no avail. I can tell you from personal experience, and the experience of personal friends of mine, who spoke with radio personnel, ie DJ's, from one end of the US to other, and although there was some very limited radio play, in certain areas, of Trespassing music, it just really did not happen because "Adam Lambert's music doesn't fit our demographic" or even more blunt, "I really like his music, but I'm not allowed to play it..."...or "We (the program director, etc..) don't like the's not good enough.." etc. etc. Who really knows what REALLY happened.....None of us, really.....But Adam does..

To be fair (sort of...grudginly) the Top 40 stations play "top 40" music... and therefore didn't play Adam's singles as they were released, because they "weren't in the top 40 so we don't play it". Fair a point. What was NOT fair, in my opinion, and I think it would be supported by those other MANY fans who tried ..and failed...over and over again... to request successfully, is this: The songs (3 singles, with Trespassing, the last single being a complete afterthought as a single release...) were not as a general rule added to the the station request line list. They were not frequently enough added onto the "Media Base" list.. And when these two things are absent, you can request your ass off but nothing will happen. True fact. They were sometimes added and then disappeared. And if the song (UNLESS it's one by someone like Gaga, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, all of whom I like not complaining about them getting instant and guaranteed radio play: it's just a fact of life apparently..) does not theoretically get massive requests within the first week or so, it is dropped from the official request line (Media Base, etc..). It also does not mean, if it is on the "list" that they will play the song, even once, to familiarize the listeners with the song.. so that people can decide to request it.. So, in other words, no play, no one has the chance to even hear the song ie new listeners/potential fans, etc.. So forget ever making it to the Top 40. In the case of songs from Trespassing, The End. We fans certainly knew about the album, and loved it, as a general rule, but it had a hard time making itself known to others... As others have noted, we see people tweeting, on You Tube vids, after Glee for instance..."I heard Adam Lambert on Glee, I LOVED him, and now I'm listening to his music. Why didn't I know about this album?" etc...

Continued :)

glitzylady said...

Granted, there are other radio station formats that play other types of songs, ie Adult Contemporary, Alternative, Rock...Country (not happening...), but it seems the focus was on Top 40..just for purposes of promotion etc.. because Adam's music is Pop.. and that's To 40 music by and large...

Granted, Adam isn't everyone's cup of tea, and he knows that, but neither are Chris Brown, Taylor Swift, Eminem, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry...but at least people have the chance to actually decide if they like them or not, because their music is out there..and being heard..and promoted..

In addition to that dilemma, labels pay the stations to play the songs at least initially, and obviously they'll get a healthy return on their investment if they pay well for "known" artists who are established as "successful" stars and will bring in the listeners to the stations and the money to the labels... It just is what it is, as the saying goes. Kind of a "catch 22". I know Adam did a heck of a lot of radio station promo (I went to one last year...) but that's really about it. Limited to no radio play, relatively low album sales=No Tour, at least here in the US.. A few concerts here and there, but no major tour in support of the album. The tours are what bring in the bigger money from what I hear. No tour, no more promo, no chance for new fans to check out this Adam Lambert guy..... Granted there was a mini tour in Europe/Asia etc..but other than that..not so much.. I'm really happy that Adam does some shows from time to time here and there, of his music.. just to keep it out there a little bit, until the next album. Glee is certainly a help, and his iHeart radio festival appearance with Queen was great too. But still, not his music.

Back to Trespassing Promo from last year: The station here in Seattle did not even play his new single on the station, at all, even when he was there in the radio station, promoting it.. Not once. Ever. And I can tell you it probably can't be explained away as "homophobia" in THIS city. We are very "gay friendly", we voted Marriage Equality into law, with a very strong showing of "yes" votes in the Seattle/Puget Sound area, and Seattle just elected a gay mayor this month... So, my personal opinion, is that corporate radio just did not feel a need to support Adam and Trespassing. And I do think that his label could have worked a little harder to help get his music heard (but what do I know anyway..). So people would at least know it was out they could they might buy the album, or at least the singles, so they would request his they would know Adam Lambert was and is, still around in 2012/2013. But who knows what the whole story is. We know that the label wanted Adam to do a covers album. That implied relatively small investment. Rent a studio, record the music, pay royalties for the music. Make CD's, send them out to some stores. Radio promo? Guessing "Nada" but who knows... Maybe make a little profit.. Again, the end.

Obviously Adam felt the need to move on. For reasons known to him, to his his label. And the comment he made to Dr. Funkenberry, who is a known LA music blogger who has interviewed Adam before, gave us a little clue as to "why". To the person who said I was "putting words in Adam's mouth" in my comment above: I don't know how much clearer and how much you have to interpret Adam's words when he said in response to Dr. F (who apparently knows a thing or two about music and the industry...and Adam..).:

"DR. F: I am very upset that "Trespassing" did not get the support and recognition it deserved from your label.
ADAM: (Leans In) That is why I am no longer with them!" "


Continued again :)

glitzylady said...

So, whether you agree that he should have reported their conversation, or not, it happened. Dr. F. did mention his blog and Adam's fans to Adam. Which elicited the response from Adam about his "amazing, loyal..." fans. Again, it is what it is..

We as fans support Adam as best we can by buying his music, attending his concerts, musical events etc.. and trying to spread the word. I get dumped on here on this blog sometimes for mentioning that I've been to more than a few concerts, etc. I'm not bragging about it. I feel very fortunate to be able to do so. And to see Adam live. AND to support him in the best way I know by showing interest in him. And hopefully contributing just a little bit to his success, one fan at a time. And I love meeting other fans who feel the same way. Like those here do. I obviously adore him, respect him and wish him great success. He's an amazing talent, vocally, and a good human being. I wouldn't be here flailing on an almost daily basis if I didn't think he was a good man, and worth the effort. And then there's that VOICE! I also agree that Adam's fan base as a whole are extremely dedicated and yes, fierce!!!, in their love and support for Adam. He may not appeal to everyone, and chances are he never will, but he appeals to me, and to my family. Because we've had the chance to get to "know" him through his music, his interviews, his honesty about who he is, his pride in being a gay man, his incredible voice, both recorded and even better, live... I just hope that eventually more people will come to "know" Adam through his music and perhaps via other media. TV, maybe movies...his charity work.. his kind heart and soul. He is talented, he is unique, he is fabulous. Hoping his next label gives him a chance to shine....and more people get a chance to know him.

Sorry..just had to say these things.... Peace, love, and light to you all..and to Adam.

The End :))

Anonymous said...

OMG are you kidding me with the three long posts?

You didn't know it would spark a huge discussion? You say it's been discussed to death and then follow with multiple posts??


Anonymous said...

I applaud to you glitzylady.Hugs and kisses mmuahh.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@8:37pm. You sound like a broken record. You've been saying it for the past couple of years but you still keep going on and on with your negative comments.

I thought Admin. said that she will delete negative comments!?

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. Somebody thinks they are very important.

HK fan said...

welcome back to the world of being an Adam fan....its been an amazing 5 years being a fan of this man.
Agree Trespassing is an excellent album with not one bad song on it.
Hope you have a great time getting lost in the thousands of videos of Adam on line.Make sure you check out some interviews too, he speaks as well as he sings!!

And please don't think that this site is typical of an Adam fan site....

Anonymous said...

@ 11:17 P.M. When your post is almost 2000 words long,
It's not a comment. It's a speech.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for those very informative long posts, love reading your text, it's like 'hearing you speak', and so many here don't know those details and facts you're able to give. Never mind these few --- (no namecalling), who can't see longer than their noses!

Some of you here could think a little and respect the fact that they have found Adam lately and stumbled upon this site and don't know everything... Who better to guide and show you the ropes than one of the most dedicated long time Adam fans there is, Glitzylady! She has always been friendly and willing to help and give answers to people's questions - unlike some of these --- (again no namecalling!) --- who mock her! Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

Ooops above...sorry!
Meant to say "that there are people who have found Adam lately..." etc

Anonymous said...

I tend not to read long posts that ramble on & on ad nauseam but Glitzylady's 3 posts here were well worth reading.