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Great Edited Picture: GLEE's New York Team

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 17, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, November 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

ha ha NY team sounds so cool.

Anonymous said...

Yes, ladies all three of you look fierce, but, alas, neither guy cares!

Anonymous said...

What does it mean edited; is it photoshopped or was it put out by Glee or a fan picture? Anyone know? Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Looks like it is a fan created pic. The Lea Michel fan who tweeted it didn't say where she got it or if she made it. Looks like it was made with something like Photoshop.

Anonymous said...

Edited?! Hah.
Nice background, but this pic is totally fabricated and they should say so.

Anonymous said...

O T................Nice picture of Empire State Building ...... Did ya know the top of building was designed to be a docking port for giant airships? (Dirigibles) That spire was a mooring mast. It was only used once and the winds made it impractical so was never used again.

My grandfather was part of construction crew that built
it.....five years before I was born. He took me there in 1940 and gave me a tour....the view from the top scared me so badly I've had a lifelong fear of heights! I was a 5 year old acrophobic!!!............JAK : (

HK fan said...

I never realised I wasn't very good with heights until I climbed up the Eiffel tower nearly 30 years ago.....!!!! so scary, couldn't look out once I was up there..

Anonymous said...

Adam stands alone!

Anonymous said...

This pic has obviously been photoshopped.

Anonymous said...

Photoshop. Not even close to what Glee would put out. Rachel would be in the middle and Elliott wouldn't have a moustache.

Anonymous said...

They Should photoshop adam with casual cloth and eye glasses.suit is too formal.

Anonymous said...

@9:28 PM
Thanks for the sudden burst of laughter you got out of me. Now I have to clean coffee off my computer and desk.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:02.....sorry about the coffee.....that was my first thought when I saw the group!.........@9:28 aka JAK !

Anonymous said...

This is probably photoshopped because Adam has his facial hair in it and he is wearing a suit that his character probably would not be wearing.

Anonymous said...

Yep, def a photoshop. He's got Melvin. Nice pic, though.