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Trend #AdamOnGlee

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, November 05, 2013

MESSAGE BY Dixie Gray (Dixie9471 ):

#Glamberts & #GlamHoppers,This is a very important day to #AdamLambert, his family and friends. For us his #glamberts, #glamhoppers and fans. #AdamLambertOnGlee marks a milestone in his career and we want this day to be remembered. Let's trend this day as #AdamOnGlee. We are very proud of Adam Lambert and the accomplishments he has made in his career, the music he has gifted to us, the sheer beauty of this person takes our breath away. We want to show him how very much he is loved by his glamberts & fans all over the world. I encourage everyone to trend this day for him and his family. For all who have went to his concerts and heard that beautiful angel voice sing, witnessed this very outrageously talented person give his all, let us come together and show our love for this great artist and his dreams which are coming true. We hope this letter finds its way into the hearts and minds of people all over the world..showing that we love our Adam that we love & support him in his quest for his dreams. We love you Adam Lambert and have from the very first time we heard you sing. Help us trend this day for him. #AdamOnGlee #AdamLambertWeek,#WeLoveYouAdamLambert. Sincerely, Dixie9471


HK fan said...

If I knew how to use my twitter account I would help with this!!!!

Beautiful pics.

Anonymous said...

HK fan I have the same problem I don't really understand trending and how it is done.

daydreamin said...

To trend something, all you have to do is to use the hashtag (#) and whatever words (no spaces). The more people that do it the better chances it will trend. It might just "trend" in a certain country or if we're lucky, worldwise. Spreading the word like this helps a lot! You don't have to even say anything else. Give it a try!

daydreamin said...

Forgot to mention that it sort of all has to come together at once, meaning everyone does it during the same timeframe.
This is what your tweet would look like for instance:


lorraine said...

I don't know how to trend either. What hashtag # do I use and where do I put it? I'm hopeless when it comes to this stuff. I don't even know how to attach photos or post videos and am so grateful to all of you who do this- and share with all of us.

Anonymous said...

As daydreamin explained, trending on Twitter is easy. Just type #AdamOnGlee. Be assured, if I can do it, anyone can do it.

Anonymous said...

what do you guys think Adam will be talking about on Ellen Monday?? he already promoted his Glee performance..I think he has something to announce (new label, new album, tour with Queen?) what say you all?? btw, I have no idea how to trend something either...

Anonymous said...

He is playing dj on the Monday show again. He isn't doing a formal interview.

Anonymous said...

4:14 - where did you get this info?? he does wear a suit in Monday's episode..

Anonymous said...

but, then again, even if no formal interview, he could still be announcing something...surely, Glamberts were at the taping and could let us know..

HK fan said...

daydreamin...I have had a twitter account for a year or 2 but have never actually sent a probably need even more basic info:)))))

saw a tweet from someone that was there, that he is dj ing again with a brief chat like this weeks show.

Anonymous said...

ok once we use the hash tag who do we send the tweet to? and are we suppose to retweet everything on our feed with that hash tag? Woots can't wait to see Adam again on Ellen. The DJ thing was fun and let him get in his plug for GLEE his main purpose for being there, a mini interview.

Anonymous said...

Lol this idea that it is an interview because he is wearing a suit.

Someone was at the taping. They taped two shows that Day. Aam was dj on both shows. He just chatted briefly with Ellen on the second show and mentioned his queen performance and the avicii song.

Anonymous said...

4:49 sounds cool to me. Love it when he talks about Queen and glad he is talking about Avicii AND wearing a suit!! Be still my heart. lol

Anonymous said...

Watch embedded video of Jane Lynch from Glee talked to FOX news about Adam:

Anonymous said...

You don't send the tweet to anyone. You compose it in the box that says "Compose your tweet" which is near the top of the page on the lefthand side of your Twitter Home page. Then just type #AdamOnGlee and click the button that says "Tweet". I guess you can retweet all tweets that have the same hashtag tweet.

Anonymous said...

What I do is tweet #AdamOnGlee once, then type #AdamOnGlee twice and tweet it, then type #AdamOnGlee three times and tweet it and so on as many as you like because you can't tweet the same tweet more than once a day. Hope that makes sense!

Anonymous said...

4:49 - the reason I thought he was going to do a sit down with Ellen is the fact that he already did the dj thing..and the fact that he changed into a suit for the 2nd taping...not a stretch to imagine that...but, I will take Adam any way I can get him...btw..does anyone know whether or not he has signed with a label yet???? that would be the best news for me...

Anonymous said...

For those of you who understand the techie part of this, my hat is off to you for your efforts. For those of us that are time and tech challenged, we just send out love to all. The world will discover Adam, to be sure, and again he will be an "overnight sensation". I say this as I listen to Marry the Night for the gagillionth time. Love to all.

Anonymous said...

I just read that Lea Michelle is getting a spin off. It really isn't the end of Glee. If will be her Chris Coffer and some others.

Anonymous said...

I just read that Lea Michelle is getting a spin off. It really isn't the end of Glee. If will be her Chris Coffer and some others.

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad he'll be on Ellen again. He'll get a few minutes to talk with her about his current news, even if he's DJing. I agree that it was not a bad assumption to think he'd do a sit-down interview next week. Regardless, I'll be watching! Can't wait to hear what the big news is next week that Shoshanna's been hinting at.


Anonymous said...

the spin off rumor is just that..Fox came out yesterday saying that there are no plans for a spin off...

Anonymous said...

Shoshanna's big news could possibly be a new label, or a tour with Queen, new music from must be something..and Adam said something about things going forward in 2014..sounds exciting!!

Anonymous said...

When do we send this tweet out? Tomorrow or do we start today?


Anonymous said...

I'm definitely tech-challenged. I've got the hang of this tweeting business now .... well, some of it! However, I'm hopeless when it comes to doing other things on the computer. I score two Fs .... one for fail and the other for frustration!!

Anonymous said...

Don't know, Brownie. I've just tweeted #AdamOnGlee but maybe it was too soon???

Anonymous said...

7:09 there is a different time schedule depending where you live but I don't have time to look it up now,I think you would be about 11am or noon.

Anonymous said...

7:09 tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

It's not that hard to copy/paste where info comes from. Try it.

The fan who was there for the taping said Adam is the guest dj again. But it wasn't a strectch to guess Monday was an interview rather than guest dj again.

Pascale Angell ‏@glamazonangell 9h
@suilruin today brief chat about Halloween and Glee, 11/11 talked about playing with Queen, Avicii, recording music

Pascale Angell ‏@glamazonangell 9h
@suslala @teralex42 @mstj55 yes, he and Ellen changed wardrobe and taped part of next week's special 1700th episode

Pascale Angell ‏@glamazonangell 4h
@TALCvids it was not a sit down interview, just a brief chat....he was Guest DJ for the second show as well....

Anonymous said...

Here is the tweet with the time schedule tor tweeting. it is all supposed to happen at the same time so it trends. Maybe Admin can embed the pic with the times on it.

It's tomorrow, 9 AM in LA, noon in NYC, etc.

Anonymous said...

is there something I missed about the Dj vs interview being a big deal? It is what it is.Watch on the 11th I am sure it will be great.

Anonymous said...

7:21 thanks a bunch for that link maybe admin will indeed post it.

Anonymous said...

When did Shosh ever say there was big news coming? Lol
She said the surprises were the glee promo and being on Ellen again, which we already know contained no news.

Anonymous said...

she also mentioned the UK and Canada interviews and said and one more thing and then the episodes. I think the one more thing was referring to another appearance on Ellen.

Anonymous said...

don't forget the interview with Ryan you guys,

Anonymous said...

@ 7:11 AM ... JAK's comforting to know that I'm not the only one technically challenged. I rate triple F...
Fail.....Frustration ...and...FEAR!

My son in law laughs at me because anything he wants to teach me I approach as if it were a cobra.

Anything to do with electrons and electric current is in danger from the jinx I carry. I keep telling him don't teach me anymore...the more I learn to do the more opportunity for me to screw things up! I have learned to live with an uneasy truce between me and my toaster, range, refrig, and worst of all the TV remote controls!!! They really scare me.

Anonymous said...

JAK I find that hard to believe ,I bet you catch on quicker than me at age 37. lol

Anonymous said...

The #Adam On Glee tweet trend is tomorrow, the day of Adam's debut on Glee.


Anonymous said...

Yep, I think we already know all the news from Shoshanna. It's all good news, though. I just thinking it might be something HUGELY major. But everything that is happening is very good! It's a busy couple of weeks. If I getting this right, the next episode with Adam will be on Nov. 28, which will be Thanksgiving night. Wonder if that will affect the ratings? Set your DVRs!


Anonymous said...

Don't know why I can't type "I'm".


Anonymous said...

Any tech questions you have google it and you find your answers. I said that to my uncle 62 years old and now he knows more than I do. Well sort of!

Anonymous said...

Hope they don't get adam on glee mixed up with adam Levine lol

Anonymous said...

@ 8:05 AM.....JAK, sadly I am pretty rotten on the computer, mp3 player, etc.
The Art, Literature, Poetry and History Departments in my brain are busy and bustling rooms.....
The Math and Science Departments, (that includes Electronics) are desolate and lonely, there's a sign on the door "out to lunch"!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey JAK, I'm right there with you as to being technologically challenged with all these new electronic gizmos. Grew up in a different time when they were not around and somehow we survived. Those departments you listed are also in my brain having been a high school English teacher for many years. Fortunately I can get on the internet and check out all the pics, vids and websites for the latest info on Adam, another interest we have in common. If my former students knew of my interest in Adam and his music, they would not believe it. Some of my friends can't even believe I am still interested in him after his appearance on Idol during season 8. Obviously they don't know what they are missing.


Anonymous said...

@ TSC.....we are among the chosen ones, blessed by being bewitched by lucky are we?...JAK