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Adam Lambert and Lea Michele Singing a Song Together on GLEE!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 5, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 05, 2013


Anonymous said...

OMG! What I've been waiting for...a duet between Adam and Lea...what fav female rock song is she referring to? I can't wait to find excited to hear this news.


HK fan said...

Great news:)

Anonymous said...

Hope this Lea/Adam duet is for Episode 10. Episode 9 already has a Kurt/Adam duet plus the pole dancing. If Adam is in Episode 10, that will be his fourth episode. I say, keep 'em coming. We'd like him to be in all future episodes. Are you listening, Ryan Murphy?

Anonymous said...

I want to see where Elliot lives.

Anonymous said...

I just love the way Adam is being embraced by Glee family. He deserves this; he is such a wonderful person to have around. Lea seems to be very fond of him.
So much to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to see what kind of connection between elliot and lea in this story or maybe this is one of their band gig performance .

Anonymous said...

OMG OMG OMG !! I am dead !! Axel..

Anonymous said...

So excited for this,must be episode 10. Wonder which snog but it will be rock! I was watching an old interview where Lea said she would love to sing with Adam that his voice is the best like a vocal freak of nature! Now her wish is coming true,yay for Adam and Glee!

Anonymous said...

Just as long as Adam REALLY gets to sing, not just 'blend in' or 'make the band sound good', I'm happy! His VOCALS deserve to be properly heard also in a 'team effort'!

High time his home country gives him the recognition his voice and talents deserve!

Anonymous said...

If (as reported) they really are building a set for Elliott's apartment, then he may be in many more episodes.

Anonymous said...

He'll knock it out the ball park.
Lea is priviledged indeed to be given the opportunity to sing with the mastermind of Adam Lambert. He is the superstar.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that Adam was signed for 6 episodes of Glee! Very
excited to hear Adam and Lea sing together! It should be a great episode. A lot to look forward to.


Anonymous said...

This is great news! I too hope that this is an episode in ADDITION to the three we now about sure. A fourth one will be awesome especially if we get to see Adam singing AND DANCING. I really hope that rumor about Adam doing six episodes is true. Glee and Adam are mutually beneficial. Hope that apartment set they are building for Elliott gets a lot of use!!


Anonymous said...

I keep wondering what song it might be.....Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar.....Call Me by Blondie.....Barracuda by Heart. So many it might be. I shall look forward to that duet......JAK

Anonymous said...

@3:31 PM

I agree with you on this one. I hope it is just Lea and Adam only. Not a lot of band or backup singers. Just their pure beautiful voices. That would be epic. They both have amazing voices. I hope that it is a shared amount of lyrics on the song. They will be fabulous together. Lea does have a beautiful voice also.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for this episode. It should be one amazing duet. I suppose this will be shown in February or even March. I also love the way that the cast members of Glee have embraced Adam. Anyone who has worked with him always has such wonderful things to say about him.

Anonymous said...

This is the duet I have been waiting for. Yes!

Anonymous said...

Once Adam gets his apartment set up; I'll probably take him by a housewarming gift. Ha, ha, ha.
This is such wonderful exposure for Adam. They all seem to love him on Glee. Adam is probably very gracious and I think that is very appreciated. He always seems to blend in nicely with never a hint of devo attitude. Everyone always comments on how down to earth he is.

Anonymous said...

Happy days are here again! It's been a long time coming; but I know that a change is gonna come!
I think that 2014 is gonna be big for Adam people. I can just feel it; and I am so excited.

I wonder if LMD is going to be a single; has anyone heard anything? Would be kinda nice if it happened. But, I will wait and see; tired of getting my hopes up on that and it seem to never happen. What will be, will be.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...We had a brief review of Avicii's album weeks ago in our newspapers entertainment section. They mentioned Adam. Can't remember the exact words, but they knocked the Lay Me Down track for having poor production quality. They stated that the beginning with Nile's voice was jarring....that when Adam began the sound was not loud enough and that the vocal was not outstanding till halfway thru the track. This reviewer usually gives Adam good reviews.

Nile has said frequently that it was a first run thru recording and that Avicii said it wasn't necessary to polish it up and so they used first take. I thought it was just my faulty hearing that I had a hard time hearing Adam when he first started singing. Do any of you think that perhaps they have held back making it a single for that possible reason?

Anonymous said...

I always thought that the LMD was not showing how good Adam's vocal is.
I keep wondering if I am hearing a different LMD than all of you.
Never thought it was that good, production wise.

Anonymous said...

It's a dance track friends... and as such it is a slammin'track. I actually think it is a good track, lyrically, as well, but I realize that's just my opinion... but as a dance fist pumping track, it works well. But I do understand why it wouldn't get a singles release. It's okay. Was good exposure and started a good relationship.

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice should have been showcased more. The production was not as good as it should have been, but not Adam's fault at all. He rocked it out. I loved it and bought the True CD.

Adamluv said...

Best news ever to hear of this duet. Maybe a Joan Jett song? A girl can hope, cant she. . . . Adamluv