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Adam Lambert and Paula Abdul: Then and Now

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 15, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

Paula Abdul has been a supporter of Adam's, from the start of Idol until now; never waivering in her support of this wonderful man. A true believer and friend. Paula is a beautiful, talented woman in her own right; and a smart business woman. Love her, and her love and continued support for Adam!

Adam seems to have the same mutual love and support for Paula that she has for him.

Anonymous said...

Paula and Adam looks so happy together. Long time friends. It goes without saying that Adam looks gorgeous. But, Paula not looking to shabby herself.

She looks absolutely fantastic. She looks so young and beautiful. Tip top shape; and she seems very happy. One of the good ones. Glad she continues to be in Adam's corner with love and support.

Anonymous said...

she is a big ole fan girl isn't she? always a big cheerleader for Adam. shows love for her fellow jew.

Anonymous said...

Of all the weird things that collect in my brain, I remember reading a long time ago that Michael Bolton used to babysit Paula. Maybe he sang for her and she developed a fondness for guys who could hit the high notes!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

And fondness of those of good character. Paula is good people.
I like Michael Bolton too. Beautiful voice. But, in my opinion; no one does it better than Adam M. Lambert.

Anonymous said...

When Adam, Paula and Simon left Idol; for me, and only speaking for me; the heart and soul left with them.

Anonymous said...

Many times on Idol when Paula spoke of Adam or to Adam you could see her being so 'moved' and/or 'overwhelmed' by him and his presence... That's how I feel, that's something you cannot fake or ignore, those feelings just take you... and sometimes I'm so happy to be alone and be able to get 'SOAKED' on those feelings..............