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Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, December 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 13, 2013

Adam Lambert and Two Broke Girls star Beth Behrs were among the non-Glee contingent at the TrevorLIVE event this past week honoring Jane Lynch and aimed to help support the Trevor Project, which lends a hand and an ear to the LGBT community.


Anonymous said...

You can always count on Adam to express the very essence of a topic in concise, interesting ways. No beating around the bush, no stammering. Just the true facts. No wonder he is asked for his commentary more often than any celebrity. He makes a lot of sense and articulates them perfectly. One of the reasons I love him so much...because he's just so smart in this way.

Anonymous said...

It's really sad that posts like the pics with Sauli get hundreds of stupid comments but something as important as Adam speaking about the Trevor Project gets virtually nothing.

Thank you, Adam <3

Anonymous said...

Yep, people are more interested in gossip than good works!.......sad isn't it?........

Well I think the Trevor Project is a wonderful help line idea for troubled young people. I know a not so young man who needed their insight about 30 years ago and since there was no place to turn and he was a neighbor boy and friend of my girls...I emotionally adopted him. We bonded and stayed friends thru his rough growing up years and until his parents could accept him and realize it wasn't their fault he was gay, nor their job to try to change him....just to love him.

He's a wonderful man and I see him occasionally when I go to his restaurant.......JAK

daydreamin said...

Nice story JAK. You're good people.

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of Adam in every way.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I have to say something about the complaint about the success of Sauli-threads. They are surely meant to be for fans to share fun here, not all about the gossip but to enjoy together those two lovely guys, Adam and Sauli. There are only a few such moments any more that they are seen together, so I wouldn´t worry so much about it. As much that it is important to appreciate Adam´s good work with Trevor Project, it´s really nice to see happy smiling pics too(Danielle´s pic) of Adam on a fan site of his. It doesn´t mean either that not any of us on a Sauli-Adam-thread would not have any feelings of compassion to those struggling with life-death-issues or not to have our own experiences of that struggle. I think we all share the thankfulness for Adam being so brave to be a role model and true to himself.