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"Queen planning a string of live dates next year with Adam Lambert!"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

Live date with Queen, music to my ears. Hope they are doing dates in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Thank God! Queen and Adam, this may be finally happening; so happy for Adam, wonderful things are happening for our beautiful star. I will be there if it is in US; I better start saving now. So happy for Adam and his devoted fans!

Anonymous said...

Those jogging pictures are old from yesterday and have already been discussed. Adam does look beautiful on them as usual.

The real exciting news here, is Adam with Queen; hope this is true. I am so excited for this wonderful man. If in the US; I will be there. Adam is so exciting to follow. Blessed to be a fan of the gracious and beautiful man.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes. Bring Adam, Brian, and Roger to the USA; can't
wait for Queen plus Adam. 2014 will be another good year for our BB; it's getting better and better. Adam helps to make life brighter!

Anonymous said...

So happy and excited. Maybe i can get to see them in the U.S.! Lots of great stuff to look forward to with Adam in 2014!

Anonymous said...

Bring it to USA, the Iheart radio was fantastic but way too short. I will go, better to start saving money, too.

Anonymous said...

Yes Queen and Adam Lambert YAY.
But why put up the pictures of Sauli and Adam again and say it is new?

Anonymous said...

Yes!! Adam and Queen, that's wonderful news!! I hope they have dates in U.S. Can't wait to hear Adam singing with Brian and Roger!

Anonymous said...

YEA!!!!! I wish that I could see them together. Saw Adam perform once and it was other worldly!

So cute that Adam and that Sauli!!!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad to find a happy thread.....I am very excited about this news. Brian and Roger seem to have gotten their second wind with the help of a young singer of exceptional talent.......a bonus in their lives on stage.
........I'm hoping maybe some new music from a collaboration.....either with Queen performances or on Adam's next album!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to go to this! Hoping it will happen.