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Adam Lambert featured in US Weekly magazine

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 15, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam is everywhere these days; seems in with the "in" crowd. Ham ha. So Handsome!

Anonymous said...

8:02 PM/correction

Should be Ha, ha; not Ham ha (so funny).

Anonymous said...

I like Ham ha, LOL!!!

I'm tired of this article. Don't the people who post here ever read what came before?

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting article it might have been on here but not seen by me.

Anonymous said...

I think this has been here before too. Lots of reruns lately.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you have seen this here or maybe you get mixed up or confused because so many things (tweets with pics and vids, links to pics, vids, articles) are posted in the comment section by other fans and then you look them up. Or one link leads to another etc.

AL News 24/7 is a blog and I have not seen this tweet+pic posted here under a headline by Admin before. So maybe it is new to fans who don't tweet and/or hop between different fan sites all the time... js.

Anyways ELMO has a special place in my heart, always happy to see Him!

Anonymous said...

I ran out and bought the issue of US. Love that coat...Elmo!

Anonymous said...

I saw it here and bookmarked it. But I don't mind seeing it again.

Anonymous said...

Us Weekly is a well thought of mag (unlike so many nowadays) so this is a great little mention! Yay.

(as far as repeats on 24/7... um, there's this little thing called the scroll function, and free will, and the nanosecond of time it takes to click to the next thread. Good grief, I simply do not get people's mindsets and/or the human condition sometimes. Have a great day all. Again, so pleased for this great little tidbit in a reputable mag, wouldn't mind coming across it 5 more times. It's all good ;))