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Nice Office!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, December 15, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

Nice Adam pictures but how do you concentrate on your work in such an exhilarating! Be on the alert especially if you're signing a cheque or a crucial agreement. lol!


Anonymous said...

Love it, looks very nice! Sue

Anonymous said...

Wasn't this pic already here?

Anonymous said...

I have never seen it before; quite beautiful atmosphere. Love the colors. Now this is a picture I don't mind seeing again if that were the case. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I love it too.

Anonymous said...

I love it as well. Something tells me my husband would not approve of such a room. Lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think the picture was on here before but with a cat in it or maybe not.

HK fan said...

My Husbands spazzing out because I ordered an Adam way would he survive a room like this!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha I have two photos over the desk in my home office, too. The only reason I don't have more is I can't decide on frames.

Anonymous said...

I don't get a chance to blog all that much and I've never seen this so I'm thrilled to come across it right now, so cool! (and neatly done which I love). I try not to be a jealous person, lol, but I am jealous of this office!! :)

OT: Speaking of jealousy, my husband is never jealous of anything Adam Lambert related, as my following AML benefits him greatly.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful room filled with beautiful Adam! Very nice!

Anonymous said...

@6:00 Your OT was right on. My hubby tells me I should go to 24/7 and then join him in half an hour or so. I believe it's a wife's duty to do as her husband says. We both enjoy Adam SOOOOOOO much. Did you know that men name their packages? My hubby has renamed his "Adam." So I get twice as much Adam. Yep, life is good.