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Adam Lambert Looking Very Handsome Tonight!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 8, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

WOW! Speechless in a good way. No kidding; Adam looks so, so good, just perfection personified!

Anonymous said...

These pics are excellent! Must be the subject.

Anonymous said...

Now I have just passed out. Love all these pictures coming in. I am getting not much sleep tonight. Just when I think that's all that we are getting. More and more are being posted. Each picture I see is just outstanding. Talk about your most beautiful man alive. How could they have missed this one!

Anonymous said...

Adam looking so very handsome and mighty fine in these pictures!

Anonymous said...

Whether a person likes this hair style or not; It has to be admitted; who ever does his hair cut; did a fabulous job. I looked very close at it, and it is like a work of art. Of course, Adam just makes anything look good. He is such a beautiful man.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like he just stepped off of the cover of GQ magazine.
So fresh, stylish and classy; and did I say as fine as he wants to be.

leilani aloha said...

What a youthful, fresh & gorgeous looking face!!!
Adam's beautifully handsome!!!
No more adjectives to describe his gorgeousness!!!:):):)

leilani aloha said...

With Class too!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love Adam's new outfit! He
looks so handsome and fine! So hot
and beautiful inside and out!


Anonymous said...

Guess I'm the only one who doesn't like that hair cut :(. Only second time I don't like what Adam did with his hair and both times it's because it was closely shaved on the sides with that high (and stiff) pompadour. I find that style makes his face look heavier and him look older. And yes, I know that Adam will do whatever Adam wants with his hair. I just don't like that style at all.

Anonymous said...

8:46 again -- Now, take a look at the featured pic for today. LOVE THAT LOOK!!

Anonymous said...

Hisface looks very slim he looks his age. This is a little more sophisticated look for Adam love it and love his hair. Some times the hair is combed down sometimes up.
He looks great. Sue

Anonymous said...

@8:46 PM

You are not the only one; There are others that said it was not their favorite; and that's ok; there are those that like every look of Adam's, and those that don't like certain looks. The great thing is, sooner are later everyone is going to eventually get their favorite look from Adam; because he is always changing up. The important thing is that Adam is being himself and seems to be enjoying his life; and seems very happy.

As long as he is happy with the changes that he makes; who really cares about what the rest of us really thinks; can't please everyone. I say go on Adam Lambert, with your bad self; and keep doing it your way!

Anonymous said...

@9:01 here. Should have said sooner or later, instead of are later; line 2.

Anonymous said...

The suit is cut nice and really fits him well. Can't wait for him to tell us about it.

Anonymous said...

I hate to be on display to try and please the masses cannot please everyone.
You just have to be yourself and please yourself. Doing that at least you please yourself and a big majority of the people who really are into you.
All you can do. Fashion police may get hold of this one the suit is not your everyday run of the mill suits. Love it. Sue

Anonymous said...

The shirt and jacket are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

I take it the jacket & pants are the same? Hmmmmm, plain pants might look better but I haven't seen a head-to-toe pic yet.

Anonymous said...

The current Featured Picture is one of my favorites. Hope admin. leave it there for a while. :)

Anonymous said...

Shaved sides are trendy at the moment & it's a style that suits Adam.

Anonymous said...

Probably a pair of grey or black pants sure they look just fine.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Actually, shaved sides & shaved back of head are trendy at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is trendy right now. Adam hair grows like wild fire to.

glitzylady said...

The jacket and pants are the same.....

tess4ADAM said...

No complaints from me ... LOVE ADAM just as he is whatever he wants to be whenever. What a *Scrumptious* looking man & what CLASS!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Adam is edgy you think this would please the people that fuss it's boring when he understated. Remember the VMA a few people saying the outfit was boring I liked it. So here you are definitely not boring. Sue

Anonymous said...

Last week when someone commented they were surprised that Adam was following the current trend in hairstyles ( since he usually has a one of a kind look) the person was jumped on by a particular person who was extremely upset at the thought of Adam being accused of copying anyone else's hair since he was always a trendsetter and an original. Some need to get a grip on reality, Adam is not perfect, he's real and makes mistakes and sometimes his clothing choices are not good and his hairstyle is questionable. He like all of us, just human.

When Adam is defended by superfan in such an overboard fashion it's a little scary, more than a little obsessive and ridiculously overboard.

Anonymous said...

11:02 Adam human? Surely you jest!!!!

Anonymous said...

11:02 Yes, sometimes Adam makes fashion and hairstyle blunders. However, I'll just bet if the peeps complaining about this look walked by Adam in a crowd looking this, they'd do a double-take!!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam looked terrific. I wonder what Joan Rivers and the Fashion Police will have to say about his suit. Kelly, I'm sure, will love it. He always stands out in a crowd even if all the comments are not always positive. You can't please everyone all of the time. It must be crazy constantly being the center of attention at these events and then later hearing some of the comments about what you are wearing. Luckily for us, Adam with his amazing vocal talent and charming personality, will rise above everyone else no matter what the naysayers put out there. GQ magazine, what are you waiting for?

Anonymous said...

I love all out of the box Adam looks. His suit definitely fit the ocassion and made him stand out among all straight supporters. Who other LGBT celebs were there beside Adam Jane Lynch and Chris Colfer? Plus the event was about supporting LGBT community. Not to bash them. Right?