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Adam Lambert will be on the rest of the season five of Glee

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 14, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 14, 2013


Anonymous said...

Good to hear! Thumbs up right back at ya, Cutie Adam. :)

Anonymous said...


Busy than ever!!!:)

I'm so happy for Adam.... He deserves every opportunities bec. he works so hard to reach the top indeed!!!:)

Rock with you!!!:)


Anonymous said...

So, this means he'll be a regular cast member till the end of the season??? That could mean almost every episode??? I hope to God it's true!


Anonymous said...

He looks so youthful with the hair down. I hope he will revisit it.

Anonymous said...

hmmm who actually is this tweet from? Shosh said yesterday he would be in a handful not a constant roll as he is going to be very busy. I'd love to see it happen tho.

Anonymous said...

This is great to hear. It gives more viewers an opportunity to see Adam perform and hopefully buy that third album when it is released.

Anonymous said...

This is great to hear. It gives more viewers an opportunity to see Adam perform and hopefully buy that third album when it is released.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely LOVE the gifs.

@7:40 PM .... I hope Adam revisits that hairstyle too.

Anonymous said...

again rumors.

Anonymous said...

Probably another rumor. I wouldn't mind if he were on Glee as long as he sings great songs, doesn't get forced to have "wierd" scenes with Kurt, and can still tour with Queen a little bit. The world needs to see this great talent.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to wait and hear it directly from Adam b/c Shosh said "no" he was only a "guest role". Though I would love to see him on as many episodes as possible as long as he has time for his own music and touring with Queen!


Anonymous said...

Yay!!!! I bet Ryan Murphy made him an offer he couldn't refuse!!! Besides, he's good for the show, and has brought an element of excitement to it. I hope that his storyline arc will have him popping in and out of Season 6. Happy Dance!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is both. Maybe he will guest star for the rest of the season on and off. Maybe his character's exit is open-ended so that Elliott/Starchild can come back. Shoshanna said an end-date but that could be for the handful of episodes. Then a new contract for a couple of additional appearances.

Adam said he preferred the idea of popping in and out.

Anonymous said...

Maybe all out tweeting and YouTube viewings are having an impact but we need to hear this from the mouth of Ryan Murphy.

Anonymous said...

Being signed on as a 'Guest Star' most likely gives different and advantageous options to both Glee and Adam that 'permanent' cast members don't have. Therefore, unknown # of appearances.

Anonymous said...

Being there for the rest of the season does not equal being in every episode.

Anonymous said...

I love being able to see Adam on Glee and his vocal talent is just amazing. But is it helping Glee with the ratings numbers. I understand they are moving the show to Tuesdaynight in the new year and if it is opposite NCIS at 8pm, well, I don't know if it will bring in more viewers. I will watch Glee to see the episodes that Adam is in, but I will watch NCIS on the nights he is not. I agree with so many that the show offers him another opportunity to show how talented he is, but I want to hear new music from Adam which is coming some time in 2014. Queenbert on iHeart was amazing and WWTLF was so good that he blew the roof off that stage. Adam does a stellar job with other performers' songs as we have seen; now let's hope that his new album brings him the ultimate success and recognition that he deserves in the unpredictable and crazy music world.

Anonymous said...

7:00, Perfectly said. There is a risk to any endeavor, but I think Adam's time on Glee in by far a positive move. I think Elliott's role will be left open-ended. That way he can come in and out of the show, keeping the character active and essential. Hope so. Those 3+ million hits on MTN are not just from the core Glamberts; they're from a broader base of viewers who saw him on Glee. At least that's what I think is true. Album #3 should be out next year, hopefull with good promotion. This is an exciting time!


Anonymous said...

Hurray!!! Happy dance!!!

Anonymous said...

It's great to read some positive comments and I agree this is an exciting time for Adam with many possibilities. I love watching this remarkable man's journey unfolding.

Anonymous said...

I hope so, as there's nothing to watch on tv, except modern family. I hope Adam stays on and they are mostly in NYC.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts are all going to buy Adam's #3 album, but it would be nce if he broadens his fan base. Once he's in,he owns your heart. Glee gives other people a chance to see how talented and charming he is.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts are all going to buy Adam's #3 album, but it would be nce if he broadens his fan base. Once he's in,he owns your heart. Glee gives other people a chance to see how talented and charming he is.

Anonymous said...

This is great news for Adam and us!
