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Adam Lambert's Debut on GLEE has over 3.5 Million Views!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

Now if only those numbers would transfer to record sales when he releases a new album, that would be spectacular.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that would be great; if even half of his twitter followers put their money where their tweet is, he would have a hit record. I am going to work extra hard to help when it does come out. Hope he can get radio play so people can hear it; other than fans.

Anonymous said...

I love this by Album; have be listening and contributing to that number a lot. Great performance by Adam. This is impressive. Adam has great active fans; he knows it and always voices his love for us fans.

Glamberts are famous for their support of Adam. Thank goodness!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the big space; inadverently done.

Anonymous said...

AMAZING! Congratulations Adam.

The Dark side said...

And I know I didn't watch it that many times so the fan base is out there. He does a tremendous job on MTN!

Anonymous said...

I really hope Glee decides to give Starchild some more episodes. When the show starts up again withoout interruption in Feb., I hope lots of viewers will tune in to see Adam. I think he has gained some new fans who will be excited to see him on more episodes. Love how many hits MTN has gotten!!


Anonymous said...

Adam said he likes being only an occasional guest star on Glee.

Anonymous said...

I feel Adam should get more intensive acting roles on Glee; that will keep him more in-line and interested. He has actually done big stage roles like in Ten Commandments, Hair, Wicked, others; even if he was not the lead, nonetheless received excellent reviews. So if Glee is serious about keeping Adam to the end of Season 6, they need to entice him a great deal more. But even now, it's really very good already and Adam has said time and time again, he enjoys his Glee stint. Adam being a genuine artist wants to express his real artistic flare with something that's really him and not just 'follow orders' which at times may even be below his standard. Not referring to Glee in any way. I like what Glee has offered Adam so far, quite sexy and his MTN performance, his best, I'd go that far to say after following him 4-5 years.


Anonymous said...

Above, should be... flair.


Anonymous said...

I just gave MTN another view after reading this. My actual favorite of Adam on glee is In The Groove. I love the outfits and choreography, both silly and fun.

Anonymous said...

come on 2014! I am really excited for new music:) Thanks to ryan murphy for bringing adam on glee.finally, many are becoming adam's fans in my country. I am happy........... india glambert<3