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Adam Looking Hot in the Audience with Sia

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 28, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 28, 2013


Anonymous said...

I wish they would work together

Anonymous said...

he looks awestruck. he really does

HK fan said...

doesn't look awestruck to me..looks bored (at that particular moment).

Anonymous said...

@HK fan/5:22 PM

I was just going to post the same thing. He does not look in awe to me at all; in neither picture.

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam would just be the solo artist he is. I'm so ready for Biloxi with Adam in his happy place.

Anonymous said...

he is taking in the massive choreography of the show. not so much the singing, but the choreography is off the chain good.

Anonymous said...

No, he's praying "dear God let it be over soon".

Anonymous said...

Bored, except when he's with Sia.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm once again out of step with the multitude.....I don't like "shows"......if I go to see a singer, I want them to sing, no stage full of dancers, just band and mic.

I love a performance of a dance troop and again....just them. No fireworks, no smoke, ...... No elephants!

I do like musical theatre productions, well, some of them!

I have never ever liked the circus!
I've gotten used to my being out of step.........JAK

HK fan said...

I kinda of agree with you. We went to see Kylie's Aphrodite tour about 3 years ago, and whilst I enjoyed it, it seemed like a musical show, with lots of dancers, staging etc. I found it hard to keep my attention on Kylie, kept drifting off to see everything else, even the audience It felt like a musical, not like a concert experience. I like to see the singers sing, and for it to feel like a real concert. I would rather forego the dancers than the singing.

Anonymous said...

@HK fan......The first time my parents took me to a big 3 ring circus, I think I was about 6 ..... I cried and hid my eyes....saying "too much...too much". I didn't like a lot of things happening at once...still don't.......JAK : )

Anonymous said...

JAK 5:45 AM
I totally agree. I don't like "shows" either when I go to a concert. Just a band, mic and voice. That is best for me.

glitzylady said...

Just jumping in here..for what it's worth..

***Note: Yes, I'm breaking my self-imposed silence for the moment.***

When I go to Adam Lambert concerts, I am COMPLETELY and UTTERLY focused on HIM. His physical presence and his voice.. Every second. I usually have NO CLUE what's going on around him.. I suspect "production" of any sort would be wasted on me for the most part. :)) But it would be VERY cool if he could get to the place in his career when he could have a stage production like Pink or even Bruno Mars..... Guess time will tell. So when people make comments about anyone else on stage during Adam's concerts, I have no clue what they're talking about.. unless I watch vids afterward..

My two recent "other" concert experiences were this year, with Bruno Mars and Pink. They both put on a FABULOUS concert experience, certainly on a bigger and more "grand" scale than Adam's, due to their (obviously) much **grander** budgets. They had more musicians, dancers, stage craft, special effects, videos in the background, and of course Pink "flying" across the arena... I LOVED both of them and their amazing productions. They were absolutely awesome.. Pink's concert was arguably the best one I've ever been to, as far as the fabulousness of the whole experience...but I digress...


So for me, to see Adam, live on stage, with a mic and some musical accompaniment, or even just his voice alone, is all I need to appreciate the wonderful and talented man with that VOICE. That said, MY wish for HIM, is that he may accomplish whatever HE himself wishes to accomplish in his career. To achieve his own dreams, whatever they may be and wherever they may take him. And I'll be there to cheer him on..and to just ENJOY!!!

HK fan said...

Bruno Mars is playing here in March, I really wanted to go but tickets sold out in just a few minutes:(