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Another New Picture

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 16, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

Two very cute guys! Everybody seem to be filled with "Glee" when they take pictures with Adam.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful picture. So beautiful that Adam has fans of all cultures and nationalities. He is such a beautiful talented sould. Everybody loves and respects this wonderful man.

Anonymous said...

correction at 11:14 AM
should have been talented soul.

Anonymous said...

ll:14 AM

You are right, race does not matter to Adam; and it shouldn't.
It certainly does not matter to me; I am not of Adam's race, and have loved him since I first laid eyes on him; and heard that soulful, beautiful voice.

I and all of my friends just love him and support him to the hilt, very protective of him too; don't mess with BB!

When I look at Adam; all I see is one of the kindest, most talented; most beautiful man in the world. I will always be here for him!

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:23 - So nicely put. I completely agree with all you said. LL

Anonymous said...

11:23 - you couldn't have said it better..

Anonymous said...

So many more people than you think think Adam is a great talent. I suspect because of Queen and more, more are coming to realize that. I live in a small town in Texas found out my neighbors both man and wife love Adam. They think he a great singer and has some really good music. Both big fans. I said this before. More people are getting the Lambert bug. I think Queen has helped but not the only reason. Adam likes you he likes you he does not care about race, straight, Gay what you are he just likes you. All fans are the same to him. He a fantastic man. If more people were like him it be a far better world. Sue

Anonymous said...

I think that Adam has always had a nice solid devoted fan base. But, you can say with all of his concerts, collabrations; including Queen, Niles; Glee; all the other charities and events he is involved with. I think the accumulation of all these enities have helped to built Adam's fan base. Adam's fan base seems to grow with all of his exciting appearances. But, the one person who can take the credit for all of Adam's current and growing success is the one and only; Mr. Adam Lambert himself. That is because he is a super talented human being. It is an honor and privledge to call myself a fan.

Anonymous said...

@1:23 PM

I am aware that I am not Adam's only fan; that would not be a good thing. For the record, I don't mind sharing him at all. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I was only pointing out Adam fan base is growing. I certainly did not infer that I thought the people here were his only fans at all. I was just saying they are right next door to me. That's a big deal why? Because it a bit of a extremely small country people town.
He getting more and more fans all over. I also was not inferring I had anything to do with Ad fan base. Of course course Adam growing popularity has to do with Adam himself , his talent of course and personality. Yes he has always had a nice fan base but it seems to be getting bigger and more men. I was simply pointing out I am seeing more and more Adam fans. Had nothing to do with thinking we were the only fans of course no one thought that. I always happy to fine a fellow Glambert its happening quite a bit more lately. That talent of Adam is spectacular. I myself have pointed out before no one handed Adam anything he worked for his success. Sue

Anonymous said...

@3:07 PM

I understand; you explained it well. Thanks. We all love Adam; and that is the important things as supportive fans.