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Another Picture of Adam in the Audience

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 28, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 28, 2013


Anonymous said...

oh my

Anonymous said...

Should I recognize those cheeks?

donnaw said...

Horrible pic of Britney.......

Anonymous said...

Is that Britany? She looks bad in the behind.

Anonymous said...

I think Britney could use a little juicing.

Anonymous said...

She looks like a fire hydrant front and back.

Anonymous said...

Is that Britney??? O^O

Anonymous said...

I understand Britney could be wearing a wig, but for one, do we know the young lady is actually Britney and not one of the many dancers, since we can't see her face? For two, no matter who she is, she has a curvy figure and butt, but some of these comments are downright mean. A lot of men prefer a shapely behind like she has.

Anonymous said...

She's wearing a power pack for mic. Would dancer wear that? A few more inches of fabric would cover the cheeks.

Anonymous said...

I'm quite sure it is Britney. I saw a pic of this "outfit" and wig taken in front of the stage too.

Anonymous said...

It's not enough that some of you try to rule and control Adam's life, now you're doing it to Britney, too. LOL

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like he thinking how he would produce a LV Show!!