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Behind The Scenes: "Puppet Master" | GLEE

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 12, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 12, 2013

Chris Colfer, Darren Criss and Adam Lambert show off their puppeteering skills during their on-set interviews Glee's "Puppet Master" episode.


Anonymous said...

I love every one of these pics. Adam looks GORGEOUS!

Anonymous said...

That was sooo cute! Is there anything Adam can't do? I don't think so. He can even "puppet"! Ha!

Anonymous said...

The Windmill Move

Anonymous said...

This Puppet Trio, of Chris, Darren and Adam is very energising to the mind and spirit. Firstly, these three guys are very good-looking, and they breathe life into their puppets. Glee can even just do an episode on these 3 guys, a lot of scope for puppet development or manoeuvre. Only thing is, don't show their mouths moving when the puppets are talking. Like what Adam cleverly did, he put the puppet in front of his face or like what is done, close in on the puppets without the puppeteers. Chris, Darren and Adam seem so adept; like Adam doing the puppet twirl is pretty weird and original. Chris and Darren are very natural as well, very nice tone in all three voices.


Anonymous said...

Really? It took 7+ lines to say you like it? Your poor husband.

Anonymous said...

It isn't easy being green, is it Adam...

Anonymous said...

Elliot puppet is more diva than Adam, the drop down one shoulder and looking side way is too funny.

Anonymous said...

Adam and his puppet is out of this world. I just notice that everything that Adam gets involved in just seems to give the whole thing an upgrade; he is absolutely a man of charm and so exciting to be around. Just love him and his little green puppet.

Anonymous said...

Looking at these pictures of Adam; wow what a beautiful man. Also, he can "sang"; and have tons of other talents, how luckey are we?

Anonymous said...

I love a green puppet!!!

Anonymous said...

The Windmill Move and Kurt getting slapped at the end ... LOL funny!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Adam is amazing with his puppet! So funny and making his puppet act like a diva. Adam has a great way with everything he is involved in!

Anonymous said...

Love the windmill move! It's so Adam. And the "it's not about him," comment. Adam adds class to even the silliest moments. Just his being there gives everything more substance. He just adds class.


Anonymous said...

I keep playing it over and over. I can't scroll by it. It makes me laugh and feel good all over. ♥ I like the entire video.

Anonymous said...

This clip is fabulous and Adam is sooooooooooooo good at puppeteering!!!! The windmill twirl - what a hoot!!!! :-D
Adam reminds me of Neil in the last pic. :-)

leilani aloha said...

Love them all!!!:):):)
Adam's great & funny:0)
Yes! "Elliot puppet" is a DIVA:):):) Adorable!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love this.
Adam is a natural at puppeteering.
He has many strings to his bow.

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my... maybe they want to show that the actors were really handling those puppets and saying these lines.. and I agree, I don't mind to see an episode of only the 3 of them... Axel

Anonymous said...

Adam and the windmill move looks like a naughty boy given a sissy toy.

Anonymous said...

It's all about the wind-mill move! Adam was not about to be outdown! His puppet can do gymnastics! Being a great singer and cool is just not enough! I love it! Adam is great with a puppet, but we knew that. He's just plan great!
p.s. Loved the CC slap move too!

Anonymous said...

My fondness for Adam just continually transcends my general adoration of his stage persona, vocal prowess and entertainment value! Sheesh, he is just totes adorbs! Gah, love him! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Axel!
Yea I think you're right about letting them show how it's done. Would be nice to have them take turns cracking jokes, bantering...maybe Kurt puppet punches Elliot puppet because Kurt puppet is always drunk, it seems. lol!


Anonymous said...

This is just plain good ole fun
Hilarious!!! Great job, guys!
Adam's so NATURAL - and his speaking voice, like velvet, sexy & smooth velvet...
So hoping there's more of these clips?

Anonymous said...

They are SO funny LOL
I´m in the good mood after seeing
this, M :)

Anonymous said...

JAK many of you have never played with a puppet? If not, you have missed a lot of fun. Strangely enough when you use them, they do seem to develop an attitude! I guess it's bits and pieces of our subconscious .

Having spent 20+ years in kindergarten....some of my best friends were puppets! Nice and naughty ones.... : )